List of hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Part of a series on the
Eastern Orthodox Church
Christ Pantocrator (Deesis mosaic detail)
Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator, Hagia Sophia
  • Crucifixion / Resurrection / Ascension
    of Jesus
Autocephalous jurisdictions
Autocephalous Churches who are officially part of the communion:

Autocephaly recognized by some autocephalous Churches de jure:

Autocephaly and canonicity recognized by Constantinople and 3 other autocephalous Churches:

Spiritual independence recognized by Georgian Orthodox Church:

  • Ukraine (UOC)

  • Other possible ecumenical councils:
  • Other important councils:
  • v
  • t
  • e

This is the list of the hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church, depicting the organization of the church.

For a list of those hierarchs who are currently members of the Holy Synod, see the website of the patriarchate


Romanian Orthodox Church organization until 2009

Romanian Patriarchate

Metropolis of Wallachia and Dobrudja

Archdiocese of Bucharest

  • Archbishop of Bucharest - Patriarch Daniel
    • Vicar of the Archdiocese of Bucharest – currently Timotei Prahoveanul

Archdiocese of Tomis

Archdiocese of Târgoviște

  • Archbishop of Târgoviște – currently Nifon Mihăiță

Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel

  • Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel – currently Calinic Argatu

Archdiocese of Buzău and Vrancea

  • Archbishop of Buzău and Vrancea – currently Ciprian Spiridon

Archdiocese of the Lower Danube

  • Archbishop of Lower Danube – currently Casian Crăciunel
Diocese of Slobozia and Călărași
  • Bishop of Slobozia and Călărași – currently Vincentiu Grifoni
Diocese of Alexandria and Teleorman
  • Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman – currently Galaction Stângă
Diocese of Giurgiu
  • Bishop of Giurgiu – currently Ambrozie Meleacă
Diocese of Tulcea
  • Bishop of Tulcea – currently Visarion Bălțat[2]

Metropolis of Moldavia and Bukovina

Archdiocese of Iași

  • Archbishop of Iași and Metropolitan of Moldova and Bukovina – currently Teofan Savu
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Nichifor Botoșăneanul

Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți

  • Archbishop of Suceava and Rădăuți – currently Calinic Dumitriu
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Damaschin Dorneanul

Archdiocese of Roman and Bacău

  • Archbishop of Roman and Bacău – currently Ioachim Giosan
Diocese of Huși
  • Bishop of Huși – currently Ignatie Trif[3]

Metropolis of Transylvania

Archdiocese of Sibiu

  • Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania – currently Laurențiu Streza
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Ilarion Făgărășanul

Archdiocese of Alba Iulia

  • Archbishop of Alba Iulia – currently Irineu Pop
Diocese of Oradea
Diocese of Covasna and Harghita
  • Bishop of Covasna and Harghita – currently Andrei Moldovan
Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara
  • Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara – currently Nestor Dinculeană
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Gherontie Hunedoreanul[4]

Metropolis of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj

Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj

  • Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj and Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj – currently Andrei Andreicuț
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Benedict Bistrițeanul
Diocese of Maramureș and Sătmar
  • Bishop of Maramureș and Sătmar – currently Iustin Hodea
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Timotei Sătmăreanul
Diocese of Sălaj
  • Bishop of Sălaj – currently Petroniu Florea[5]

Metropolis of Oltenia

Archdiocese of Craiova

  • Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia – currently Irineu Popa

Archdiocese of Râmnic

  • Archbishop of Râmnic – currently Varsanufie Gogescu
Diocese of Severin and Strehaia
  • Bishop of Severin and Strehaia – currently Nicodim Nicolăescu
Diocese of Slatina and Romanați
  • Bishop of Slatina – currently Sebastian Pașcanu[6]

Metropolis of Banat

Archdiocese of Timișoara

  • Archbishop of Timișoara and Metropolitan of Banat – currently Ioan Selejan
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Paisie Lugojanul

Archdiocese of Arad

  • Archbishop of Arad – currently Timotei Seviciu
    • Vicar- Bishop – currently Emilian Crișanul
Diocese of Caransebeș
  • Bishop of Caransebeș – currently Lucian Mic[7]


Metropolis of Bessarabia

Archdiocese of Chișinău

  • Archbishop of Chișinău and Metropolitan of Bessarabia – currently Petru Păduraru
Diocese of Bălți (former Diocese of Hotin)
  • Bishop of Bălți – currently Antonie Telembici
Diocese of Southern Bessarabia (former Diocese of Cetatea Albă-Ismail)
  • Bishop of Southern Bessarabia – currently Veniamin Goreanu[8]

Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe

Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Western Europe

  • Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Western Europe and Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Western and Southern Europe – currently Iosif Pop
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Marc Nemțeanul
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Nectarie de Bretania

Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Great Britain

  • Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Great Britain - currently unoccupied[9][10]
Diocese of Italy
  • Bishop of Italy – currently Siluan Șpan
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Atanasie de Bogdania
Diocese of Spain and Portugal
  • Bishop of Spain and Portugal – currently Timotei Lauran
  • Vicar Bishop – currently Teofil de Iberia[11]
Diocese of Ireland and Iceland
  • Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Ireland and Iceland - currently unnocupied

Metropolis of Germany, Central and Northern Europe

Archdiocese of Germany, Austria and Luxemburg

  • Archbishop of Germany, Austria and Luxemburg and Metropolitan of Germany, Central and Northern Europe – currently Serafim Joantă
    • Vicar Bishop – currently Sofian Brașoveanul
Diocese of Northern Europe
  • Bishop of Northern Europe – currently Macarie Drăgoi[12]

Metropolis of the Two Americas

Archdiocese of the United States of America

  • Archbishop of the United States of America and Metropolitan of the Two Americas – currently Nicolae Condrea
Diocese of Canada
  • Bishop of Canada – currently Ioan Casian Tunaru[13]

Entities under the direct coordination of the Romanian Patriarchy

Diocese of Dacia Felix

  • Bishop of Dacia Felix – currently Ieronim Crețu

Diocese of Hungary

Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand

  • Bishop of Australia and New Zealand – currently Mihail Filimon[14]

See also


  1. ^ "Patriarhia Română". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  2. ^ "Mitropolia Munteniei si Dobrogei". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  3. ^ "Mitropolia Moldovei și Bucovinei". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  4. ^ "Mitropolia Ardealului". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  5. ^ "Mitropolia Clujului, Maramureșului și Sălajului". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  6. ^ "Mitropolia Olteniei". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  7. ^ "Mitropolia Banatului". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  8. ^ "Mitropolia Basarabiei". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  9. ^ "Sfântul Sinod înființează două episcopii pentru românii din Marea Britanie și Irlanda". Basilica. March 1, 2024. Retrieved July 13, 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  10. ^ "Comunicat: Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a aprobat 16 canonizări". July 12, 2024. Retrieved July 13, 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  11. ^ "Mitropolia Ortodoxa Romana a Europei Occidentale si Meridionale". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  12. ^ "Mitropolia Ortodoxa Romana a Germaniei, Europei Centrale si de Nord". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  13. ^ "Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a celor două Americi". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  14. ^ "Organizarea Administrativă". Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  • Romanian Patriarchate (in Romanian)

  • v
  • t
  • e
Metropolis of Muntenia
and Dobruja
Metropolis of Moldavia
and Bukovina
Metropolis of Transylvania
Metropolis of Oltenia
Metropolis of Banat
Metropolis of Cluj,
Maramureș and Sălaj
Metropolis of Bessarabia
  • Chișinău*
  • Bălți
  • Dubăsari and Transnistria
  • Southern Bessarabia
Metropolis of Germany
and Central Europe
  • Germany*
  • Northern Europe
Metropolis of Western
and Southern Europe
Metropolis of the Americas
  • United States of America*
  • Canada
Dioceses directly subordinated
to the Patriarch of All Romania
Former entities
  • Metropolis of Proilavia
Archdioceses in bold; metropolis seats marked *