Santa Maria Assunta, Arrone

Santa Maria Assunta is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic parish church located in the town of Arrone, province of Terni, region of Umbria, Italy.

Facade of Church


The church has a sober 15th-century white marble facade. The interior, including the apse.[1] The interior contains various frescoes, including the following works:[2]

  • Madonna del Rosario (1609) attributed to Giuseppe Bastiani
  • Madonna and Child with Saints Peter and John the Evangelist, attributed to Francesco Cozza
  • Annunciation, Adoration by Shepherds, Dormition of the Virgin, and Coronation of Virgin (1516) by Vincenzo Tamagni and Giovanni di Pietro da Spoleto
  • Frescoes in the apse (1544) by Jacopo Siculo
  • The main altar triptych by the Maestro di Arrone (1487) was stolen in 1971.


  1. ^ Touring Club of Italy: Umbria.
  2. ^ Umbria, Guida D'Italia, (1999) page 460.