Lista di lettere post-nominali

Le lettere post-nominali sono lettere che, principalmente nei paesi anglofoni, sono poste dopo il nome di una persona per indicare la posizione, l'incarico o il titolo che l'individuo detiene.

Un individuo può utilizzare diverse serie di lettere postnominali. I titoli onorifici sono elencati per primi, secondo l'ordine decrescente di precedenza. Quindi seguono i titoli di studio e l'appartenenza a società culturali in ordine crescente di importanza.

Nella presente voce si riportano le lettere postnominali utilizzate nei diversi paesi anglofoni.

Antigua e Barbuda

Titolo Lettere Post-nominali


The Most Exalted Order of the National Hero
Knight of the Order of the National Hero KNH
Dame of the Order of the National Hero DNH
The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation
Knight Grand Collar KGN
Dame Grand Collar DGN
Knight Grand Cross KGCN
Dame Grand Cross DCGN
Knight Commander KCN
Dame Commander DCN
Commander CN
Officer ON
Member MN
The Most Illustrious Order of Merit
Grand Cross GCM
Grand Officer GOM
Commander CM
Officer OM
Member MM
The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage
Grand Cross GCH
Grand Officer GOH
Commander CH
Officer OH
Member MH


Ordini e decorazioni

Ordini e decorazioni Lettere post-nominali
Conferiti dall'ottobre 1992 Conferiti prima dell'ottobre 1992
Victoria Cross e Victoria Cross for Australia[2] VC VC[2]
George Cross[3] GC[4]
Cross of Valour[4] CV CV
Knight/Lady of the Garter KG/LG KG/LG
Knight/Lady of the Thistle KT/LT KT/LT
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath GCB[3]
Order of Merit OM OM
Knight/Dame of the Order of Australia[5] AK/AD AK/AD
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George[3] GCMG[3]
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order GCVO GCVO
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire[3] GBE
Companion of the Order of Australia AC AC
Companion of Honour CH[3]
Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath KCB/DCB[3]
Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George KCMG/DCMG[3]
Knight/Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order KCVO/DCVO KCVO/DCVO
Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire KBE/DBE[3]
Knight Bachelor[3] (NB: Confers title of “Sir”/“Dame” - no postnominals)
Officer of the Order of Australia AO AO
Companion of the Order of the Bath CB[3]
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George CMG[3]
Commander of the Royal Victorian Order CVO CVO
Commander of the Order of the British Empire CBE[3]
Star of Gallantry[4] SG SG
Star of Courage (Australia) SC SC
Companion of the Distinguished Service Order DSO[3]
Distinguished Service Cross (Australia)[4] DSC DSC
Member of the Order of Australia AM AM
Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order LVO LVO
Officer of the Order of the British Empire OBE[3]
Companion of the Imperial Service Order ISO[3]
Member of the Royal Victorian Order MVO MVO
Member of the Order of the British Empire MBE[3]
Conspicuous Service Cross (Australia) CSC CSC
Nursing Service Cross (Australia)[4] NSC NSC
Royal Red Cross (1st Class)(Member)[4] RRC[3]
Distinguished Service Cross (UK)[4] DSC[3]
Military Cross MC[3]
Distinguished Flying Cross (UK) DFC[3]
Air Force Cross (UK) AFC[3]
Royal Red Cross (2nd Class)(Associate)[4] ARRC[3]
Medal for Gallantry MG MG
Bravery Medal (Australia) BM BM
Distinguished Service Medal (Australia)[4] DSM DSM
Public Service Medal (Australia) PSM PSM
Australian Police Medal APM APM
Australian Fire Service Medal AFSM AFSM
Ambulance Service Medal (Australia) ASM ASM
Emergency Services Medal (Australia) ESM ESM
Medaglia dell'Order of Australia OAM OAM
Order of St John Varies[6]
Distinguished Conduct Medal[4] DCM[3]
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal[4] CGM[3]
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Flying)[4] CGM[3]
George Medal GM[3]
Conspicuous Service Medal CSM CSM
Australian Antarctic Medal AAM AAM
Queen's Police Medal for Gallantry QPM[3]
Queen's Fire Service Medal for Gallantry QFSM[3]
Distinguished Service Medal (UK)[4] DSM[3]
Military Medal MM[3]
Distinguished Flying Medal DFM[3]
Air Force Medal AFM[3]
Sea Gallantry Medal SGM[3]
Queen's Gallantry Medal QGM[3]
Royal Victorian Medal RVM RVM
British Empire Medal BEM[3]
Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service QPM[3]
Queen's Fire Service Medal for Distinguished Service QFSM[3]
Reserve Force Decoration RFD RFD

Uffici e incarichi

   Membro dell'Australian House of Representatives MP
   Membro del Parlamento (Queensland) MP
   Membro della Legislative Assembly MLA
   Membro del Legislative Council MLC
   Membro della House of Assembly (South Australia) MHA
   Membro della House of Assembly (Tasmania) MP
Posizioni legali
   Queen's Counsel QC
   Senior Counsel SC
   Justice of the Peace JP
   Justice of the Peace (Qualified) - Qld JP(Qual)
   Commissioner for Declarations CDec
   Special Justice (South Australia) SJ
   Civil Marriage Celebrant CMC
Vice regal
   Aide-de-Camp al Governor-General o allo State Governor ADC[7]
   Ufficiale della Royal Australian Navy RAN[7]
   Ufficiale della Royal Australian Navy Reserve RANR[7]
   Ufficiale dell'Australian Army Abbreviazioni dei corpi d'armata: RAAC, RAE, RAInf
   Ufficiali in congedo approvato dell'ADF (Retd)[7]

Titoli accademici e professionali

Titoli accademici
   Bachelor of "Speciality/Faculty" B"Speciality" e.g. BA, BSc
   Bachelor of Laws LLB
   Bachelor Degree award with Honours (Hons)
   Master of Arts MA
   Master of Science MSc
   Graduate Certificate in "Speciality/Faculty" GCert or GradCert e.g. GCertMkting
   Graduate Diploma of "Speciality/Faculty" GDip"Speciality" or GradDip"Speciality" e.g. GDipMngt
   Master of Philosophy MPhil
   Master Degree of "Speciality/Faculty" M"Speciality" e.g. MBA
   Master of Laws LLM
   Master of Juris Doctor JD or MJD
   Doctor of Philosophy PhD
   Professional Doctorate of "Speciality/Faculty" D"speciality" e.g. DIT
Appartenenza a società culturali e istituzioni professionali
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
   Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians FRACP
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
   Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons FRACS
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
   Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRANZCOG
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
   Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists FRANZCO
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
   Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists FRANZCP
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
   Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists FRANZCR
Royal Australian Historical Society
   Fellow of the Royal Australian Historical Society FRAHS
Royal Australian Chemical Institute
   Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute FRACI
   Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute MRACI
   Chartered Chemist CChem[8]
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
   Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners FRACGP
Royal College of Nursing Australia[9]
   Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing Australia FRCNA
   Member of the Royal College of Nursing MRCNA
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
   Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia FRCPA
   Fellow of the Faculty of Oral Pathologists FFOP
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
   Fellow of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria FRHSV
Royal Military College, Duntroon
   Graduate of the 4-year Diploma of Military Arts Course at RMC Duntroon DipA(Mil)
   Graduate of the 4-year Bachelor Degree in Military Arts Course at RMC Duntroon BA(Mil)
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
   Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia FASSA
Astronomical Society of Australia
   Fellow of the Astronomical Society of Australia FASA
   Member of the Astronomical Society of Australia MASA
Australian Academy of Science
   Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science FAA
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
   Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering FTSE
Australian Academy of Law[10]
   Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Law FAAL
Australian Academy of the Humanities
   Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities FAHA
Australian Association of Practice Managers[11]
   Fellow of the Australian Association of Practice Managers FAAPM
   Associate Fellow of the Australian Association of Practice Managers AFAAPM
   Member of the Australian Association of Practice Managers MAAPM
   Life Member of the Australian Association of Practice Managers e.g.: FAAPM (LIFE)
Australian Graduate School of Leadership
   Certified Leadership Practitioner - Associate ACLP
   Certified Leadership Practitioner - Member MCLP
   Certified Leadership Practitioner - Senior Member SCLP
   Certified Leadership Practitioner - Fellow FCLP
   Certified Leadership Practitioner - Life Fellow LCLP
Australian Institute of Architects
   Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects LFRAIA
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects FRAIA
   Registered Architect of the Australian Institute of Architects RAIA
Australian Institute of Building
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Building FAIB
   Member of the Australian Institute of Building MAIB
   Affiliate Member of the Australian Institute of Building Affil.AIB
   Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Building AMAIB
   Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Building GradAIB
Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers[12]
   Honorary Fellow of the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers Hon FAICPT
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers FAICPT
   Member of the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers MAICPT
   Associate of the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers AAICPT
   Certified Practising Trainer of the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers CPT
Australian Association of Procurement and Contract Management[13]
   Fellow of the Australian Association of Procurement and Contract Management F-AAPCM
   Associate Fellow of the Australian Association of Procurement and Contract Management AF-AAPCM
   Qualified Member of the Australian Association of Procurement and Contract Management QM-AAPCM
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists[14]
   Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists FANZCA
Australian College of Educators
   Fellow of the Australian College of Educators FACE
   Member of the Australian College of Educators MACE
Australian Council for Educational Leaders[15]
   Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders FACEL
   Member of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders MACEL
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
   Fellow of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine FACEM
Australian College of Legal Medicine
   Fellow of the Australian College of Legal Medicine FACLM
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
   Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine FACRRM
Australian Community Workers Association[16]
   Member of the Australian Community Workers Association MACWA
Australian Computer Society
   Fellow of the Australian Computer Society FACS
   Senior Member of the Australian Computer Society MACS (Snr)
   Member of the Australian Computer Society MACS
   Associate of the Australian Computer Society AACS
   Certified Professional or Certified Technologist[17] CP or CT
Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration
   Fellow of the Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration FAICA
   Member of the Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration MAICA
Australian Institute of Company Directors
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors FAICD
   Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors GAICD
   Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors MAICD
Australian Institute of Emergency Services
   Member of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services MAIES
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services FAIES
   Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services LFAIES
Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance[18]
   Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance ANZIIF (Fellow) CIP
   Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance ANZIIF (Snr Assoc) CIP
   Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance ANZIIF (Assoc) CIP
Australian Institute of Geoscientists[19]
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists FAIG
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Registered Professional Geoscientist FAIG RPGeo
   Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists MAIG
   Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Registered Professional Geoscientist MAIG RPGeo
Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology FAIAST
   Member of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology MAIAST
Australian Institute of Management
   Emerging Manager of the Australian Institute of Management AIMe
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management FAIM
   Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management AFAIM
   Member of the Australian Institute of Management AIMM
Australian Marketing Institute
   Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute FAMI
   Associate Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute AFAMI
   Associate Member of the Australian Marketing Institute AMAMI
   Certified Practising Marketer CPM[8]
Australian Institute of Project Management[20]
   Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Project Management LFAIPM
   Fellow of the Australian Institute of Project Management FAIPM
   Member of the Australian Institute of Project Management MAIPM
   Associate of the Australian Institute of Project Management AAIPM
   Certified Practicing Project Director CPPD[8]
   Certified Practicing Project Manager CPPM[8]
   Certified Practicing Project Practitioner CPPP[8]
Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
   Fellow of The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors FAIQS
   Associate of The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (Full Member) AAIQS
Australian Association of Social Workers
   Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers MAASW
Australian Mathematics Society
   Fellow of the Australian Mathematics Society FAustMS
   Graduate Member of the Australian Mathematics Society GAustMS
   Member of the Australian Mathematics Society MAustMS
Australian Library and Information Association[21]
   Associate Certified Professional AALIA (CP)
   Associate AALIA
   Library Technician Certified Professional ALIATec (CP)
   Library Technician ALIATec
Australian Institute of Training and Development[22]
   Member of The Australian Institute of Trainers and Developers MAITD
Planning Institute of Australia
   Student Member of the Planning Institute of Australia MPIA (Student)
   Graduate Member of the Planning Institute of Australia MPIA (Graduate)
   Full Member of the Planning Institute of Australia MPIA
   Full Member of the Planning Institute of Australia with Certified Practicing Planner accreditation MPIA CPP
   Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia FPIA
   Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia with Certified Practicing Planner accreditation FPIA CPP
   Life Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia LFPIA
   Life Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia with Certified Practicing Planner accreditation LFPIA CPP
   Honorary Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia MPIA (Hon Fellow)
The Tax Institute (Australia)
   Associate Member of the Tax Institute ATI
   Fellow of the Tax Institute FTI
   Chartered Tax Adviser Member of the Tax Institute CTA
Australian Property Institute
   Life Fellow of the Australian Property Institute LFAPI
   Fellow of the Australian Property Institute FAPI
   Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute AAPI
   Provisional Member of the Australian Property Institute API (Provisional)
   Graduate Member of the Australian Property Institute API (Graduate)
   Student Member of the Australian Property Institute API (Student)
Australian Psychological Society
   Honorary Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society Hon FAPS
   Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society FAPS
   Member of the Australian Psychological Society MAPS
   Associate Member of the Australian Psychological Society Assoc MAPS
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia
   Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia FCILT
   Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia CMILT
   Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia MILT
   Certified Passenger Professional CPP[8]
   Certified Practicing Logistician CPL[8]
   Certified Transport Planner CTP[8]
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply in Australia[23]
   Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply in Australia FCIPS
   (Full) Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply in Australia MCIPS
Chartered Secretaries Australia[24]
   Fellow of the Chartered Secretaries Australia FCSA
   Associate of Chartered Secretaries Australia ACSA
   Certificated Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia CSA(Cert)
College of Intensive Care Medicine
   Fellow of the College of Intensive Care Medicine FCICM
CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant) Australia
   Fellow of CPA Australia FCPA
   Member of CPA Australia CPA
   Associate of CPA Australia ASA
Dietitians Association of Australia
   Accredited Practising Dietitian APD
   Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian AdvAPD
The Economic Society of Australia
   Member of the Economic Society of Australia ESAM
Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand
   Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand FEIANZ
   Member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand MEIANZ
   Certified Environmental Practitioner CEnvP[8]
   Certified Environmental Practitioner Ecology Specialist CEnvP (Ecology Specialist)[8]
   Certified Environmental Practitioner IA Specialist CEnvP (IA Specialist)[8]
Federation of Australian Historical Societies
   Fellow of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies FFAHS
Chartered Secretaries Australia[25]
   Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia F Fin
Gemmological Association of Australia
   Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Australia FGAA
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
   Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants FCA
   Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia CA
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
   Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers FICS
   Member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers MICS
Institute of Public Accountants (formerly the National Institute of Accountants)
   Fellow of IPA FIPA
   Member of IPA MIPA
   Associate of IPA AIPA
Institute of Public Administration Australia
   Member of the Institute of Public Administration Australia MIPAA
   Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia FIPAA
   Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia, Victoria FIPAA (VIC)
   Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia, Western Australia FIPAA (WA)
Institute of Foresters of Australia[26]
   Member of the Institute of Foresters of Australia MIFA
   Fellow of the Institute of Foresters of Australia FIFA
   Registered Professional Forester RPF
Institute of Professional Editors[27]
   Accredited Editor AE
   Distinguished Editor DE
Institution of Engineers Australia
  Professional Engineer
   Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia Hon FIEAust
   Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia FIEAust
   Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia MIEAust
   Graduate Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia GradIEAust
   Engineering Executive EngExec[8]
   Chartered Professional Engineer CPEng[8]
   International Professional Engineer (Australia) IntPE(Aus)[8]
  Engineering Technologist
   Honorary Engineering Technologist Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia Hon TFIEAust
   Engineering Technologist Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia TFIEAust
   Engineering Technologist Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia TMIEAust
   Engineering Technologist Graduate Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia GradTIEAust
   Chartered Engineering Technologist CEngT[8]
  Engineering Associate
   Honorary Engineering Associate Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia Hon AFIEAust
   Engineering Associate Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia AFIEAust
   Engineering Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia AMIEAust
   Engineering Associate Graduate Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia GradAIEAust
   Chartered Engineering Associate CEngA[8]
  Engineering Officer (stream now retitled Engineering Associate)
   Honorary Engineering Officer Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia Hon OFIEAust
   Engineering Officer Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia OFIEAust
   Engineering Officer Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia OMIEAust
   Engineering Officer Graduate Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia GradOIEAust
   Chartered Engineering Associate CEngO[8]
  Engineering Trainee (all streams)
   Student of the Institution of Engineers Australia StudIEAust
New South Wales Operating Theatre Association
   Member of the New South Wales Operating Theatre Association MNSWOTA
Australian Security Medals Foundation
   Australian Security Medal ASM
   Australian Security Valour Medal ASVM
Security Professionals Registry Australasia
   Registered Security Professional RSecP
Qualifiche militari[28]
   Passed Joint Services Staff College (superseded by CDSS) jssc
   Passed Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies Course jssc
   Passed (Single Service) Staff College (superseded by ACSC) psc
   Passed Australian Command and Staff College psc(j)
   Passed Flying Instructors Course qfi
   Passed Technical Staff Officers Course (RMCS - "Dagger" course) qtc(†)
   Passed Australian Technical Staff Officers Course (superseded by CTMP) qtc
   Passed Capability and Technology Management Program ctm


In Vallonia:

Titolo/incarico Lettere post-nominali
Merito vallone (in francese: Mérite Wallon)[29]
Commodoro (Commandeur) C.M.W.
Ufficiale (Officier) O.M.W.
Cavaliere (Chevalier) Ch.M.W.
Medaglia (Medaille) M.M.W.


Denominazione Lettere post-nominali Titolo Nastro
The Royal Family Order of the Crown of Brunei
Darjah Kerabat Mahkota Brunei - info
The Most Esteemed Family Order of Brunei - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat di-Homati - info
Senior (Darjah Kerabat Laila Utama) DK .
Junior (Darjah Kerabat Sri Utama) DKII .
The Most Eminent Order of the Islam Religion of the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Sri Ugama Islam Negara Brunei Yang Amat Bersinar
I Classe (Dato Paduka Seri Setia) PSSUB .
II Classe (Dato Seri Setia) DSSUB .
III Classe (Sri Setia) SSUB .
IV Classe (Setia) SUB .
V Classe (Pingat) PUB .
The Most Illustrious Order of Splendid Valour - info
Darjah Paduka Leila Jasa Keberanian Gemilang Yang Amat Chemerlang
I Classe ( Dato Paduka Seri ) DPKG .
II Classe ( Dato Leila ) DLKG .
III Classe ( Dato ) DKG .
The Most Exalted Order of Famous Valour - info
Darjah Paduka Keberanian Laila Terbilang Yang Amat Gemilang
I Classe (Dato Paduka Seri) DPKT .
II Classe (Dato Paduka) DKLT .
III Classe (Dato) DKT .
The Most Gallant Order of the Hero of the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Pahlawan Negara Brunei Yang Amat Perkasa
I Classe (Dato Seri Pahlawan) PSPNB .
II Classe (Dato Hamzah Pahlawan) DHPNB .
III Classe PNB
IV Classe PJB
The Most Blessed Order of Loyalty to the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Setia Negara Brunei Yang Amat Bahagia
I Classe ( Dato Seri Sitia ) PSNB .
II Classe ( Dato Sitia ) DSNB .
III Classe SNB .
IV Classe PSB .
The Most Distinguished Order of Merit of Brunei - info
Darjah Paduka Sri Laila Jasa Yang Amat Berjasa
I Classe (Dato Paduka Sri Laila) PSLJ .
II Classe (Dato Laila Jasa) DSLJ
III Classe SLJ
The Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Brunei - info
Darjah Sri Paduka Mahkota Brunei Yang Amat Mulia
I Classe (Grand Commander or Dato Seri Paduka) SPMB .
II Classe (Commander o Dato Paduka) DPMB
III Classe (Companion) SMB
The Most Faithful Order of Gallantry of Brunei - info
Darjah Perwira Agong Negara Brunei Yang Amat Setia
I Classe PANB .
II Classe PNB .
Glossario :
  • Darjah : Gradi - Ordini della cavalleria
  • Dato' (Datuk, o più correttamente, Datu): gransignore.
    • 1) titolo ereditario per importanti capi territoriali o magnati.
    • 2) titolo conferito a vita assieme alla prima o alla seconda classe di un ordine di cavalleria.
  • Gemilang : Scintillante
  • Jasa : Merito
  • Kerabat : Famiglia - Genitore
  • Keberanian : Coraggio
  • Mahkota : Corona
  • Negara / Negri : Stato
  • Paduka : Signoria, Eccellenza,
  • Pahlawan : Eroe
  • Perkasa : Forte, coraggioso, potente
  • Pingat : Medaglia
  • Sri / Seri : Elevato, grande
  • Setia : Leale, fedele, compagno
  • Terbilang : Eminente, egregio, distinto
  • Ugama : Religione
  • Utama : Principale, capo, speciale
  • Yang Amat Bersinar : : 'colui che è più risplendente'.
  • Yang Amat Chemerlang : 'colui che è più risplendente'.
  • Yang Amat Di-Hormarti : : 'colui che è più onorevole'.


Lettere post-nominali Titoli/incarichi
Titoli ereditari
Esq. Esquire
Bt o Btss Baronetto o Baronetta (Baronetess)
UE United Empire Loyalists[30]
Decorazioni nazionali più elevate
VC Victoria Cross[31]
CV Cross of Valour
Ordini nazionali
OM Order of Merit
CC Companion of the Order of Canada
OC Officer of the Order of Canada
CM Member of the Order of Canada
GCVO Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order[32]
KCVO/DCVO Knight or Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order[32]
CMM Commander of the Order of Military Merit
COM Commander of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
CVO Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
OMM Officer of the Order of Military Merit
OOM Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
LVO Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order
MMM Member of the Order of Military Merit
MOM Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
MVO Member of the Royal Victorian Order
GCStJ Bailiff or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (often shortened to the Most Venerable Order of St. John) Post nominals are used only within the order itself.
KStJ/DStJ Knight or Dame of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem[33]
CStJ Commander of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem[6]
OStJ Officer of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem[6]
SBStJ or SSStJ Serving Member (Brother or Sister) of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem[6]
Ordini provinciali
GOQ Grand officier de l'Ordre national du Québec
OQ Officier de l'Ordre national du Québec
CQ Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Québec
SOM Saskatchewan Order of Merit
OOnt Order of Ontario
OBC Order of British Columbia
AOE Alberta Order of Excellence
OPEI Order of Prince Edward Island
OM Order of Manitoba
ONB Order of New Brunswick
ONS Order of Nova Scotia
ONL Order of Newfoundland and Labrador
Decorazioni nazionali
SMV Star of Military Valour
SC Star of Courage
MSC Meritorious Service Cross[34]
MMV Medal of Military Valour
MB Medal of Bravery
MSM Meritorious Service Medal[34]
RVM Royal Victorian Medal
CD Canadian Forces Decoration
Ordini e decorazioni britannici[35]
GC George Cross
CH Order of the Companions of Honour
CB Companion of the Order of the Bath
CMG Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire
DSO Distinguished Service Order
OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire
ISO Imperial Service Order
MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire
RRC Member of the Royal Red Cross
DSC Distinguished Service Cross
MC Military Cross
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
AFC Air Force Cross
SMV Star of Military Valour
SC Star of Courage
MSC Meritorious Service Cross
MMV Medal of Military Valour
MB Medal of Bravery
MSM Meritorious Service Medal
ARRC Associate of the Royal Red Cross
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
CGM Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
GM George Medal
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
MM Military Medal
DFM Distinguished Flying Medal
AFM Air Force Medal
QGM Queen's Gallantry Medal
BEM British Empire Medal
Appointments to the monarch
PC Privy Councillor[36]
ADC Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty
A de C Aide-de-Camp to Governor General, Lieutenant Governor or viceroy.[37]
QHS Queen's Honorary Surgeon[38]
QHP Queen's Honorary Physician[38]
QHDS Queen's Honorary Dental Surgeon[38]
QHNO Queen's Honorary Nursing Officer[38]
QPO Queen's Police Officer
Titoli accademici
DD, DLitt, EngD, DSocSci, LLD/JSD/SJD, PhD/DPhil, DU etc. Doctorate
LLM, MA, MAcc, MASc, MC, MEd, MEng, MFA, MFin, MM, MMath, MRes, MSc/MSci, etc. Master's degree
BASc, BEd, JD/LLB/BCL, MBA, MD, MPA, OD, etc. Professional degree
BA, BFA, BSc, BSocSc, etc. Bachelor's degree
Posizioni legali
QC Queen's Counsel
Ordini accademici, società, accademici
RMC Full graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, of the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR), or of the Royal Roads Military College (RRMC).[39]
CPMHN(C) Certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing by the Canadian Nurses Association[40]
ARCT Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto (Royal Conservatory of Music)
FCAHS Fellow of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
FCFP Fellow of The College of Family Physicians of Canada (General Practitioner)
FCGmA Fellow of the Canadian Gemmological Association
FRSA Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
FRSC Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
FRCA Fellow of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
FCSI Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute
FRCD Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FRCPC Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Physician)
FRCSC Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Surgeon)
FRCCO Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Organists
FRCGS Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society
FCIC Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada
MCIC Member of the Chemical Institute of Canada
FRHSC Fellow of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada
FRAIC Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
FCAE Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
FEC Fellow of Engineers Canada
FCIM Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
FCASI Fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
MRAIC Member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
MCFP Member of The College of Family Physicians of Canada (General Practitioner)
MCIP Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners
ARIDO Member of the Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario
OAA Member of the Ontario Association of Architects
MAIBC Member of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia
See also: List of post-nominal letters: United Kingdom
Istituzioni professionali
AScT Applied Science Technologist
CBHF Companion of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame
OBHF Officer of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame
CAE Certified Association Executive
CGA Certified General Accountant
CHRP Certified Human Resources Professional
CIRP Chartered Insolvency and Restructuring Professional[41]
CMA Certified Management Accountant
CA Chartered Accountant
CFA Chartered Financial Analyst
CIM Chartered Investment Manager
CPA Chartered Professional Accountant[42]
CPHI(C) Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada)[43]
CHE Certified Health Executive[44]
C. Med. Chartered Mediator[45]
Q. Med. Qualified Mediator[45]
C. Arb. Chartered Arbitrator[45]
ISP Information Systems Professional
EIT Engineer-in-Training/Engineering Intern[46]
P.Eng. Professional Engineer[47]
StrucEng Structural Engineer
PGeo Professional Geoscientist[47]
PGeol Professional Geologist[47]
PGeoph Professional Geophysicist[47]
PPhys Professional Physicist
PMP Project Management Professional
GSC Gold Seal Certification[48]
GSI Gold Seal Certification - Intern[48]
ALS Alberta Land Surveyor[49]
BCLS British Columbia Land Surveyor[50]
CLS Canada Lands Surveyor[51]
MLS Manitoba Land Surveyor
MLT Medical Laboratory Technologist[52]
OLS Ontario Land Surveyor
SLS Saskatchewan Land Surveyor[53]
RM Registered Midwife
RN Registered Nurse
NP Nurse Practitioner[54]
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
RPN Registered Practical Nurse
CTech Certified Technician
CET Certified Engineering Technologist
CPM Certified Payroll Manager
PCP Payroll Compliance Practitioner
RPF Forester (Registered Professional Forester)
RPH Registered Pharmacist[55]
RPP Registered Professional Planner
RPBio Registered Professional Biologist
OCT Ontario Certified Teacher
PLog Professional Logistician[56]
MMP Maintenance Management Professional[57]
MP Member of Parliament[58]
MHA Member of the House of Assembly[59]
MNA Member of the National Assembly[59]
MLA Member of the Legislative Assembly[59]
MPP Member of Provincial Parliament[59]

Città del Vaticano

Ordini sacri

  • Arciv. (Arcivescovo), in latino Archiep. (Archiepiscopus)

Corte pontificia

  • P.A o Prot. Ap. (Protonotario Apostolico)
  • P.A.S. o Prot. Ap. Supr. (Protonotario Apostolico Sopranumerario)
  • Prel. d'On. (Prelato d'Onore)
  • Capp. S.S. (Cappellano di Sua Santità)

Ordini religiosi

Istituti religiosi[60]
Canonici regolari di Sant'Agostino confederati C.R. + iniziali della specifica Congregazione (ad es. C.R.I.C)
Canonici Regolari Premostratensi O.Praem.
Ordine di San Benedetto OSB
Cistercensi della stretta osservanza OCSO
Ordine dei frati predicatori OP
Francescani conventuali OFM Conv.
Francescani Cappuccini OFM Cap.
Ordine dei Frati Minori OFM
Ordine di Santa Chiara OSC
Ordine di Sant'Agostino OSA
Ordine della Beata Vergine del Monte Carmelo O Carm.
Ordine dei carmelitani scalzi O.C.D.
Ordine dei Servi di Maria OSM
Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Dio OH
Compagnia di Gesù SJ o SI
Istituto della Beata Vergine Maria IBVM
Congregazione della Missione CM
Figlie della carità di San Vincenzo de' Paoli DC
Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore C.Ss.R.
Congregazione della Passione di Gesù Cristo C.P.
Congregazione dello Spirito Santo C.S.Sp.
Società Salesiana di San Giovanni Bosco SDB
Società del Divin Salvatore SDB
Società di Maria SM
Fratelli Maristi delle Scuole FMS
Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane FSC
Suore della Misericordia RSM
Suore di Carità d'Irlanda RSC
Suore della Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria IPBVM
Fratelli Cristiani C.F.C.
Società di San Colombano per le missioni estere SSC
Società di San Patrizio per le missioni estere SPS

Ordini cavallereschi

OESSG (Ordine equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme), in latino OESSH (Ordo equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani)

  • Gradi dei Cavalieri (inclusi gli ecclesiastici)
    • KHS Cavaliere (Cav.)
    • KCHS Commendatore (Comm.)
    • KG*HS Grand’Ufficiale (Gr. Uff.)
    • KGCHS Cavaliere di Gran Croce (Cav. Gr. Cr.)
  • Gradi delle Dame
    • DHS Dama (D.)
    • DCHS Dama di Commenda (D. Comm.)
    • DC*HS Dama di Commenda con Placca (D. Comm. Pl.)
    • DGCHS Dama di Gran Croce (D. Gr. Cr.)
  • Cavalieri e Dame di Collare (Cav. Coll. e D. Coll.)

SMOM (Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta), in latino SMOM (Supremus Militaris Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Ioannis Hierosolymitani Rhodiensis et Melitensis)


Ordres nationaux
   Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur LH
   Ordre de la Libération OL
   Ordre national du mérite ONM
Ordres ministériels
   Ordre des Palmes académiques OPA
   Ordre des arts et des lettres OAL
   Ordre du Mérite agricole OMA
   Ordre du Mérite maritime OMM
Médailles d'honneurs
   Médaille d'honneur de l'aéronautique MHA
   Médaille d'honneur agricole MA
   Médaille d'honneur pour acte de courage et de dévouement MACD
   Médaille de la famille MF
   Médaille de la mutualité, de la coopération et du crédit agricoles MCCA
   Médaille d'honneur de la police nationale MPN
   Médaille d'honneur de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse MHPJJ
   Médaille d'honneur régionale, départementale et communale MHRDC
   Médaille d'honneur de la santé et des affaires sociales MSAS
   Médaille d'honneur des sapeurs-pompiers MSP
   Médaille de la sécurité intérieure MSI
   Médaille d'honneur des sociétés musicales MSM
   Médaille du tourisme MT
   Médaille d'honneur des transports routiers MTR
   Médaille d'honneur du travail MHT
   Médaille d'honneur des travaux publics MHTP


Onorificenza Lettere post-nominali
Ordine al merito della Repubblica italiana OMRI
Ordine militare d'Italia OMI
Ordine al merito del lavoro OML
Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana OSSI
Ordine di Vittorio Veneto OVV
Ordine Supremo della Santissima Annunziata OSSA
Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro OSSML
Ordine della Corona d'Italia OCI
Ordine civile di Savoia OCS
Ordine coloniale della Stella d'Italia OCSI
Ordine dell'Aquila Romana OARom.

Repubblica d'Irlanda

Ufficio/titolo Lettere postnominali
Ordini e decorazioni
Military Medal for Gallantry MMG
Distinguished Service Medal DSM
Incarichi legali, ecc.
Senior Counsel SC
Titoli accademici[61]
Dottorato di ricerca DPhil, PhD, DSc. DLitt, DSocSci, MD, EngD, DD, LLD, EdD, STD, etc.
Master's Degree MA, MSc, MSci, MPhil, MLitt, MRes, MEng, MSocSc, MTh, LLM, MMath, MAcc, MFin, MBA, MEd, MEnt, STL etc.
Bachelor's Degree BA, BSc, LLB, BCL, BComm, BEng, BE, BAI, BArch, BD, BTh, BDes, BBS, STB, etc.
Diplomi universitari[61]
Postgraduate Diploma PGD, PGDCCI(open), etc.
Diploma of Higher Education/Certificate of Higher Education DipHE/CertHE
Peace Commissioner PC
Studenti universitari
University College Cork (NUI)
University College Dublin (NUI)
Università di Limerick (Limerick)
Università di Dublino (Dubl. - Dublinensis)
Dublin City University (Dub City)
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI)
National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUI)
St. Patricks College, Maynooth (Pontifical University) (Maynooth)
Open University (Open)
Titoli legali
Bachelor's Degrees LLB, DipLaw/CPE
Barrister at Law Degree BL[62]
Master's Degrees LLM, BCL, MJur
Doctorate DPhil, PhD, LLD
Honorary Doctorate DCL (Hon), LLD (Hon)
Qualifiche mediche
Medicina MB BCh BAO, BM BS, MD, ecc.
Chirurgia MRCS, FRCSI, MS, MCh, etc.
Medicina Interna MRCPI, FRCPI, MRCPath, MRCPsych etc.
Anestesia MCAI, FFCAI, etc.
Scienziati biomedici LIBMS, MIBMS, FIBMS, CSci
Ostetricia BSc (Cur), BN
Medicina generale MICGP, FRCGP
Medicina omeopatica LFHOM, MFHOM, FFHOM
Medicina interna di assistenza preospedaliera DipIMC RCSEd, FIMC RCSEd
Medicina d'urgenza MCEM, FCEM
Fisioterapia DPT, MCSP, FCSP, SRP, etc.
Farmacia MPSI,
Medicina veterinaria VN, RVN
Chirurgia veterinaria BVSc, BVetMed, VetMB, BVM&S, MRCVS, FRCVS
Qualifiche d'insegnamento
Doctorate in Education EdD
Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE
Postgraduate Diploma in Education PGDE
Graduate Diploma in Education GDEd
Higher Diploma in Education HDipEd
Certificate in Education Cert. Ed.
Bachelor of Education BEd
Qualifiche di ingegneria
Chartered Engineer CEng
Associate Engineer AEng
Engineering Technician EngTech
Qualifiche dell'Information Technology
Chartered IT Professional CITP
Qualifiche dei servizi finanziari
CFA Charterholder (CFA Institute) CFA
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries FIA
Chartered Accountant ACA, FCA
Chartered Certified Accountant(ACCA) ACCA, FCCA
Certified Public Accountant CPA
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) ACMA, FCMA
Accounting Technician (Accounting Technicians Ireland - formerly called IATI) MIATI
Professional Risk Manager (PRIMA) PRM
Financial Risk Manager (GARP) FRM
Appartenenza a società culturali[60][63]
Membro dell'Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland MIAI
Membro della Royal Irish Academy MRIA
Membro dell'Institution of Engineers of Ireland MIEI
Membro del Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland MRCSI
Membro della Geographical Society of Ireland MGSI
Membro della Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland FRAMI
Membro della Royal Hibernian Academy MRHA
Membro del Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland MRIAI
Membro della Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland MSAI
Membro della Royal Dublin Society MRDS
Membro della Honorable Society of King's Inns MHSKI
Registered Member of the Archives and Records Association, Ireland RMARA
Membro del Royal Anthropological Institute di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda FRAI
Membro del Trinity College FTCD
Studente del Trinity College Sch
A Teachta Dála TD
Membro del Parlamento europeo MEP


  • Royal Order of the Seraphim
    • RoKavKMO/LoKavKMO - Knight/Member e Commander
    • RSerafO/LSerafO - "Member of the Cloth" o Knight/Member of the Royal Order of the Seraphim
  • Order of the Polar Star:
    • Commander Grand Cross (KmstkNO)
    • Commander 1st Class (KNO1kl)
    • Commander 2nd Class (KNO2kl)
    • Knight 1st Class (RNO1kl)
    • Knight (RNO)


  1. ^ No. 23 of 1998. The National Honours Act, 1998. (PDF), su, Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda, 31 dicembre 1998. URL consultato il 1º gennaio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 13 novembre 2013).
  2. ^ a b Le lettere si riferiscono sia alla Victoria Cross imperiale sia alla Victoria Cross for Australia. Il conferimento della Victoria Cross imperiale a cittadini australiani terminò quando fu creata la Victoria Cross for Australia all'interno del Sistema delle Onorificenze Australiane (Australian Honours System) nel 1991. La Victoria Cross for Australia è stata conferita tre volte. Dei 96 Australiani onorati con la Victoria Cross, solamente Keith Payne, nata il 30 agosto 1933, è ancora in vita.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al These are Imperial awards. All Imperial awards made to Australian citizens after 5 October 1992 are classed as foreign awards, and hence such Australian citizens are not entitled to use the associated post-nominal letters. (Those who were presented with these awards before that date are still permitted to use the post-nominal letters.)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m In the period 1975-1991, for Australian citizens and ADF personnel, a number of Imperial awards were replaced by Australian awards noted in the table below.
    Data Gruppo Riconoscimento imperiale Riconoscimento australiano
    1975 citizens George Cross (GC) Cross of Valour (Australia) (CV)
    18 Oct 1989 citizens Royal Red Cross (RRC & ARRC) Nursing Service Cross (Australia) (NSC)
    1991 ADF Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
    Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM)
    Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
    Star of Gallantry (SG)
    Distinguished Service Cross (Australia) (DSC)
  5. ^ Provision for further awards at the Knight & Dame level within the Order of Australia was removed by Her Majesty The Queen on 3 March 1986 on the advice of the Prime Minister. Those who have been awarded this rank are still permitted to use the title and the post-nominal letters.
  6. ^ a b c d Post-nominals within the Order of St John are not recognised as notified in the Governor-General’s media release of 14 August 1982.
  7. ^ a b c d Army Protocol Manual, "Defence Publishing Service", 1999. Retrieved 24 Jun 2010
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Queste lettere postnominali riflettono l'attuale accreditamento professionale da parte di un organismo professionale e coinvolgono la necessità di uno sviluppo professionale continuo monitorato dall'organismo che assegna il titolo. Esse sono assegnate in modo indipendente rispetto alle lettere post-nominali conferite per l'appartenenza all'organizzazione a vari livelli. Ad esempio, un Fellow del CILT con accreditamento CPL userebbe le lettere post-nominali "FCILT, CPL". Se, dopo il pensionamento, la persona sceglie di mantenere l'appartenenza al CILT, essa utilizza le lettere post-nominali FCILT da sole, siccome non soddisfa più il requisito dello sviluppo professionale continuo richiesto per il CPL.
  9. ^ Royal College of Nursing Australia
  10. ^ Australian Academy of Law
  11. ^ Australian Association of Practice Managers Limited
  12. ^ Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers
  13. ^ Australian Association of Procurement and Contract Management
  14. ^ Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
  15. ^ Australian Council for Educational Leaders, su URL consultato il 15 maggio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 16 maggio 2014).
  16. ^ Australian Community Workers Association
  17. ^ ACS membership post-nominals may be followed by a further post-nominal indicating the members professional certification status
  18. ^ Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance
  19. ^ Australian Institute of Geoscientists
  20. ^ Australian Institute of Project Management
  21. ^ Membership categories and fees | Australian Library and Information Association
  22. ^ Australian Institute of Training and Development
  23. ^ Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply in Australia, su URL consultato il 15 maggio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 aprile 2014).
  24. ^ Chartered Secretaries Australia
  25. ^ Financial Services Institute of Australasia Archiviato il 19 febbraio 2014 in Internet Archive.
  26. ^ Institute of Foresters of Australia
  27. ^ Institute of Professional Editors
  28. ^ Military post-nominals for staff courses follow all other post-nominals and are not normally used outside the military environment.
  29. ^ Les insignes du Mérite wallon Archiviato il 17 maggio 2014 in Internet Archive. : Commandeur Archiviato il 2 aprile 2015 in Internet Archive., Officier Archiviato il 17 maggio 2014 in Internet Archive., Chevalier Archiviato il 17 maggio 2014 in Internet Archive. & Médaille Archiviato il 17 maggio 2014 in Internet Archive.
  30. ^ U.E. si basa sull'Order in Council di Lord Dorchester stabilito nel 1789, con il quale si intendeva differenziare i lealisti (loyalists) dai coloni giunti successivamente. Coloro che hanno titolo ad utilizzare queste lettere sono i discendenti di:
    • qualunque maschio o femmina che, al 19 aprile 1775, era residente nelle colonie americane e si unì al Royal Standard prima del Trattato di Separazione del 1783, o che in altra maniera dimostrò la sua lealtà alla Corona e si stabilì nel territorio che rimase sotto il dominio della Corona; oppure
    • un soldato che prestò servizio in un Reggimento lealista americano e che fu congedato in Canada; oppure
    • un membro delle Sei Nazioni proveniente dal Grand River o dalla Baia della Quinte Reserve che discende da una persona la cui migrazione fu simile a quella di altri lealisti.
    Il Proclama di Dorchester è disponibile su questo sito.
  31. ^ Attualmente non esistono persone viventi in Canada che possano utilizzare le lettere postnominali V.C.. Sin dalla sua creazione avvenuta nel 1993, la Victoria Cross canadese non è mai stata conferita.
  32. ^ a b Due to the Canadian Cabinet's adherence to the Nickle Resolution, Canadian citizens do not receive honours that entitle the recipient to pre-nominal titles. However, members of the Canadian Royal Family, as subjects of the Canadian sovereign, may be appointed to levels of orders or awarded decorations that carry titles. Hence, only members of the Royal Family may be appointed Knight or Dame Grand Cross or Knight or Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
  33. ^ Post nominals are used only within the order itself.
  34. ^ a b When awarded the Meritorious Service Cross, Francophones use the post-nominal letters CSM for Croix du service méritoire, instead of MSC. The post-nominal letters for the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) are the same in both English and French. Copia archiviata, su URL consultato il 25 giugno 2008 (archiviato dall'url originale il 30 settembre 2007).
  35. ^ Any person who, prior to 1 June 1972, was a member of a British order or the recipient of a British decoration or medal may use the post-nominal letters for the decoration or medal together with those of any Canadian order, decoration or medal. Canadians can still be awarded British medals, as well as those from other countries, but this must first be approved by the Government of Canada. (See Nickle Resolution)
  36. ^ Francophone Privy Councillor's utilise the post-nominal letters CP rather than the anglophone PC. There are several other cases of this in Canada such as Francophone Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada using the letters "MSRC" instead of "FRSC". In practice, these post-nominals are not usually translated from one language to another. A Privy Councillor is also entitled to be styled "The Honourable" or "L'honorable" for life. The post-nominal letters are necessary to denote that someone is a privy councillor because in Canada holding a certain office can also allow the use of The Honourable title.
  37. ^ Canada Gazette, February 9, 1974
  38. ^ a b c d Department of National Defence, Canadian Forces Dress Instructions (PDF), Queen's Printer for Canada, pp. 3–7-3. URL consultato il 15 novembre 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 21 luglio 2011).
  39. ^ RMC Calendar Archiviato il 17 maggio 2014 in Internet Archive., In order to use this Post Nominal, the individual must have been presented with a signed grant allowing them the use of the RMC/CMR/RRMC post nominals. This grant is issued upon meeting all of the requirements of each of the four components, of which academics is only one.
  40. ^ Canadian Nurses Association - Registered Certification Initials
  41. ^ CAIRP - Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals - CIRP Certification Archiviato il 6 luglio 2012 in Internet Archive.
  42. ^ CPA Canada Landing Page
  43. ^ Career In Public Health - Canadian Institute Of Public Health Inspectors - BC Branch Archiviato il 25 luglio 2013 in Internet Archive.
  44. ^ Copia archiviata, su URL consultato il 15 maggio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 luglio 2011).
  45. ^ a b c ADR Canada - Member Resources - Professional Designations
  46. ^ Copia archiviata, su URL consultato il 24 ottobre 2011 (archiviato dall'url originale il 14 febbraio 2012).
  47. ^ a b c d CanLII - Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, RSA 2000, c E-11
  48. ^ a b Gold Seal Certification
  49. ^ CanLII - Land Surveyors Act, RSA 2000, c L-3
  50. ^ Land Surveyors Act
  51. ^
  52. ^ Csmls - Scslm / Home
  53. ^
  54. ^ Nurse Practitioners - CNO
  55. ^ About CPhA - CPhA
  56. ^ The Logistics Institute
  57. ^ Home
  58. ^ "Member of Parliament" is used in Canada and other Commonwealth nations to describe members of the lower house of Parliament only. In Canada, members of the House of Commons are described Members of Parliament, but members of the Senate are not.
  59. ^ a b c d In Canada, members of legislative assemblies are called MLAs in all provinces and territories except:
    • Ontario, where they have been called Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) since 1938
    • Quebec, where they are called Members of the National Assembly (MNA)
    • Newfoundland and Labrador, where they are called Members of the House of Assembly (MHA)
  60. ^ a b Il numero di istituti religiosi, società culturali, accademie reali e istituzioni professionali è così elevato perché possano essere elencati. Qui viene dato un esempio per ciascun caso; lo stesso formato mostrato deve essere utilizzato per le altre organizzazioni, tranne per le iniziali dell'organizzazione che cambiano.
  61. ^ a b La serie delle lettere postnominali per i titoli accademici varia in funzione della Facoltà presso la quale il titolo è stato conseguito.
  63. ^ La maggior parte delle istituzioni che conferiscono la Fellowship (appartenenza al corpo docenti) conferiscono anche la membership (appartenenza all'istituzione). Ad esempio, se FRAeS è il titolo più elevato della Royal Aeronautical Society, CRAeS (Companion) è uno stato equivalente che però non comprende qualifiche professionali, MRAeS è un membro professionalmente qualificato e AMRAeS è un membro associato, indicando così un livello inferiore di qualifica professionale. Questo schema è comune, ma non universale; lettere post-nominali specifiche possono variare tra società e società.

Voci correlate

Collegamenti esterni

  • (EN) Letters after the name, su (archiviato dall'url originale l'8 maggio 2013).
  • UK Honours (Cabinet Office Ceremonial Secretariat), su URL consultato il 15 maggio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 13 marzo 2009).