Quasi-commutative property

In mathematics, the quasi-commutative property is an extension or generalization of the general commutative property. This property is used in specific applications with various definitions.

Applied to matrices

Two matrices p {\displaystyle p} and q {\displaystyle q} are said to have the commutative property whenever p q = q p {\displaystyle pq=qp}

The quasi-commutative property in matrices is defined[1] as follows. Given two non-commutable matrices x {\displaystyle x} and y {\displaystyle y} x y y x = z {\displaystyle xy-yx=z}

satisfy the quasi-commutative property whenever z {\displaystyle z} satisfies the following properties: x z = z x y z = z y {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}xz&=zx\\yz&=zy\end{aligned}}}

An example is found in the matrix mechanics introduced by Heisenberg as a version of quantum mechanics. In this mechanics, p and q are infinite matrices corresponding respectively to the momentum and position variables of a particle.[1] These matrices are written out at Matrix mechanics#Harmonic oscillator, and z = iħ times the infinite unit matrix, where ħ is the reduced Planck constant.

Applied to functions

A function f : X × Y X {\displaystyle f:X\times Y\to X} is said to be quasi-commutative[2] if f ( f ( x , y 1 ) , y 2 ) = f ( f ( x , y 2 ) , y 1 )  for all  x X , y 1 , y 2 Y . {\displaystyle f\left(f\left(x,y_{1}\right),y_{2}\right)=f\left(f\left(x,y_{2}\right),y_{1}\right)\qquad {\text{ for all }}x\in X,\;y_{1},y_{2}\in Y.}

If f ( x , y ) {\displaystyle f(x,y)} is instead denoted by x y {\displaystyle x\ast y} then this can be rewritten as: ( x y ) y 2 = ( x y 2 ) y  for all  x X , y , y 2 Y . {\displaystyle (x\ast y)\ast y_{2}=\left(x\ast y_{2}\right)\ast y\qquad {\text{ for all }}x\in X,\;y,y_{2}\in Y.}

See also

  • Commutative property – Property of some mathematical operations
  • Accumulator (cryptography)


  1. ^ a b Neal H. McCoy. On quasi-commutative matrices. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 36(2), 327–340.
  2. ^ Benaloh, J., & De Mare, M. (1994, January). One-way accumulators: A decentralized alternative to digital signatures. In Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT’93 (pp. 274–285). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.