Edward Smith Craighill Handy

Edward Smith Craighill Handy (* 22. September 1892 in Roanoke, Virginia; † 1980) war ein US-amerikanischer Ethnologe, der die polynesische Religion und die alte Zivilisation von Hawaii erforschte.

Er arbeitete am Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii.


  • Polynesian Religion (= Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Bulletin. Bd. 34, ISSN 0005-9439). (= Bayard Dominick Expedition. Publication. Bd. 12). The Museum, Honolulu HI 1927.
  • Houses, Boats, and Fishing in the Society Islands (= Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Bulletin. Bd. 90). Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu HI 1932.
  • mit Kenneth P. Emory, Edwin H. Bryan, Peter H. Buck, John H. Wise and Others: Ancient Hawaiian Civilization. A Series of Lectures delivered at the Kamehameha Schools. Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu HI 1933 (These lectures were by a group of scientists on the staff of the Bishop Museum and others who discussed such topics as: race; government; feasts and holidays; houses and villages; food; fiberwork; language; music; carving; warfare; navigation; medicine; nature; and other subjects.)
  • The Hawaiian planter. Band 1: His plants, methods and areas of cultivation (= Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Bulletin. Bd. 161). The Museum, Honolulu HI 1940.
  • mit Mary Kawena Pukui: The Polynesian family system in Ka-'u, Hawaii. The Polynesian Society, Wellington 1958.
  • Traces of Totemism in Polynesia. Theories of Embodiment of Tutelary Spirits in Animate and Inanimate Forms. In: The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 77, Nr. 1, März 1968, S. 43–56, Digitalisat.
  • Literatur von und über Edward Smith Craighill Handy im Katalog der Stabi Berlin
  • Literatur von Edward Smith Craighill Handy im Bibliothekskatalog des Bishop-Museums
Normdaten (Person): GND: 172518164 (lobid, OGND, AKS) | LCCN: n50024269 | VIAF: 110818285 | Wikipedia-Personensuche
NAME Handy, Edward Smith Craighill
KURZBESCHREIBUNG US-amerikanischer Ethnologe
GEBURTSDATUM 22. September 1892
GEBURTSORT Roanoke, Virginia