Ferrol en Común

Political party in Spain
Jorge Suárez, mayor of Ferrol between 2015 and 2019.

Ferrol en Común (Ferrol in Common or Ferrol Together, FeC) is a grassroots movement and political coalition in the city of Ferrol, Galicia whose goal is to build a left-wing and participative political electoral alliance. FeC is supported by political parties like Anova-Nationalist Brotherhood (Anova-IN), United Left (EU) and the local circle of Podemos in the city of Ferrol.


Jorge Suárez, a member of United Left, was elected as the candidate for the 2015 local elections. FeC was the second most voted party in said elections (7,142 votes, 21.98%), winning 6 seats in the city council.[1] Suárez was elected as mayor, with the votes of FeC, the Socialists' Party of Galicia (PSdeG-PSOE) and the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG).[2]

In the 2019 local elections FeC won only 3 councillors and lost the mayorship of the city to Ángel Mato (PSdeG-PSOE).[3]

Councillors (2019-2023)

  • Jorge Juan Suárez Fernández: Law graduate and civil servant. Member of United Left of Galicia and mayor of the city from 2015 to 2019.[4]
  • Xiana López Penedo: Worker of the Psychiatry Service in the Public Healthcare System of Galicia. Member of both Anova-IN and the Galician People's Front (FPG). In the Galician elections of 2009 she was the top candidate of the FPG in the province of A Coruña.[5][6]
  • Suso Basterrechea López: Graduate in Fine Arts, plastic artist and high school teacher. He was the city councillor of culture between 2015 and 2019.[7][8]

Electoral results

Ferrol City Council
Election Votes % Seats won
2015 7,230 21.99
6 / 25
2019 3,663 10.71
3 / 25

See also


  1. ^ Results.
  2. ^ Jorge Suárez elected mayor with the votes of the PSOE and the BNG.
  3. ^ Pita Parada, R. (2019). El socialista Ángel Mato, alcalde número 11 de la democracia en Ferrol. La Voz de Galicia.
  4. ^ Jorge Suárez. Ferrol en Común
  5. ^ FPG: candidaturas. Galicia Hoxe, 27/01/2009.
  6. ^ Xiana López Penedo. Ferrol en Común
  7. ^ Ferrol en Común cierra su campaña con una exposición de Suso Basterrechea. Galicia Ártabra Digital, 29/05/2019.
  8. ^ Suso Basterrechea. Ferrol en Común.
  • Official website
  • Official Twitter