Produced and Directed by the Upsetter

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Lee "Scratch" Perry
Produced and Directed By The Upsetter
Stílusdub, roots reggae
KiadóPressure Sounds
ProducerLee Perry
Sablon • Wikidata • Segítség

A Produced and Directed By The Upsetter egy Lee "Scratch" Perry válogatáslemez 1998-ból.


  1. I Man Free – King Burnett
  2. Free Man – The Upsetter
  3. Zion – The Flames
  4. Zion (Version) – The Upsetter
  5. Bike No Licence – Easton Clarke
  6. Unlicenced Dub – The Upsetter
  7. Crying Over You – The Heptones
  8. Crying Dub – The Upsetter
  9. Financial Crisis – The Silvertones
  10. Financial Dub – The Upsetter
  11. False Teachings – Junior Murvin
  12. Teachers Dub – The Upsetter
  13. Backbiting – Winston Heywood and the Hombres
  14. Chastising Dub – The Upsetter
  15. Houses of Parliament – The Meditations
  16. Dub of Parliament – The Upsetter
  17. Guide Line – George Faith
  18. Dub Line – The Upsetter
  19. Philistines on the Land – Junior Murvin
  20. Bingo Kid – The Upsetter
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