Melvin J. Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance

  1. REDIRECT Marriott School of Business

Now known as the Ballard Center for Social Impact, this center is housed within BYU's Marriott School of Business. It retains the title of being the largest undergraduate social impact center in the world. It consistently interacts with over 10,000 students each year.

Originally the Melvin J. Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance was established in 2003 by Todd Manwaring. As funding and awareness expanded, the mission of the center evolved to expand the more general topic of "social impact".

Their current mission statement states: "Our mission is to help students develop the faith and skills to solve social problems."

A variety of programs are now offered including: - Clubs (Social Venture Academy, Social Impact Association) - Classes - Internships (Social Impact Projects)

In 2023, Manwaring retired from his position of director and Eva Witesman was appointed his successor. In late 2023, Jill Piacitelli was also appointed Associate Director.

For more information that is consistently updated, visit the Ballard Center's website here: