
PDBオルソログ検索: RCSB PDBe PDBj

1GWQ, 1GWR, 1M2Z, 1MV9, 1MVC, 1MZN, 1P93, 1T63, 1T65, 1UHL, 1YOK, 1ZDT, 1ZDU, 1ZKY, 2AO6, 2B1V, 2B1Z, 2B23, 2FAI, 2G44, 2G5O, 2P15, 2P1T, 2P1U, 2P1V, 2Q7J, 2Q7L, 2ZXZ, 2ZY0, 3A9E, 3DZU, 3DZY, 3E00, 3E7C, 3E94, 3FUG, 3GN8, 3K23, 3KWY, 3KYT, 3L0E, 3L0L, 3O1D, 3O1E, 3OAP, 3OZJ, 3PCU, 3PLZ, 3Q95, 3Q97, 3R5M, 3UP0, 3UP3, 4DOS, 4E2J, 4FHH, 4FHI, 4IA1, 4IA2, 4IA3, 4IA7, 4IQR, 4IU7, 4IUI, 4IV2, 4IV4, 4IVW, 4IVY, 4IW6, 4IW8, 4IWC, 4IWF, 2LDC, 2YJD, 3CLD, 3ERD, 3K22, 4CSJ, 4K4J, 4K6I, 4M8E, 4M8H, 4NIE, 4NQA, 4OC7, 4P6W, 4P6X, 4POH, 4POJ, 4PP3, 4PP5, 4PP6, 4PPP, 4PPS, 4PXM, 4Q0A, 4WG0, 4QE6, 4QE8, 4RFW, 4RMC, 4RMD, 4RME, 4ZN9, 4ZO1, 4RUO, 5APJ, 4UDD, 4PLD, 4PLE, 4UDC, 5APH, 5DMC, 5DKB, 5DMF, 4ZNV, 5DVS, 5DL4, 5E0W, 5E19, 4ZUC, 5DI7, 5I4V, 5E0X, 5E1C, 4ZWK, 5DYD, 5DIG, 5DKG, 5DTV, 5EC9, 5DX3, 5DRM, 5BP6, 5DYB, 5DLR, 5E14, 5DXK, 5DUH, 5DVV, 5DU5, 5DXP, 5DP0, 4ZNS, 5DZ3, 5DXR, 5DXQ, 5DZI, 4ZNT, 4ZNW, 5DID, 5DXM, 5EHJ, 5BQ4, 5DY8, 4ZSH, 5DXB, 5DUG, 5DK9, 5EIT, 5BPR, 5DWJ, 5DWI, 5HYR, 5DKS, 4ZUB, 5EI1, 5DZ0, 4ZNU, 4ZNH, 5E15, 4ZN7, 5DZ1, 5DUE, 4ZWH, 5EGV, 5BNU, 5DIE, 5DKE, 5DWG, 5DZH, 5DRJ, 5DWE

記号NCOA2, GRIP1, KAT13C, NCoA-2, SRC2, TIF2, bHLHe75, nuclear receptor coactivator 2
外部IDOMIM: 601993 MGI: 1276533 HomoloGene: 4768 GeneCards: NCOA2
遺伝子の位置 (ヒト)
8番染色体 (ヒト)
染色体8番染色体 (ヒト)[1]
8番染色体 (ヒト)
バンドデータ無し開始点70,109,782 bp[1]
終点70,403,808 bp[1]
遺伝子の位置 (マウス)
1番染色体 (マウス)
染色体1番染色体 (マウス)[2]
1番染色体 (マウス)
バンドデータ無し開始点13,139,105 bp[2]
終点13,374,083 bp[2]
分子機能 protein dimerization activity
transcription coactivator activity
RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
nuclear receptor coactivator activity
RNA polymerase II intronic transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
nuclear receptor binding
aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding
protein domain specific binding
DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
細胞の構成要素 細胞質
生物学的プロセス regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
cellular response to Thyroglobulin triiodothyronine
negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
circadian regulation of gene expression
transcription, DNA-templated
cellular response to hormone stimulus
regulation of glucose metabolic process
bile acid and bile salt transport
negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
locomotor rhythm
intracellular receptor signaling pathway
regulation of lipid metabolic process
response to progesterone
出典:Amigo / QuickGO















Chr 8: 70.11 – 70.4 MbChr 8: 13.14 – 13.37 Mb
閲覧/編集 ヒト閲覧/編集 マウス

核内受容体コアクチベーター2NCoA-2: nuclear receptor coactivator 2)は、ヒトのNCOA2遺伝子によってコードされるタンパク質である。NCoA-2は、GRIP1(glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1)、SRC-2(steroid receptor coactivator-2)、またはTIF2(transcriptional mediators/intermediary factor 2)とも呼ばれる。





  • AR(アンドロゲン受容体)[7][8][9][10][11]
  • ARNT(芳香族炭化水素受容体核内輸送体)[12]
  • BRCA1(乳癌タイプ1感受性タンパク質)[13][14]
  • DDX17[15]
  • DDX5[15]
  • ESR1(エストロゲン受容体α)[10][15][16][17][18]
  • GR(グルココルチコイド受容体)[19][20]
  • PPFIA4[21]
  • PPARG(ペルオキシソーム増殖因子活性化受容体γ)[22]
  • RXRA(レチノイドX受容体α)[23][24]
  • SRA1(ステロイド受容体RNA活性化因子1)[15]
  • VDR(ビタミンD受容体)[10][16][23][25]


  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000140396 - Ensembl, May 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000005886 - Ensembl, May 2017
  3. ^ Human PubMed Reference:
  4. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:
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  15. ^ a b c d Michiko Watanabe, Junn Yanagisawa, Hirochika Kitagawa, Ken-ichi Takeyama, Satoko Ogawa, Yukitomo Arao, Miyuki Suzawa, Yoko Kobayashi, Tetsu Yano, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Yoshikazu Masuhiro, Shigeaki Kato (15 March 2001). “A subfamily of RNA-binding DEAD-box proteins acts as an estrogen receptor alpha coactivator through the N-terminal activation domain (AF-1) with an RNA coactivator, SRA”. The EMBO Journal 20 (6): 1341–52. doi:10.1093/emboj/20.6.1341. PMC 145523. PMID 11250900. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC145523/. 
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  25. ^ Michaela Herdick, Andreas Steinmeyer, Carsten Carlberg (2 June 2000). “Antagonistic action of a 25-carboxylic ester analogue of 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is mediated by a lack of ligand-induced vitamin D receptor interaction with coactivators”. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (22): 16506–12. doi:10.1074/jbc.M910000199. PMID 10748178. 



  • NURSA C90
  • Overview of all the structural information available in the PDB for UniProt: Q15596 (Human Nuclear receptor coactivator 2) at the PDBe-KB.
  • Overview of all the structural information available in the PDB for UniProt: Q61026 (Mouse Nuclear receptor coactivator 2) at the PDBe-KB.
