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Dharmakāya (bahasa Sanskerta: धर्म काय, "raga kebenaran" atau "raga realitas", Hanzi: 法身; Pinyin: Fǎshēn, Tibet: ཆོས་སྐུ་Wylie: chos sku, rdzogs sku) adaalah salah satu dari tiga raga (trikāya) dari seorang buddha dalam Buddha Mahāyāna. Para Buddha adalah manifestasi dari dharmakāya yang disebut nirmāṇakāya, "raga transformasi".




  • Dutt, Nalinaksha (1929), "The Doctrine of Kaya in Hinayana and Mahayana", The Indian Historical Quarterly, 5 (3) 
  • Fremantle, Francesca (2001). Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Boston: Shambala Publications. ISBN 1-57062-450-X.
  • Jamgon Kongtrul translated by Ken McLeod (2000) The Great Path of Awakening – A commentary on the Mahayana teaching of the seven points of mind training Shambhala Publications, Inc. ISBN 1-57062-587-5
  • John J. Makransky (1997), Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet, Publisher: State University of New York Press, ISBN 0-7914-3432-X
  • Padmasambhava (composed), Karma Linga (revealed), Gyurme Dorje (translated), Graham Coleman (Editor) and Thupten Jinpa (Associate) (2006). The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate States. London, England: Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-14-045529-8
  • Reynolds, Frank E. (1977), "The Several Bodies of Buddha: Reflections on a Neglected Aspect of Theravada Tradition", History of Religions, 16 (4), JSTOR 1062637 
  • Snellgrove, David (1987). Indo-Tibetan Buddhism (Vol.1). Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-87773-311-2
  • Snellgrove, David (1987). Indo-Tibetan Buddhism (Vol.2). Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-87773-379-1
  • Snelling, John (1987), The Buddhist handbook. A Complete Guide to Buddhist Teaching and Practice, London: Century Paperbacks 
  • Thondup, Tulku & Harold Talbott (Editor)(1996). Masters of Meditation and Miracles: Lives of the Great Buddhist Masters of India and Tibet. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Shambhala, South Asia Editions. ISBN 1-57062-113-6 (alk. paper); ISBN 1-56957-134-1
  • Williams, Paul (2009), Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations (PDF) (edisi ke-2), Oxford: Routledge, diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2017-03-29, diakses tanggal 2021-11-12 

Daftar pustaka

  • Dubich, Victoria (2016). Space is information: Dharmakaya and quantum optics experiments.// Vajrayana Buddhism in Russia: Traditions and Innovations. p. 416-433. ISBN 978-5-94303-075-8
  • Harrison, Paul (1992). Is the Dharma-Kāya the Real "Phantom Body" of the Buddha?. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 15 (1), 44-94
  • Nagao, Gadjin (1973). On the Theory of Buddha-Body, Eastern Buddhist, New Series, 6 (1), 25-53

Pranala luar

  • Khandro: The Three Kayas
  • Kagyu: The Three Kayas
  • Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand
  • Trikaya – The Three Bodies of a Buddha or Learning to Love
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