List of journalism schools in Europe

This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (October 2014)

This is a list of journalism schools in Europe.[1]


  • Instituti Shqiptar i Medias (Albanian Media Institute) - Tirana


  • Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Faculty of Journalism - Yerevan
  • Yerevan State Linguistic University Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication - Yerevan
  • Yerevan State University Department of Journalism - Yerevan


  • Center for Journalism and Communication Management, Danube University - Krems
  • fjum_forum journalismus und medien - Vienna
  • Kuratorium für Journalistenausbildung - Salzburg
  • South East and Central Europe PR Organisation - SECEPRO Master Programme - Vienna


  • Baku Slavic University
  • Department of Journalism Khazar University - Baku


French Community of Belgium

Flemish Community of Belgium

  • AP Hogeschool - Antwerp
  • Artevelde Hogeschool[2] - Ghent
  • Erasmushogeschool - Brussels
  • Institute XIOS Hogeschool - Limburg
  • Thomas More[3] - Antwerpen


  • Sofia University - Sofia
  • Department of Media and Public Communications, University of National and World Economy - Sofia


  • Centre for Journalism, Department of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark - Odense
  • Institute Danish School of Media and Journalism - Aarhus & Copenhagen


  • Tallinn University - Tallinn
  • University of Tartu - Tartu


  • Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences - Helsinki
  • Institute University of Helsinki - Helsinki
  • University of Jyvaskyla - Jyvaskyla
  • University of Tampere - Tampere
  • The Voionmaa Institute[4] - Ylöjärvi
  • Åbo Akademi University - Turku
  • University of Turku - Turku


University schools

  • Master in Journalism - Centre universitaire d'enseignement du journalisme (CUEJ) - Strasbourg
  • Bachelor in Journalism - Lannion Institute of Technology (IUT), University of Rennes - Lannion
  • Bachelor in Journalism - École de Journalisme de Cannes (EJC), Côte d'Azur University - Cannes
  • Centre d'Études Littéraires et Scientifiques Appliquées (CELSA), Sorbonne University - Paris
  • École de Journalisme et de Communication d'Aix-Marseille (EJCAM), Aix-Marseille University - Marseille
  • École du Journalisme de Nice - Nice, France
  • École Publique de Journalisme de Tours (EPJT), University of Tours - Tours
  • École de Journalisme de Grenoble (EJDG), Grenoble Alpes University - Grenoble
  • Master in Journalism, Paris Institute of Political Science - Paris
  • Institut de Journalisme Bordeaux-Aquitaine (IJBA), Bordeaux Montaigne University - Bordeaux
  • Institut Français de Presse (IFP), Panthéon-Assas University - Paris
  • Institut Pratique de Journalisme (IPJ), PSL University - Paris

Independent schools


  • Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management - Tbilisi
  • Teimuraz Paperashvili T.V.-creative studio-Grigol Robakidze University-Tbilisi


  • Deutsche Journalistenschule - Munich
  • Freie Journalistenschule - Berlin
  • Henri-Nannen-Schule - Hamburg
  • Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University for Applied Sciences - Sankt Augustin
  • Jade University of Applied Sciences Institute for Media Management and Journalism - Wilhelmshaven
  • Kölner Journalistenschule für Politik und Wirtschaft - Köln
  • Macromedia University of Applied Sciences for Media and Communication - Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin
  • MedienQualifizierung GmbH - Akademie für Hörfunk und Medien - Köln
  • Universität Leipzig, Institut für Journalistik - Leipzig


  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) School of Journalism and Mass Communications - Thessaloniki - MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism[5] (1 year, 90 ECTS, English language)

The MA program offers the following three distinct pathways:

  • Digital Media, Culture and Communication
  • European Journalism
  • Risk Communication and Crisis Journalism



  • Dublin Institute of Technology - Dublin
  • NUI Galway - Galway


  • Catholic University of Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) - Milan
  • Master universitario in Giornalismo, IULM University of Milan - Milano
  • Scuola di Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo di Perugia (Rai, Radiotelevisione Italiana) - Perugia
  • Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo "Massimo Baldini" - LUISS Guido Carli - Rome


  • University of Vilnius - Vilnius

North Macedonia

  • School of Journalism and Public Relations - Skopje


  • Christelijke Hogeschool - Ede
  • Department of Journalism, University of Groningen - Groningen
  • Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek - Tilburg
  • European Journalism Centre - Maastricht
  • Hogeschool Windesheim (Windesheim University of Applied Science) - Zwolle
  • School voor Journalistiek, Hogeschool Utrecht - Utrecht


  • Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences - Oslo


  • Institute of Media Education and Journalism[6] - Faculty of Theology - University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński - Warsaw


  • Autónoma University - Lisbon
  • CENJOR - Centre for Training in Journalism - Lisbon
  • Lisbon Polytechnic Institute - Superior School of Communications - Lisbon
  • Lisbon University Institute - IUL - Lisbon
  • Nova University of Lisbon - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences - Lisbon
  • Portuguese Catholic University - Lisbon
  • University of Beiras - Covilhã
  • University of Coimbra - Faculty of Letters/ Journalism Institute - Coimbra
  • University of Minho - Braga
  • University of Oporto - Faculty of Letters - Oporto


  • Babeș-Bolyai University - Babeș-Bolyai



  • Department of Journalism, University of Philosophy - Novi Sad
  • International Media Center (Portoroz-Ljubljana-Vienna-Belgrade)


  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) - Barcelona
  • Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) - Barcelona
  • Autonoma University of Madrid - El País School of Journalism - Madrid
  • Carlos III University of Madrid (Getafe) - Madrid
  • Complutense University of Madrid - Faculty of Communications - Madrid
  • Escuela de Periodismo UAM - El País - Madrid
  • University of Santiago de Compostela - Santiago de Compostela
  • University of Valencia - Valencia
  • IE School of Communication, Master in Digital Journalism - Madrid
  • Mondragon University (HUHEZI) - Eskoriatza-Gipuzkoa
  • Navarra University - Pamplona
  • Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid - EFE News Agency School - Madrid
  • University of the Basque Country - Bilbao
  • University of Castilla-La Mancha - Faculty of Journalism - Cuenca
  • University of Seville - Seville


  • Göteborgs Universitet - Göteborgs
  • Linnaeus University - Kalmar
  • Södertörn University - Huddinge
  • University of Stockholm - Stockholm


  • MAZ - Die Schweizer Journalistenschule - Luzern
  • University of Neuchâtel (AJM Académie du journalisme et des médias) - Neuchâtel
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences (IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies) - Winterthur


  • Anadolu University - Eskişehir
  • Cumhuriyet University - Sivas
  • Erciyes University - Kayseri
  • Istanbul University - Istanbul
  • Istanbul Bilgi University - Istanbul
  • Istanbul Medipol University - Istanbul
  • Nişantaşı University - Istanbul


  • Institute of Journalism Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Kyiv International University
  • Mohyla School of Journalism (National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
  • The National University of Ostroh Academy - Ostroh
  • Sumy State University
  • Ukrainian Catholic University - Lviv

United Kingdom

  • Birmingham School of Media at Birmingham City University
  • Bristol, University of the West of England
  • Brunel University
  • Goldsmiths, University of London
  • City University - London
  • Coventry University
  • Department of English, University of Buckingham
  • Department of Media, University of Chester
  • Department of Journalism, University of Sheffield
  • Department of Media, Culture and Language, University of Roehampton
  • Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton
  • Falmouth University
  • Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Leeds Trinity Centre for Journalism, Leeds Trinity University
  • Leicester Centre for Journalism, De Montfort University
  • London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
  • London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London School of Journalism
  • Media School, Bournemouth University
  • Middlesex University
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • School of Arts & Media - Media & Journalism, Teesside University
  • School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire
  • School of Journalism & Digital Communication, University of Central Lancashire
  • School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies, University of Portsmouth
  • University of Lincoln
  • University of Westminster
  • Aberdeen College
  • Adam Smith College
  • City of Glasgow College
  • Department of Communication, Media and Marketing, Robert Gordon University
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Stirling
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • Bangor University
  • Cardiff University
  • Glyndwr University
  • Swansea Metropolitan (UWTSD)
  • University of South Wales
  • Belfast Metropolitan College
  • North West Regional College
  • Southern Regional College
  • University of Ulster


  1. ^ "Courses". Education UK. /. Retrieved 16 October 2014.
  2. ^ "Arteveldehogeschool Gent".
  3. ^
  4. ^ "Long-term courses". Archived from the original on 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2013-06-30.
  5. ^ MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism
  6. ^