Starlight (Muse)

Starlight (euskaraz Izarren Argia) Muse ingeles pop rock musika taldearen abesti bat da. 2006an Black Holes and Revelations diskoaren barnean kaleratu zuten.

Kanpo estekak

  • Starlight abestiaren bideoklipa ikusgai eta entzungai (Ingelesez)
  • i
  • e
  • a
Matthew Bellamy • Christopher Wolstenholme • Dominic Howard
Biretako kideak: Morgan Nicholls • Dan Newell
Estudioko diskoak
ShowbizOrigin of SymmetryAbsolutionBlack Holes and RevelationsThe ResistanceThe 2nd LawDronesSimulation TheoryWill of the People
MuseMuscle MuseumRandom 1-8
Hullabaloo Soundtrack
"Uno" • "Cave" • "Muscle Museum" • "Sunburn" • "Unintended" • "Plug In Baby" • "New Born" • "Bliss" • "Hyper Music/Feeling Good" • "Dead Star/In Your World" • "Stockholm Syndrome" • "Time Is Running Out" • "Hysteria" • "Sing for Absolution" • "Apocalypse Please" • "Butterflies and Hurricanes" • "Supermassive Black Hole" • "Starlight" • "Knights of Cydonia" • "Invicible" • "Map of the Problematique" • "Uprising" • "Undisclosed Desires" • "Exogenesis: Symphony" • "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)" • "Resistance" • "Survival" • "Madness" • "Panic Station"