Uruguay names in space

There are a number of objects in the solar system that have been named after Uruguay people or places. Many of these are asteroids.


  • 5088 Tancredi is named after Uraguayan astronomer Gonzalo Tancredi, the Uruguay University astronomy professor and IAU member who obtained the body's first rotational lightcurve.
  • 5996 Julioangel is named for Julio Angel Fernández, astronomer at the Universidad de la República who has research has pointed to the existence of the transneptunian belt and who was one of the dissenters at the IAU's meeting to establish the first definition of planet who argued to remove Pluto's planetary status.[1]
  • 9478 Caldeyro
  • 10691 Sans


  1. ^ Rickman, H. "(5996) Julioangel = 1979 OH14 = 1983 NR = 1961 CT". International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Center. Retrieved May 11, 2024.
  • http://fisicamartin.blogspot.com/2017/06/asteroides-uruguayos.html