Grantha (Unicode block)

Unicode character block
(2014)83 (+83)8.0 (2015)85 (+2)11.0 (2018)86 (+1) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]
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Grantha is a Unicode block containing the ancient Grantha script characters of 6th to 19th century Tamil Nadu and Kerala for writing Sanskrit and Manipravalam.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1130x 𑌀 𑌁 𑌂 𑌃 𑌅 𑌆 𑌇 𑌈 𑌉 𑌊 𑌋 𑌌 𑌏
U+1131x 𑌐 𑌓 𑌔 𑌕 𑌖 𑌗 𑌘 𑌙 𑌚 𑌛 𑌜 𑌝 𑌞 𑌟
U+1132x 𑌠 𑌡 𑌢 𑌣 𑌤 𑌥 𑌦 𑌧 𑌨 𑌪 𑌫 𑌬 𑌭 𑌮 𑌯
U+1133x 𑌰 𑌲 𑌳 𑌵 𑌶 𑌷 𑌸 𑌹 𑌻 𑌼 𑌽 𑌾 𑌿
U+1134x 𑍀 𑍁 𑍂 𑍃 𑍄 𑍇 𑍈 𑍋 𑍌 𑍍
U+1135x 𑍐 𑍗 𑍝 𑍞 𑍟
U+1136x 𑍠 𑍡 𑍢 𑍣 𑍦 𑍧 𑍨 𑍩 𑍪 𑍫 𑍬
U+1137x 𑍰 𑍱 𑍲 𑍳 𑍴
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Grantha block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
7.0 U+11301..11303, 11305..1130C, 1130F..11310, 11313..11328, 1132A..11330, 11332..11333, 11335..11339, 1133D..11344, 11347..11348, 1134B..1134C, 11360..11363 65 L2/09-141R Ganesan, Naga (2009-04-22), Proposal to Encode the Grantha Script in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of ISO/IEC 10646
L2/09-345 Ganesan, Naga (2009-04-22), Proposal to encode the Grantha Script in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of ISO/IEC 10646
L2/09-206 Dias, Gihan (2009-05-09), Re: Grantha Proposal
L2/09-210 Lata, Swaran (2009-05-11), Encoding of Grantha Script in the Unicode Standard
L2/09-258 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-08-02), Re: Grantha Proposal
L2/09-277 Karlsson, Kent (2009-08-06), Comments on L2/09‐141, Proposal to Encode the Grantha Script…
L2/09-316 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-08-15), Comments on Mr Ganesan's Grantha Proposal
L2/09-324 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-09-26), Comments on Kent Karlsson's document L2/09-277
L2/09-380 Lata, Swaran (2009-10-09), Letter from Swaran Lata concerning Grantha Proposal
L2/09-373 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-10-11), Why jihvamuliya and upadhmaniya characters are not proposed for Grantha
L2/09-372 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-10-24), Proposal to encode the Grantha script in Unicode
L2/09-405 Ganesan, Naga (2009-10-31), Comment on L2/09-372 (Number of Viramas in closely related Malayalam and Grantha scripts)
L2/10-048 Kulkarni, M. D. (2010-01-27), Proposal to encode the Grantha script in the BMP of the UCS
L2/10-053 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-01-28), Summary and Assessment of Grantha Proposals
L2/10-071 McGowan, Rick; Anderson, Deborah (2010-02-17), Revised Chart and Names List for Grantha based on L2/10-053
L2/10-085 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-03-12), Feedback to Dr Anderson's Grantha Summary dt 2010-Jan-28
L2/10-167 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-05-05), "8", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-259 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-07-27), Follow-up #2 to my Grantha proposal L2/09-372
L2/10-283 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-03), Request from scholars of the Grantha user community #2
L2/10-284 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-03), Comments on L2/10-194
L2/10-299R Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-08-06), "Name Change for GRANTHA SIGN ANUNASIKA", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-314 Lata, Swaran (2010-08-10), Letter regarding Grantha encoding
L2/10-221 Moore, Lisa (2010-08-23), "D.8, D.1.12", UTC #124 / L2 #221 Minutes
L2/10-265R McGowan, Rick; Anderson, Deborah (2010-08-26), Revised Chart and Names List for Grantha
L2/10-341 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-09-14), Encoding sub-base Grantha vowel signs for Vocalic L and LL
L2/10-409 Jain, Manoj (2010-10-18), Unicode Standard for Grantha Script, Summary of the Meeting Sept 6th, New Delhi
L2/10-426 Jain, Manoj (2010-10-18), Proposal to encode the Grantha script in Unicode
L2/10-440 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-10-27), "I. GRANTHA", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-457 Nakkeeran, P. R. (2010-11-01), Feedback on Grantha Unicode Committee meeting minutes - reg.
L2/10-459 Kaviarasan, Va.Mu.Se. (2010-11-01), Response to L2/10-426 and L2/10-447 and any other proposals requesting to add characters to represent Tamil or Tamil Block
L2/10-464 Karunanidhi, M. (2010-11-06), Letter from Gov't of Tamil Nadu re Grantha
L2/10-472 Palaniappan, Sudalaimuthu (2010-11-06), Letter to Lisa Moore re Grantha Encoding
L2/11-351 Constable, Peter (2010-11-29), E-mail regarding Grantha sub-base vocalic L/LL and Vedic Tone Asterisk Above
L2/11-002 Kaviarasan, Va.Mu.Se. (2011-01-07), Response to Govt.of India Proposal L2/10-426
L2/11-006 Annamalai, E. (2011-01-14), My views on Encoding Grantha in Unicode
L2/11-010 Kaviarasan, Va.Mu.Se. (2011-01-18), Press release from Gov't Tamil Nadu re Grantha
L2/11-011 Ganesan, Naga (2011-01-21), Diacritic Marks for Short e & o Vowels (Dravidian and Vedic) in Devanagari (North India) and Grantha (South India)
L2/11-024 Ganesan, Naga (2011-01-21), Letter from Prof. S. Raju regarding the addition of 5 Dravidian characters to Grantha block in Unicode
L2/11-029 Logasundaram, N. D. (2011-01-25), Views, opinions and suggestions on Proposals submitted on on Grantham, an historic INDIC Script into SMP by learned individuals & Institutions
L2/11-009 Shanker, R. (2011-01-27), Letter to Mark Davis from Gov't of India
L2/11-027 Sundaravelu, J. (2011-01-30), Opposition to Unification of Grantham and Tamil Scripts in the Unicode
L2/11-025 Ganesan, Naga (2011-01-31), Letter from Dr.R.Nagaswamy re Grantha
L2/11-026 Manivannan, Mani (2011-01-31), INFITT Working Group comments on the Grantha encoding proposals
L2/11-028 Dias, Gihan (2011-01-31), Position of the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka on the encoding of the Grantha Script
L2/11-034 Ganesan, Naga (2011-02-01), Dravidian Letters in Tamil Grantha Script Some Notes in Their History of Use
L2/11-048 Fernando, Albert (2011-02-01), Letter to Lisa Moore re Grantha Proposals L2/10-426 and L2/10-447
L2/11-042 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2011-02-02), "I. GRANTHA", Review of Indic related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/11-046 McGowan, Rick; Anderson, Deborah (2011-02-02), Grantha Compromise Chart
L2/11-058 Arockiasamy, M. (2011-02-03), An Appeal to the Unicode Tech. Committee
L2/11-055 Eraiyarasan, B. (2011-02-06), Comments on Tamil Unicode and Grantham Proposals
L2/11-056 Uthayasoorian, K. (2011-02-06), Inclusion of Tamil Characters in Proposed Grantham Block
L2/11-060 Ramakrishnan, T. (2011-02-07), Requesting the UTC to Reject Proposals to Mix Tamil and Grantha
L2/11-063 Muthukumarasamy, Arivoli (2011-02-08), Comments of the Grantha Proposal L2/10-426
L2/11-073 Anderson, Deborah; Sharma, Shriramana (2011-02-10), Two Outstanding Indic-related Topics from November 2010 UTC
L2/11-075 Logasundaram, N. D. (2011-02-14), More views, opinions and suggestions as feedback on proposal of encoding Grantham
L2/11-186 Ganesan, Naga (2011-02-18), Dravidian letters in Grantha block in Unicode - regarding
L2/11-139 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2011-04-27), "1. Grantha", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/11-182 Shanker, N. Ravi (2011-05-09), Letter to Mark Davis from N. Ravi Shanker, Gov't of India
L2/11-251 Letter from Gov't of India to Mark Davis, May 10, 2011, re Grantha encoding, 2011-05-09
L2/11-200 McGowan, Rick; Anderson, Deborah (2011-05-16), Grantha Compromise Chart
L2/11-284R N4135 Proposal to encode the Grantha script [summary form only], 2011-07-22
L2/11-298 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2011-07-27), "I. GRANTHA", South Asian subcommittee report
L2/11-326 Palaniappan, S. (2011-08-04), Comment on UTC document L2/11-186
L2/11-261R2 Moore, Lisa (2011-08-16), "D.6", UTC #128 / L2 #225 Minutes
L2/11-330 N4181 Anderson, Deborah (2011-11-04), Proposed Additions to ISO/IEC 10646
L2/12-054 Sachithananthan, Maravanpulavu (2012-01-12), Letter regarding Grantha encoding
L2/12-126 Logasundaram, N. D. (2012-04-25), Encoding of Grantham in SMP
L2/12-151 Ganesan, Naga (2012-05-01), Brief Comments on UTC register documents (May 2012) on Grantha script encoding
L2/12-190 Logasundaram, N. D. (2012-05-08), Clarification of Grantham comments
N4253 (pdf, doc) "M59.09", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 59, 2012-09-12
L2/13-065 Logasundaram, L. D. (2013-04-14), The Sanskrit language must not be cloned inside the digital world
L2/13-086 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh (2013-04-26), "13", Recommendations to UTC on Script Proposals
L2/13-084 Ganesan, Naga (2013-04-29), Comment on L2/13-065: Grantha characters from other Indic blocks such as Devanagari, Tamil, Bengali are NOT the solution
L2/14-218 Sharma, Shriramana (2014-09-11), Unification of Tamil and Grantha numerals
L2/14-268R Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Iancu, Laurențiu; Glass, Andrew; Constable, Peter; Suignard, Michel (2014-10-27), "2. Tamil and Grantha", Recommendations to UTC #141 October 2014 on Script Proposals
U+1133C 1 L2/15-256 N4840 Hosken, Martin (2015-10-26), Proposal to Add Tamil Nukta Character
L2/15-254 Moore, Lisa (2015-11-16), "Consensus 145-C10", UTC #145 Minutes
U+1134D 1 L2/09-258 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-08-02), Re: Grantha Proposal
L2/09-316 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-08-15), Comments on Mr Ganesan's Grantha Proposal
L2/09-375 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-10-06), Further clarification on Grantha virama-ligatures
L2/10-154 Ganesan, Naga (2010-05-01), Proposal to encode Grantha Chillu marker sign in Unicode/ISO 10646
L2/10-194 Ganesan, Naga (2010-05-10), Grantha Chillu Marker at U+1134E in Unicode SMP, Comment on Section 8.d, L2/10-167
L2/10-232 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-06-11), Official submission of a request regarding the Grantha Chillu Marker
L2/10-233 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-06-20), Request from scholars of the Grantha user community
L2/10-267 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-07-20), Comments on L2/09-345, 10-062 and 10-154
L2/10-259 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-07-27), Follow-up #2 to my Grantha proposal L2/09-372
L2/10-285 Shastri, Krishnamurti (2010-07-30), Comments on Grantha encoding
L2/10-284 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-03), Comments on L2/10-194
L2/10-297 Ganesan, Naga (2010-08-06), Comment on L2/10-285: Handwritten styles in Tamil, Grantha, and English scripts - Touching vowel signs and viramas
L2/10-299R Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-08-06), "Chillu, Grantha User‐feedback", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-303 Ganesan, Naga (2010-08-09), Proposal for a Grantha Character Name - Ligating Prepausal Virama at U+1134F
L2/10-405 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-09-17), On the GC of 1134D Grantha Sign Virama
L2/10-406 Ganesan, T. (2010-10-08), Letter regarding Grantha vowelless consonants
L2/10-404 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-10-10), Finalizing the Grantha virama model
L2/10-409 Jain, Manoj (2010-10-18), Unicode Standard for Grantha Script, Summary of the Meeting Sept 6th, New Delhi
L2/10-414 Nachimuthu, Krishnaswamy (2010-10-18), Letter regarding Grantha virama
L2/10-424 Niklas, Ulrike (2010-10-21), Letter regarding Prepausal Virama (Grantha)
L2/10-423 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-10-22), Response to L2/10-414 on the GRANTHA "PREPAUSAL" VIRAMA
L2/10-430 Ganesan, Naga (2010-10-26), Comment on L2/10-406: Grantha Prepausal Ligated Virama
L2/10-440 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-10-27), "I. GRANTHA", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-447 Ganesan, Naga (2010-10-29), Consonant Clusters that need 3 sequences in Unicode Encoding in Grantha script
L2/10-332 Sharma, Shriramana (2012-08-21), Comments on L2/09-405, 10-297, -298 and -303
L2/14-002 Sharma, Shriramana (2013-11-10), Finalizing the Grantha virama model
L2/14-020 Ganesan, Naga (2014-01-20), Plain-text Ligating Virama Representation for Grantha script
L2/14-053 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Iancu, Laurențiu (2014-01-26), "6", Recommendations to UTC #138 February 2014 on Script Proposals
L2/14-097 Ganesan, Naga (2014-04-28), ZWJ Joiner for Chillu Consonants of Grantha Script
L2/14-110 Sharma, Shriramana (2014-05-02), Comments on L2/14-097 re using ZWJ for Grantha "chillus"
L2/14-129 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh (2014-05-02), "4", Recommendations to UTC #139 May 2014 on Script Proposals
L2/14-162 Ganesan, Naga (2014-07-21), Control Characters (Joiners ZWNJ and ZWJ) in the Grantha Visible Virama and Chillu Consonants
L2/14-164 Ganesan, Naga (2014-07-22), Chillu examples
L2/14-170 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Iancu, Laurențiu (2014-07-28), "2", Recommendations to UTC #140 August 2014 on Script Proposals
L2/14-279 Ganesan, Naga (2014-10-14), ZWJ for Grantha pre-pausal half-consonants (chillus)
L2/14-268R Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Iancu, Laurențiu; Glass, Andrew; Constable, Peter; Suignard, Michel (2014-10-27), "1. Grantha", Recommendations to UTC #141 October 2014 on Script Proposals
L2/14-291 Sharma, Shriramana (2014-10-29), Handling variation in vowelless consonant forms in Grantha
L2/15-045 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew (2015-01-30), "2. Grantha", Recommendations to UTC #142 February 2015 on Script Proposals
L2/15-067 Ganesan, Naga (2015-02-03), Revised Proposal for Plaintext Grantha Chillu Representation
U+11357[b] 1 L2/09-374 Sharma, Shriramana (2009-10-25), Request for encoding 11355 GRANTHA LENGTH MARK
L2/10-329 Sharma, Shriramana (2012-08-21), Follow-up to L2/09-374
U+1135D[c] 1 L2/10-331 N4136 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-21), Request to encode 1135D GRANTHA SIGN PLUTA
L2/10-440 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-10-27), "I. GRANTHA", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-416R Moore, Lisa (2010-11-09), "D.1, D.1.7", UTC #125 / L2 #222 Minutes
U+1135E..1135F, 11366..1136C, 11370..11374[d] 14 L2/10-235 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-07-09), Proposal to encode Vedic characters for the Grantha script
L2/10-286 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-04), Comments on L2/10-274
L2/10-299R Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-08-06), "Vedic Characters for Grantha", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-221 Moore, Lisa (2010-08-23), "D.8", UTC #124 / L2 #221 Minutes
8.0 U+11300 1 L2/13-061 N4432 Sharma, Shriramana (2013-03-04), Proposal to encode 1137D Grantha Sign Combining Anusvara Above
L2/13-086 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh (2013-04-26), "11", Recommendations to UTC on Script Proposals
L2/13-124 Kumar, Rajendra (2013-05-10), Letter from Gov't of India to Lisa Moore re recent documents
L2/13-058 Moore, Lisa (2013-06-12), "Consensus 135-C19", UTC #135 Minutes, Accept U+1137D GRANTHA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in L2/13-061.
L2/13-179 N4479 Sharma, Shriramana (2013-09-04), Request to reallocate one character within the Grantha block
L2/13-210 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh (2013-10-31), "9", Recommendations to UTC #137 November 2013 on Script Proposals
L2/13-200 Moore, Lisa (2013-11-18), "Consensus 137-C16", UTC #137 Minutes, Change the codepoint for U+1137D Grantha Sign Combining Anusvara Above from U+1137D to U+11300.
N4403 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "10.3.14 Grantha Anusvara Above", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
N4553 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-09-16), "M62.05a, M62.05c", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 62 Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA
U+11350[e] 1 L2/10-062 Ganesan, Naga (2010-02-02), A note on Grantha OM sign (Comment on L2/10-053)
L2/10-167 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-05-05), "6", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-267 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-07-20), Comments on L2/09-345, 10-062 and 10-154
L2/10-263 Rajan, Vinodh (2010-07-28), Comments on Grantha OM
L2/10-274 Ganesan, Naga (2010-08-02), Usage Evidence for Grantha OM glyph
L2/10-286 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-04), Comments on L2/10-274
L2/10-299R Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken (2010-08-06), "GRANTHA OM", Review of Indic-related L2 documents and Recommendations to the UTC
L2/10-328 Sharma, Shriramana (2010-08-10), Follow-up to L2/10-267
L2/10-221 Moore, Lisa (2010-08-23), "D.8", UTC #124 / L2 #221 Minutes
L2/13-062 N4431 Sharma, Shriramana (2013-04-10), Proposal to encode 11350 GRANTHA OM
L2/13-086 Anderson, Deborah; McGowan, Rick; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh (2013-04-26), "12", Recommendations to UTC on Script Proposals
L2/13-081 Ganesan, Naga (2013-04-29), Comment on L2/13-062: Grantha OM in U+11350 code point
L2/13-124 Kumar, Rajendra (2013-05-10), Letter from Gov't of India to Lisa Moore re recent documents
L2/13-058 Moore, Lisa (2013-06-12), "Consensus 135-C18", UTC #135 Minutes, Accept U+11350 GRANTHA OM for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in L2/13-062.
N4403 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "10.3.13 Grantha Om", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
11.0 U+1133B 1 L2/15-256 N4840 Hosken, Martin (2015-10-26), Proposal to Add Tamil Nukta Character
L2/15-254 Moore, Lisa (2015-11-16), "D.2.1", UTC #145 Minutes
L2/16-035 Moore, Lisa (2016-01-21), Comments from Vasu Renganathan re Tamil Nukta
L2/16-030 Elangovan, Naga; Ramasamy, Krishnan; Logasundaram, N. D. (2016-01-22), Comments on the "Proposal to Add Tamil Nukta Character-L2/15-256"
L2/16-058 Sharma, Shriramana (2016-01-28), On the usage of nuktas in Tamil
L2/16-084 Ganesan, Naga (2016-04-20), Proposal to Encode Single-dot Sign at U+1133B Comment on M. Hosken's Badaga dot sign Proposal (L2/15-256)
L2/16-115 Sharma, Shriramana (2016-05-02), Comments on L2/16-084 "Proposal to encode single dot sign at 1133B"
L2/16-121 Moore, Lisa (2016-05-20), "D.9 Badaga dot sign", UTC #147 Minutes
L2/16-211 Ganesan, Naga (2016-07-26), Character Name of U+1133B
L2/16-224 Sharma, Shriramana (2016-08-02), Request to rename 1133B to GRANTHA SIGN ONE-DOT NUKTA
L2/16-203 Moore, Lisa (2016-08-18), "D.13", UTC #148 Minutes
L2/17-290 Ramachandran, Thiru T. K. (2017-07-28), Letter from Thiru T.K.Ramahandran to Lisa Moore (re Combining Bindu)
L2/17-288 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Constable, Peter; Suignard, Michel; Liang, Hai (2017-08-02), "9. From Srinidhi A and Sridatta A", Ad Hoc Recommendations on PRI 352 and PRI 353
L2/17-302 Moore, Lisa (2017-08-17), Letter to T.K.Ramahandran Re: U+1133B COMBINING BINDU BELOW
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
  2. ^ See also L2/09-141R, L2/09-206, L2/09-277, and L2/10-409
  3. ^ See also L2/10-409 and L2/11-330
  4. ^ See also L2/09-141R, L2/09-258, L2/09-372, L2/09-405, L2/10-265R, and L2/10-409
  5. ^ See also L2/09-141R, L2/09-316, L2/09-345, and L2/10-409


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.