List of dukes and princes of Benevento

This is a list of the dukes and princes of Benevento.

Dukes of Benevento

Princes of Benevento

Also princes of Capua from 900 to 981.

  • 774–787 Arechis II (independent of any royal authority)
  • 787–806 Grimoald III
  • 806–817 Grimoald IV
  • 817–832 Sico I
  • 832–839 Sicard
  • 839–851 Radelchis I
  • 851–854 Radelgar
  • 854–878 Adelchis
  • 878–881 Waifer
  • 881–884 Radelchis II (deposed)
  • 884–890 Aiulf II
  • 890–891 Orso
  • 891–895 To the Byzantines.
  • 895–897 Guy (also Duke of Spoleto d.898)
    • 897 Peter, Bishop of Benevento, as regent
  • 897–900 Radelchis II (restored)

House of Capua

  • 900–910 Atenulf I the Great
    • 901–910 Landulf I Antipater, co-ruler
  • 910–943 Landulf I Antipater, co-ruled from 901 (see directly above)
    • 911–940 Atenulf II, co-ruler
      • 940 Landulf, co-ruler
    • 933–943 Atenulf III Carinola, co-ruler
    • 940–943 Landulf II the Red, co-ruler (perhaps from 939)
  • 943–961 Landulf II the Red, co-ruled from 940 (see above)
  • 961–968 Landulf III, co-ruling with his brother (perhaps to 969, see directly below), also co-ruled from 959 (see directly above)
  • 961–981 Pandulf I Ironhead, co-ruling with his brother (see directly above), also co-ruled from 943 (see above), also duke of Spoleto (from 967), Salerno (from 978), and Capua (from 961)
    • 968–981 Landulf IV, co-ruler, briefly sole duke in 981, then duke of Capua (d.993)
  • 981–1014 Pandulf II
  • 1014–1033 Landulf V, co-ruled from 987 (see directly above, d.1053)
  • 1033–1050 Pandulf III, co-ruled from 1012 (see directly above, d.1060)

In 1050, the Lombard co-princes were expelled from the city by the discontented citizenry. In 1051, the city was given to the pope. In 1053, the Normans who had occupied the duchy itself since 1047 (when the Emperor Henry III gave permission to Humphrey of Hauteville) ceded it to the Pope with whom they had recently made a truce.

Princes of Benevento under Papal Suzerainty

The pope appointed his own rector, but the citizens invited the old princes back and, by 1055, they were ruling again; as vassals of the pope, however.

Norman Prince of Benevento

Guiscard returned it to the Pope, but no new Beneventan prince or dukes were named until the 19th century.

Prince of Benevento under Napoleon


  1. ^ Andrea Bedina, "Grimoaldo, re dei Longobardi", Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 59 (Rome: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2003).
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Wickham (1981), 224–25.
  3. ^ Grierson and Blackburn (1986), 68, give a date of 731.
  4. ^ Wickham (1981), 44.
  5. ^ Grierson and Blackburn (1986), 68.
  6. ^ Hallenbeck (1982), 39–40, says 740–41.


  • Grierson, Philip and Mark Blackburn, edd. Medieval European Coinage, 1: The Early Middle Ages (5th–10th Centuries). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • Hallenbeck, Jan T. "Pavia and Rome: The Lombard Monarchy and the Papacy in the Eighth Century". Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, 72, 4 (1982): 1–186.
  • Wickham, Chris. Early Medieval Italy: Central Power and Local Society, 400–1000. London: Macmillan, 1981.