Hervé de Toulgoët

French entomologist (1911–2009)

Hervé de Toulgoët (28 March 1911 – 14 September 2009) was a French entomologist. He specialised in moths of the families Arctiidae and Zygaenidae. He also studied the beetle genus Carabus. He was written about by Paul Thiaucourt[1] and Jocelyne Navatte.[2]

According to Navatte's note, Toulgoët published 179 works. On the genus Carabus, he published a catalogue of the types of the Paris National Museum of Natural History collection.[3] On the Zygaenidae he published a note on some Moroccan species.[4] His other works are mainly on Arctiidae.


Hervé de Toulgoët described 432 new species,[5] and the following 31 genera:

  • Afroarctia Toulgoët, 1978
  • Agaltara Toulgoët, 1979
  • Alepista Toulgoët, 1976
  • Astacosia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Axiopaenella Toulgoët, 1956
  • Bryonola Toulgoët, 1955
  • Coiffaitarctia Toulgoët, 1990
  • Cristulosia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Disparctia Toulgoët, 1978
  • Ennomomima Toulgoët, 1990[a]
  • Eucyanoides Toulgoët, 1988
  • Exilisia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Galtarodes Toulgoët, 1980
  • Kiriakoffalia Toulgoët, 1978
  • Kiriakoffia Toulgoët, 1978
  • Lalanneia Toulgoët, 1989
  • Metexilisia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Mimulosia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Novosia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Parexilisia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Paulianosia Toulgoët, 1958
  • Praemastus Toulgoët, 1991
  • Proxhyle Toulgoët, 1959
  • Pseudamastus Toulgoët, 1985
  • Pseudogaltara Toulgoët, 1979
  • Senecauxia Toulgoët, 1989
  • Spatulosia Toulgoët, 1965
  • Turlinia Toulgoët, 1976
  • Venedictoffia Toulgoët, 1977
  • Viettesia Toulgoët, 1959
  • Watsonidia Toulgoët, 1981

Many taxa have also been named in honour of Toulgoët:

  • Anticleora toulgoeti Viette, 1979
  • Blechroneromia toulgoeti Viette, 1976
  • Boloria aquilonaris toulgoeti Crosson du Cormier & Guérin, 1959
  • Carabus toulgoeti Deuve, 1989
  • Cabera toulgoeti Herbulot, 1956
  • Cargolia toulgoeti Herbulot, 1988
  • Chorenta toulgoeti Dalens, Touroult & tavakilian, 2010
  • Chrysochroa toulgoeti Descarpentries, 1982
  • Clemensia toulgoeti Gibeaux, 1983
  • Cleora toulgoetae Herbulot, 1961
  • Coscinia toulgoeti Rungs, 1957
  • Cyclocephala toulgoeti Dechambre, 1992
  • Detoulgoetia Dubatolov, 2006
  • Digama sagittata toulgoeti Viette, 1970
  • Echeta toulgoeti Navatte, 2005
  • Ethioterpia toulgoeti Viette, 1961
  • Eucamptognathus toulgoeti Deuve, 1986
  • Eucyane toulgoetae Gibeaux, 1982
  • Eupithecia toulgoeti Herbulot, 1993
  • Fodina toulgoeti Viette, 1979
  • Formozotroctes toulgoeti Tavakilian & Néouze, 2007
  • Goniotropis toulgoeti Deuve, 2005
  • Gymnogramma toulgoeti Gibeaux, 1982
  • Homoeocera toulgoeti Lesieur, 1984
  • Lemairegisa toulgoeti Thiaucourt, 1987
  • Maliattha toulgoeti Viette, 1965
  • Mallocampa toulgoeti Rougeot, 1977
  • Micralarctia toulgoeti Watson, 1988
  • Neothysanis toulgoeti Herbulot, 1993
  • Odontoptera toulgoeti Bourgoin & O'Brien, 1994
  • Olepa toulgoeti Ohrant, 1986
  • Pachyteles toulgoeti Deuve, 2005
  • Paracles toulgoeti Watson & Goodger, 1986
  • Pheia toulgoeti Cerda, 2008
  • Phileurus toulgoeti Dechambre, 1996
  • Pseudautomeris toulgoeti Lemaire, 2002
  • Ptenomela toulgoeti Soula, 2002
  • Rifargia toulgoeti Thiaucourt, 1980
  • Schausiella toulgoeti Lemaire, 1969
  • Synalamis toulgoeti Lalanne-Cassou, 1992
  • Toulgarctia Dubatolov et Haynes, 2008
  • Toulgoetia Herbulot, 1946
  • Toulgoetodes Leraut, 1988
  • Toulgoetodes toulgoeti Herbulot, 1988
  • Zamarada toulgoeti Herbulot, 1979

Notes and references

  1. ^ Now considered synonymous to Zatrephes.[6]
  1. ^ Thiaucourt, P. (2010). "In Memoriam Hervé de Toulgoët". Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. (N.S.) 26: 286.
  2. ^ Navatte, J. (2009). "In Memoriam Hervé de Toulgoët Tréanna". Lambillionea. 109 (4): 457–458.
  3. ^ Toulgoët, H. de (1975–1978). "Les types de Carabus du Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle de Paris". Nouvelle Revue d'entomologie. 5: 13–29, 221–237; 6: 25–43 & 8: 125–130 (supplément).
  4. ^ Toulgoët, H. de (1966–1973). "L'imbroglio des Zygènes marocaines". Alexanor. 4: 319–320 & 8: 113–124.
  5. ^ List of the taxa described by Hervé de Toulgoët[dead link]
  6. ^ Savela, Markku. "Zatrephes Hübner, [1819]". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved December 30, 2017.