
Lambang keluarga pazzi

Keluarga Pazzi ialah bangsawan Tuscan yang menjadi bankir di Florence pada kurun ke-15. Mereka sekarang nya lebih diketahui dengan "Konspirasi Pazzi" yang pembunuhan ke atas Lorenzo de' Medici dan Giuliano de' Medici pada 26 April 1478 (Lorenzo terlepas). Andrea de' Pazzi juga adalah patron bagi chapter house untuk komuniti Franciscan di Santa Croce church Florence, selalu dikelnali sebagai Pazzi Chapel.Selepas konspirasi tersebut,Pazzi yang masih tinggal telah dipulihkan dan kembali ke Florence.

Pautan Luar

  • Tim Parks' review of Lauro Martines, April Blood: Florence and the Plot Against the Medici Diarkibkan 2006-06-24 di Wayback Machine: a sketch of the subtleties and contradictions in the background to the "Pazzi conspiracy"
  • Italy's Medici Murder Plot Solved: discusses a recently discovered piece of evidence showing the scale of the conspiracy
  • Great Buildings on-line: Pazzi Chapel
  • Pazzi Chapel Diarkibkan 2008-01-01 di Wayback Machine: Brief description, with clear and evocative photos
  • Susan and Joanna Horner, Walks in Florence and Its Environs (London 1873): Chapter xvii
  • Narrative account, part of an on-line history of Quattrocento Florence Diarkibkan 2008-10-08 di Wayback Machine
  • Description of the Easter assassinations and other famous murders of the period
  • Marcello Simonetta, The Montefeltro Conspiracy: A Renaissance Mystery Decoded: Doubleday website with slideshow of paintings and documents related to the Pazzi Conspiracy
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