Spherical mean

The spherical mean of a function u {\displaystyle u} (shown in red) is the average of the values u ( y ) {\displaystyle u(y)} (top, in blue) with y {\displaystyle y} on a "sphere" of given radius around a given point (bottom, in blue).

In mathematics, the spherical mean of a function around a point is the average of all values of that function on a sphere of given radius centered at that point.


Consider an open set U in the Euclidean space Rn and a continuous function u defined on U with real or complex values. Let x be a point in U and r > 0 be such that the closed ball B(xr) of center x and radius r is contained in U. The spherical mean over the sphere of radius r centered at x is defined as

1 ω n 1 ( r ) B ( x , r ) u ( y ) d S ( y ) {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{\omega _{n-1}(r)}}\int \limits _{\partial B(x,r)}\!u(y)\,\mathrm {d} S(y)}

where ∂B(xr) is the (n − 1)-sphere forming the boundary of B(xr), dS denotes integration with respect to spherical measure and ωn−1(r) is the "surface area" of this (n − 1)-sphere.

Equivalently, the spherical mean is given by

1 ω n 1 y = 1 u ( x + r y ) d S ( y ) {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{\omega _{n-1}}}\int \limits _{\|y\|=1}\!u(x+ry)\,\mathrm {d} S(y)}

where ωn−1 is the area of the (n − 1)-sphere of radius 1.

The spherical mean is often denoted as

B ( x , r ) u ( y ) d S ( y ) . {\displaystyle \int \limits _{\partial B(x,r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,u(y)\,\mathrm {d} S(y).}

The spherical mean is also defined for Riemannian manifolds in a natural manner.

Properties and uses

  • From the continuity of u {\displaystyle u} it follows that the function r B ( x , r ) u ( y ) d S ( y ) {\displaystyle r\to \int \limits _{\partial B(x,r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,u(y)\,\mathrm {d} S(y)} is continuous, and that its limit as r 0 {\displaystyle r\to 0} is u ( x ) . {\displaystyle u(x).}
  • Spherical means can be used to solve the Cauchy problem for the wave equation t 2 u = c 2 Δ u {\displaystyle \partial _{t}^{2}u=c^{2}\,\Delta u} in odd space dimension. The result, known as Kirchhoff's formula, is derived by using spherical means to reduce the wave equation in R n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} (for odd n {\displaystyle n} ) to the wave equation in R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } , and then using d'Alembert's formula. The expression itself is presented in wave equation article.
  • If U {\displaystyle U} is an open set in R n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} and u {\displaystyle u} is a C2 function defined on U {\displaystyle U} , then u {\displaystyle u} is harmonic if and only if for all x {\displaystyle x} in U {\displaystyle U} and all r > 0 {\displaystyle r>0} such that the closed ball B ( x , r ) {\displaystyle B(x,r)} is contained in U {\displaystyle U} one has u ( x ) = B ( x , r ) u ( y ) d S ( y ) . {\displaystyle u(x)=\int \limits _{\partial B(x,r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,u(y)\,\mathrm {d} S(y).} This result can be used to prove the maximum principle for harmonic functions.


  • Evans, Lawrence C. (1998). Partial differential equations. American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-0772-9.
  • Sabelfeld, K. K.; Shalimova, I. A. (1997). Spherical means for PDEs. VSP. ISBN 978-90-6764-211-8.
  • Sunada, Toshikazu (1981). "Spherical means and geodesic chains in a Riemannian manifold". Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 267 (2): 483–501. doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-1981-0626485-6.
  • Spherical mean at PlanetMath.