Senarai tempur di Jutland

Ini adalah senarai tempur lengkap bagi Pertempuran Jutland yang berlangsung di antara 31 Mei dan 1 Jun 1916. Pertempuran ini melibatkan 250 buah kapal perang tentera laut British dan Jerman, dan, apabila digabungkan tanan kapal-kapal yang terlibat, merupakan pertempuran laut terbesar dalam sejarah.


Tentera Laut Diraja Tentera Laut Jerman
(total 28)
4 × kelas Queen Elizabeth 3 × kelas Iron Duke
4 × kelas Orion 3 × kelas King George V
3 × kelas Bellerophon 2 × kelas Revenge
2 × kelas Colossus 3 × kelas St. Vincent
1 × HMS Neptune 1 × HMS Agincourt
1 × HMS Erin 1 × HMS Canada
(total 16)
4 × kelas Kaiser
4 × kelas Helgoland
4 × kelas Nassau
4 × kelas König
Kapal tempur pra-dreadnought
(total 6)
5 × kelas Deutschland
1 × kelas Braunschweig
Kruiser tempur
(total 9)
3 × kelas Invincible
3 × kelas Lion
2 × kelas Indefatigable
1 × HMS Tiger
(total 5)
2 × kelas Derfflinger
1 × SMS Seydlitz
1 × SMS Moltke
1 × SMS Von der Tann
Kruiser berperisai
(8 total)
3 × kelas Minotaur
2 × kelas Duke of Edinburgh
2 × kelas Warrior
1 × HMS Hampshire
Kapal kecil
26 × Kruiser ringan
79 × Kapal pembinasa (salah sebuahnya Kapal penyapu ranjau-Pembinasa)
11 × Kruiser Ringan
61 × Bot torpedo [Note 1]
Berat tembakan serentak[1]
332,360 lb (150,760 kg)
134,216 lb (60,879 kg)

Royal Navy Ensign Tentera British

Armada Besar

Armada Besar (Grand Fleet)[2][3] adalah pasukan utama Armada Tanahair (Home Fleet) British pada tahun 1916, berpengkalan di Scapa Flow di Pulau Orkney dan Invergordon di Muara Cromarty, Scotland[a].

Panglima Armada Besar: Adm Sir John Rushworth Jellicoe, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. in HMS Iron Duke
Timbalan Panglima Armada Besar: VAdm Sir Cecil Burney, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. in HMS Marlborough.
Ketua Staf: VAdm Sir Charles Edward Madden, K.C.B., C.V.O.; Kepten Armada: Cdre Lionel Halsey, C.B., C.M.G., AdC.; Pegawai Armada: Capt Oliver Elles Leggett; leftenan berbendera: Cdr the Hon. Matthew Robert Best, M.V.O., Cdr Charles Morton Forbes, Cdr Alexander Raill Wadham, Cdr Richard Lindsay Nicholson

Kapal tempur

Armada Besar mempunyai sejumlah 32 buah kapal Dreadnought dan kapal tempur Super-Dreadnought yang siap-sedia digunakan pada masa Jutland. Antaranya, 28 kapal mengambil bahagian, disusun dalam 4 Skuadron Tempur.[4] 24 buah kapal dari Skuadron Tempur Pertama, Ke-2 dan Ke-4 membentuk pasukan utama Armada, dan disenaraikan dibawah susunan dari barisan depan ke belakang berikutan aturgerak mereka untuk menyerang armada Jerman, 6:30pm 31 Mei 1916. [b]

2nd Battle Squadron (Kapal tempur) [c]: VAdm Thomas Henry Martyn Jerram, K.C.B.
1st Division: VAdm Jerram

  • HMS King George V (flagship): Capt Frederick Laurence Field
  • HMS Ajax: Capt George Henry Baird
  • HMS Centurion: Capt Michael Culme-Seymour, M.V.O.
  • HMS Erin: Capt the Hon. Victor Albert Stanley, M.V.O., AdC.

2nd Division: RAdm Arthur Cavenagh Leveson, C.B.

  • HMS Orion (flagship): Capt Oliver Backhouse, C.B.
  • HMS Monarch: Capt George Holmes Borrett
  • HMS Conqueror: Capt Hugh Henry Darby Tothill, AdC.
  • HMS Thunderer: Capt James Andrew Fergusson

Fleet Flagship (at head of 3rd Division but not part of 4th Battle Squadron)

  • HMS Iron Duke: Capt Frederic Charles Dreyer, C.B.

4th Battle Squadron (Battleships): VAdm Sir Frederick Charles Doveton Sturdee, 1st Baronet, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G.; flag commander: Cdr William Milbourne James
3rd Division[d]: RAdm Sir Alexander Ludovic Duff, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G.

  • HMS Royal Oak: Capt Crawford Maclachlan
  • HMS Superb (flagship): Capt Edmond Hyde Parker
  • HMS Canada: Capt William Coldingham Masters Nicholson

4th Division: VAdm Sturdee

  • HMS Benbow (flagship): Capt Henry Wise Parker
  • HMS Bellerophon: Capt Edward Francis Bruen
  • HMS Temeraire: Capt Edwin Veale Underhill
  • HMS Vanguard: Capt James Douglas Dick

1st Battle Squadron (Battleships)[e]: VAdm Sir Cecil Burney, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.; Chief of Staff : Cdre Edmund Percy Fenwick George Grant; flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr James Buller Kitson
Fifth Division: RAdm Ernest Frederick Augustus Gaunt, C.M.G.

  • HMS Colossus (flagship): Capt Alfred Dudley Pickman Rogers Pound
  • HMS Collingwood: Capt James Clement Ley
  • HMS St. Vincent: Capt William Wordsworth Fisher, M.V.O.
  • HMS Neptune Capt Vivian Henry Gerald Bernard

Sixth Division: VAdm Burney

  • HMS Marlborough (flagship): Capt George Parish Ross
  • HMS Revenge: Capt Edward Buxton Kiddle
  • HMS Hercules: Capt Lewis Clinton-Baker
  • HMS Agincourt: Capt Henry Montagu Doughty


Dua skuadron Kruiser berperisai dan satu skuadron Kruiser ringan telah diserapkan ke pasukan utama Armada Besar untuk bertindak sebagai pasukan peninjau. [f]
1st Cruiser Squadron[g] (Armoured Cruisers): RAdm Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, 4th Baronet, K.C.B., M.V.O. 

  • HMS Defence* (flagship): Capt Stanley Venn Ellis 
  • HMS Warrior*: Capt Vincent Barkly Molteno
  • HMS Duke of Edinburgh: Capt Henry Blackett
  • HMS Black Prince*: Capt Thomas Parry Bonham 

2nd Cruiser Squadron (Armoured Cruisers)[h]: RAdm Herbert Leopold Heath, M.V.O.

  • HMS Minotaur (flagship): Capt Arthur Cloudesley Shovel Hughes D'Aeth [i]
  • HMS Hampshire: Capt Herbert John Savill
  • HMS Shannon: Capt John Saumarez Dumaresq, M.V.O.
  • HMS Cochrane: Capt Eustace La Trobe Leatham

4th Light Cruiser Squadron: Cdre Charles Edward Le Mesurier

  • HMS Calliope: Cdre Le Mesurier
  • HMS Constance: Capt Cyril Samuel Townsend
  • HMS Comus: Capt Alan Geoffrey Hotham
  • HMS Caroline: Capt Henry Ralph Crooke
  • HMS Royalist: Capt the Hon. Herbert Meade, D.S.O.

Light cruisers attached for repeating visual signals

  • HMS Boadicea: Capt Louis Charles Stirling Woollcombe, M.V.O. (attached to 2nd B.S.)
  • HMS Active: Capt Percy Withers (attached to Fleet Flagship)
  • HMS Blanche: Capt John Moore Casement (attached to 4th B.S.)
  • HMS Bellona: Capt Arthur Brandreth Scott Dutton (attached to 1st. B.S.)

Other ships under direct command of the Commander-in-Chief[j]

  • HMS Abdiel: Cdr Berwick Curtis (destroyer-minelayer)
  • HMS Oak: Lt Cdr Douglas Faviell, M.V.O. (destroyer)

Kapal pembinasa

Pasukan utama Armada Besar telah diiringi oleh 46 buah kapal pembinasa dan ketua flotila disusun kepada tiga flotila.[k]

Komodor, Flotila Pembinasa, Armada Besar: Kdor James Rose Price Hawksley, M.V.O. in HMS Castor (11th Destroyer Flotilla)

4th Destroyer Flotilla [l]: Capt Charles John Wintour 

  • HMS Tipperary* (flotilla leader): Capt Wintour 

first half-flotilla/4th D.F.

  • HMS Spitfire: Lt Cdr Clarence Walter Eyre Trelawney
  • HMS Sparrowhawk* : Lt Cdr Sydney Hopkins
  • HMS Garland: Lt Cdr Reginald Stannus Goff
  • HMS Contest: Lt Cdr Ernald Gilbert Hoskins Master

Group 8 /4th D.F.[m]

  • HMS Owl: Cdr Robert Gerald Hamond
  • HMS Hardy: Cdr Richard Anthony Aston Plowden
  • HMS Mischief: Lt Cdr the Hon. Cyril Augustus Ward, M.V.O. (from 12th D.F.)
  • HMS Midge: Lt Cdr James Robert Carnegie Cavendish

second half-flotilla/4th D.F.

  • HMS Broke (flotilla leader): Cdr Walter Lingen Allen

3rd Division/4th D.F.

  • HMS Porpoise: Cdr Hugh Davenport Colville
  • HMS Unity: Lt Cdr Arthur Macaulay Lecky

4th Division/4th D.F.

  • HMS Achates: Cdr Reginald Becher Caldwell Hutchinson, D.S.C.
  • HMS Ambuscade: Lt Cdr Gordon Alston Coles
  • HMS Ardent*: Lt Cdr Arthur Marsden
  • HMS Fortune*: Lt Cdr Frank Goodrich Terry 

11th Destroyer Flotilla[n]

  • HMS Castor (light cruiser): Cdre Hawksley

first half-flotilla/11th D.F. 1st Division/11th D.F.

  • HMS Ossory: Cdr Harold Victor Dundas
  • HMS Martial: Lt Cdr Julian Harrison
  • HMS Magic: Lt Cdr Gerald Charles Wynter
  • HMS Minion: Lt Cdr Henry Clive Rawlings

2nd Division/11th D.F.

  • HMS Mystic: Cdr Claud Finlinson Allsup
  • HMS Mons: Lt Cdr Robert Makin
  • HMS Mandate: Lt Cdr Edward McConnell Wyndham Lawrie
  • HMS Michael: Lt Cdr Claude Lindsay Bate

second half-flotilla/11th D.F.

  • HMS Kempenfelt (flotilla leader): Cdr Harold Ernest Sulivan

3rd Division/11th D.F.

  • HMS Marne: Lt Cdr George Bibby Hartford
  • HMS Milbrook: Lt Charles Granville Naylor
  • HMS Manners: Lt Cdr Gerald Cartmell Harrison

4th Division/11th D.F.

  • HMS Moon: Cdr (Acting) William Dion Irvin
  • HMS Mounsey: Lt Cdr Ralph Vincent Eyre
  • HMS Morning Star: Lt Cdr Hugh Undecimus Fletcher

12th Destroyer Flotilla[o]: Capt Anselan John Buchanan Stirling

  • HMS Faulknor (flotilla leader): Capt Stirling

first half-flotilla/12th D.F.
1st Division/12th D.F.[7]

  • HMS Obedient: Cdr George William McOran Campbell
  • HMS Mindful: Lt Cdr John Jackson Cuthbert Ridley
  • HMS Marvel: Lt Cdr Reginald Watkins Grubb
  • HMS Onslaught: Lt Cdr Arthur Gerald Onslow, D.S.C. 

2nd Division/12th D.F.

  • HMS Maenad: Cdr John Pelham Champion
  • HMS Narwhal: Lt Cdr Henry Victor Hudson
  • HMS Nessus: Lt Cdr Eric Quentin Carter
  • HMS Noble: Lt Cdr Henry Percy Boxer

second half-flotilla/12th D.F.: Cdr Norton Allen Sulivan

  • HMS Marksman (flotilla leader): Cdr Norton Allen Sulivan
  • HMS Opal: Cdr Charles Geoffrey Coleridge Sumner
  • HMS Nonsuch: Lt Cdr Herbert Inglis Nigel Lyon
  • HMS Menace: Lt Cdr Charles Astley Poignand
  • HMS Munster: Lt Cdr Spencer Francis Russell
  • HMS Mary Rose: Lt Cdr Edwin Anderson Homan

Skuadron Kruiser Tempur Ke-3

Skuadron ini, buat sementara diserapkan ke Armada Besar dari Armada Kruiser Tempur, telah ditempatkan jauh dari pasukan utama, dengan niat ia akan menyertai Beatty apabila peperangan itu bermula. Panglima Skuadron Kruiser Tempur Ke-3 ialah Laksdaya the Hon. Horace Lambert Alexander Hood K.C.B., D.S.O., M.V.O. 

  • HMS Invincible* (flagship): Capt Arthur Lindesay Cay 
  • HMS Inflexible: Capt Edward Henry Fitzhardinge Heaton-Ellis, M.V.O.
  • HMS Indomitable: Capt Francis William Kennedy

accompanying cruisers

  • HMS Canterbury [p]: Capt Percy Molyneux Rawson Royds
  • HMS Chester [q]: Capt Robert Neale Lawson

attached destroyers [r]

  • HMS Shark* : Cdr Loftus William Jones 
  • HMS Ophelia: Cdr Lewis Gonne Eyre Crabbe (Admiralty M class)
  • HMS Christopher: Lt Cdr Fairfax Moresby Kerr
  • HMS Acasta: Lt Cdr John Ouchterlony Barron

Armada Kruiser Tempur

Pasukan kapal laju ini berada dibawah Panglima Armada Besar, tetapi beroperasi secara bebas sebagai pengawal barisan depan, bertujuan untuk menjejak armada musuh dan menyerang pasukan peninjau musuh. Pada terasnya terdapat 6 kruiser tempur, disertai oleh 13 kruiser ringan, dan diiringi oleh 18 kapal pembinasa dan sebuah kapal pengangkut pesawat terawal. [s]

Commander, Battle Cruiser Fleet: VAdm Sir David Richard Beatty, K.C.B., M.V.O., D.S.O. in HMS Lion
Chief of Staff: Capt Rudolf Walter Bentinck; flag lieutenants: Cdr the Hon. Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly Plunkett, Lt Cdr Ralph Frederick Seymour

Kruiser tempur

Battlecruiser Fleet Flagship

  • HMS Lion: Capt Alfred Ernle Montacute Chatfield, C.V.O.

1st Battlecruiser Squadron : RAdm Osmond de Beauvior Brock, C.B.

  • HMS Princess Royal (flagship): Capt Walter Henry Cowan, M.V.O., D.S.O.
  • HMS Queen Mary*: Capt Cecil Irby Prowse 
  • HMS Tiger: Capt Henry Bertram Pelly, M.V.O.

2nd Battlecruiser Squadron [t]: RAdm. William Christoper Pakenham, C.B., M.V.O.

  • HMS New Zealand (flagship): Capt John Frederick Ernest Green
  • HMS Indefatigable*: Capt Charles Fitzgerald Sowerby 

Kruiser Ringan Armada Kruiser Tempur

1st Light Cruiser Squadron: Cdre Edwyn Sinclair Alexander-Sinclair, M.V.O.

  • HMS Galatea Cdre Alexander-Sinclair
  • HMS Phaeton: Capt John Ewen Cameron, M.V.O.
  • HMS Inconstant: Capt Bertram Sackville Thesiger, C.M.G.
  • HMS Cordelia: Capt Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish

2nd Light Cruiser Squadron: Cdre William Edmund Goodenough, M.V.O., AdC.

  • HMS Southampton: Cdre Goodenough
  • HMS Birmingham: Capt Arthur Allan Morison Duff
  • HMS Nottingham: Capt Charles Blois Miller
  • HMS Dublin: Capt Albert Charles Scott

3rd Light Cruiser Squadron: RAdm Trevylyan Dacres Willes Napier, M.V.O.

  • HMS Falmouth (flagship): Capt John Douglas Edwards
  • HMS Yarmouth: Capt Thomas Drummond Pratt
  • HMS Birkenhead: Capt Edward Reeves
  • HMS Gloucester: Capt William Frederick Blunt, D.S.O.

Attached vessel

  • seaplane tender HMS Engadine: Lt Cdr Charles Gwillim Robinson
aircraft: 4 Short Type 184 seaplanes

Kapal Pembinasa Armada Kruiser Tempur

13th Destroyer Flotilla [u]: Capt James Uchtred Farie

  • HMS Champion (light cruiser): Capt Farie

1st division/13th D.F.

  • HMS Obdurate: Lt Cdr Cecil Henry Hulton Sams
  • HMS Nerissa: Lt Cdr Montague George Bentinck Legge
  • HMS Termagant: Lt Cdr Cuthbert Patrick Blake (attached from 10th D.F., Harwich Force)
  • HMS Moresby: Lt Cdr Roger Vincent Alison (detached to escort HMS Engadine)

2nd division /13th D.F.[8]

  • HMS Nestor* : Cdr the Hon. Edward Barry Stewart Bingham
  • HMS Nomad* : Lt Cdr Paul Whitfield
  • HMS Nicator: Lt Jack Ernest Albert Mocatta
  • HMS Onslow: Lt Cdr John Cronyn Tovey (detached to escort HMS Engadine)

3rd division/13th D.F.[9]

  • HMS Narborough: Lt Cdr Geoffrey Corlett
  • HMS Pelican: Lt Cdr Kenneth Adair Beattie
  • HMS Petard: Lt Cdr Evelyn Claude Ogilvie Thomson
  • HMS Turbulent* (attached from 10DF, Harwich Force): Lt Cdr Dudley Stuart 

Attached Harwich Destroyers (9th Destroyer Flotilla) : Cdr Malcolm Lennon Goldsmith [v]

1st division/9th D.F.

  • HMS Lydiard: Cdr Goldsmith
  • HMS Liberty: Lt Cdr Philip Wilfred Sidney King
  • HMS Landrail: Lt Cdr Francis Edward Henry Graham Hobart

2nd division/9th D.F.

  • HMS Moorsom: Cdr John Coombe Hodgson (from 10th D.F.)
  • HMS Laurel: Lt Henry Dawson Crawford Stanistreet
  • HMS Morris: Lt Cdr Edward Sidney Graham (from 10th D.F.)

Skuadron Tempur Ke-5

Ini adalah unit khas kelas-Queen Elizabeth yang pantas, bertindak sebagai pelopor barisan tempur utama. Di Pertempuran Jutland, ia beroperasi dengan Armada Kruiser Tempur, dan diiringi oleh Flotila Pembinasa Pertama.[w] The commander of the 5th Battle Squadron was RAdm Hugh Evan-Thomas, M.V.O.

  • HMS Barham (flagship): Capt Arthur William Craig
  • HMS Valiant: Capt Maurice Woollcombe
  • HMS Warspite: Capt Edward Montgomery Phillpotts
  • HMS Malaya: Capt the Hon. Algernon Douglas Edward Harry Boyle, C.B., M.V.O.

1st Destroyer Flotilla [x] [11][12]

  • HMS Fearless (light cruiser): Capt Charles Donnison Roper
  • HMS Defender: Lt Cdr Laurence Reynolds Palmer

1st Division/1st D.F.

  • HMS Acheron: Cdr Charles Gordon Ramsey
  • HMS Ariel: Lt Cdr Arthur Grendon Tippet
  • HMS Attack: Lt Cdr Charles Herbert Neill James
  • HMS Hydra: Lt Francis George Glossop

2nd Division/1st D.F.

  • HMS Badger: Cdr Charles Albert Fremantle
  • HMS Lizard: Lt Cdr Edward Brooke
  • HMS Goshawk: Cdr Dashwood Fowler Moir
  • HMS Lapwing: Lt Cdr Alexander Hugh Gye

KLM EnsignTentera Jerman

A line of nine large gray battleships stretches into the distance, all belching dark black smoke from their funnels
Kapal-kapal Dreadnought Armada Laut Lepas bergerak dalam barisan tempur (line of battle)

Armada Laut Lepas (Hochseeflotte)

Armada Laut Lepas adalah pasukan utama tentera laut permukaan Jerman, berpangkalan sepenuhnya di Wilhelmshaven, di Sungai Jade di Barat Laut Jerman.[13][14]

Panglima Armada Laut Lepas (Chef der Hochseeflotte): VAdm Reinhard Scheer in SMS Friedrich der Grosse
Ketua Staf: Capt Adolf von Trotha; Ketua Operasi: Capt Magnus von Levetzow(GE)

Kapal tempur

3rd Battle Squadron (III. Geschwader) (Battleships) [A]: RAdm Paul Behncke; flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr Frhr Ernst von Gagern

5th Division: RAdm Behncke

  • SMS König (flagship): Capt Friedrich Brüninghaus
  • SMS Grosser Kurfürst: Capt Ernst Goette
  • SMS Kronprinz: Capt Constanz Feldt
  • SMS Markgraf: Capt Karl Seiferling

6th Division: RAdm Hermann Nordmann

  • SMS Kaiser (flagship): Capt Walter Frhr von Keyserlingk(GE)
  • SMS Prinzregent Luitpold: Capt Karl Heuser
  • SMS Kaiserin: Capt Karl Sievers

Fleet Flagship (Flaggschiff der Hochseeflotte) [B]

  • SMS Friedrich der Grosse: Capt Theodor Fuchs

1st Battle Squadron (I. Geschwader) (Battleships) [C]: VAdm Ehrhard Schmidt; flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr Wolfgang Wegener

1st Division: VAdm Schmidt

  • SMS Ostfriesland (flagship): Capt Ernst-Oldwig von Natzmer
  • SMS Thüringen: Capt Hans Küsel
  • SMS Helgoland: Capt Friedrich von Kameke
  • SMS Oldenburg: Capt Wilhelm Höpfner

2nd Division: RAdm Walter Engelhardt

  • SMS Posen (flagship): Capt Richard Lange
  • SMS Rheinland: Capt Heinrich Rohardt
  • SMS Nassau: Capt Robert Kühne
  • SMS Westfalen: Capt Johannes Redlich

2nd Battle Squadron (II. Geschwader) (Battleships) [D]: RAdm Franz Mauve(GE); flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr Willy Kahlert

3rd Division: RAdm Mauve

  • SMS Deutschland (flagship): Capt Hugo Meurer
  • SMS Hessen: Capt Rudolf Bartels
  • SMS Pommern* : Capt Siegfried Bölken 

4th Division: RAdm Frhr Gottfried von Dalwigk zu Lichtenfels

  • SMS Hannover (flagship): Capt Wilhlem Heine
  • SMS Schlesien: Capt Friedrich Behncke
  • SMS Schleswig-Holstein: Capt Eduard Varrentrapp

Kruiser ringan

4th Scouting Group (IV. Aufklärungsgruppe) (light cruisers) [E]: Kom Ludwig von Reuter; flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr Heinrich Weber

  • SMS Stettin (flagship): Cdr Friedrich Rebensburg
  • SMS München: Lt Cdr Oscar Böcker
  • SMS Frauenlob*: Cdr Georg Hoffman 
  • SMS Stuttgart: Cdr Max Hagedorn
  • SMS Hamburg: Lt Cdr Gerhard von Gaudecker [F]

Bot torpedo

Bot besar torpedo Jerman (Große Torpedoboote) adalah setaraf kapal pembinasa British [G].
Ketua Pertama Bot Torpedo: Cdre Andreas Michelsen

  • SMS Rostock* (kruiser ringan; flagship 1st Leader of Torpedo-Boats): Cdr Otto Feldmann [H]

Flotila Bot Torpedo Pertama (I. Torpedoboots-Flottille) [I]
1st Half-Flotilla (1. Halbflottille)[J]: Lt Conrad Albrecht

  • SMS G39 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Franz-Ferdinand von Loefen
  • SMS G40: Lt Richard Beitzen
  • SMS G38: Lt Hermann Metger
  • SMS S32: Lt Hermann Froelich

Flotila Bot Torpedo Ke-3 (III. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Lt Cdr Wilhelm Hollmann

  • SMS S53 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Friedrich Götting

5th Half-Flotilla (5. Halbflottille) [K]: Lt Theophil Gautier

  • SMS V71 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Friedrich Ulrich
  • SMS V73: Lt Martin Delbrück
  • SMS G88: Lt Hans Scabell

6th Half-Flotilla (6. Halbflottille)[L]: Lt Cdr Theodor Riedel  [M]

  • SMS V48* (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Friedrich Eckoldt 
  • SMS S54: Lt Otto Karlowa
  • SMS G42: Lt Bernd von Arnim

Flotila Bot Torpedo Ke-5 (V. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Lt Cdr Oskar Heinecke

  • SMS G11 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Adolf Müller

9th Half-Flotilla (9. Halbflottille): Lt Gerhard Hoefer

  • SMS V2 (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Gerhard Hoefer
  • SMS V4*: Lt Armin Barop
  • SMS V6: SLt Hans Behrendt
  • SMS V1: SLt Hans Röthig
  • SMS V3: Lt Manfred von Killinger

10th Half-Flotilla (10. Halbflottille): Lt Friedrich Klein

  • SMS G8 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Ernst Rodenberg
  • SMS V5: SLt Paul Tils
  • SMS G7: Lt Johannes Weinecke
  • SMS G9: Lt Hans Anschütz
  • SMS G10: SLt Waldemar Haumann

Flotila Bot Torpedo Ke-7 (VII. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Lt Cdr Gottlieb von Koch

  • SMS S24 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Max Fink

13th Half-Flotilla (13. Halbflottille): Lt Georg von Zitzewitz

  • SMS S15 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Christian Schmidt
  • SMS S17: Lt Hans-Joachim von Puttkammer
  • SMS S20: Lt Albert Benecke
  • SMS S16: Lt Walter Loeffler
  • SMS S18: Lt Bruno Haushalter

14th Half-Flotilla (14. Halbflottille) [N]: Lt Cdr Hermann Cordes

  • SMS S19 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Georg Reimer
  • SMS S23: Lt Arthur von Killinger
  • SMS V189: SLt Wilhelm Keil

Pasukan peninjau

Commander, Scouting Forces (Befehlshaber die Aufklärungsstreitkräfte): VAdm Franz Hipper; flag lieutenant: Lt Cdr Erich Raeder

Kruiser tempur

1st Scouting Group (I. Aufklärungsgruppe): VAdm Hipper

  • SMS Lützow* (flagship): Capt Victor Harder
  • SMS Derfflinger: Capt Johannes Hartog
  • SMS Seydlitz: Capt Moritz von Egidy
  • SMS Moltke: Capt Johannes von Karpf
  • SMS Von der Tann: Capt Hans Zenker

Kruiser ringan Pasukan Peninjau

2nd Scouting Group (II. Aufklärungsgruppe) [O] : RAdm Friedrich Boedicker

  • SMS Frankfurt (flagship): Capt Thilo von Trotha
  • SMS Elbing* : Cdr Rudolf Madlung
  • SMS Pillau: Cdr Konrad Mommsen(GE)
  • SMS Wiesbaden*: Cdr Fritz Reiß 

Bot Torpedo Pasukan Peninjau

Second Leader of Torpedo-Boats: Cdre Paul Heinrich

  • SMS Regensburg (light cruiser; flagship Second Leader of Torpedo-Boats): Cdr Bruno Heuberer[P]

2nd Torpedo-Boat Flotilla (II. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Cdr Heinrich Schuur

  • SMS B98 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Theodor Hengstenberg

3rd Half-Flotilla (3. Halbflottille): Lt Cdr Heinrich Boest

  • SMS G101 (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Rudolf Schulte
  • SMS G102: Lt von Barendorff
  • SMS B112: Lt Carl August Claussen(GE)
  • SMS B97: Lt Leo Riedel

4th Half-Flotilla (4. Halbflottille): Lt Cdr Adolf Dithmar

  • SMS B109 (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Victor Hahndorff
  • SMS B110: Lt August Vollheim
  • SMS B111: Lt Heinrich Schickhardt
  • SMS G103: Lt Fritz Spiess
  • SMS G104: Lt Georg von Bartenwerffer

6th Torpedo-Boat Flotilla (VI. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Lt Cdr Max Schultz

  • SMS G41 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Hermann Boehm

11th Half-Flotilla (11. Halbflottille) [Q]: Lt Wilhelm Rüman

  • SMS V44 (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Karl von Holleuffer
  • SMS G87: Lt Siegfried Karstens
  • SMS G86: Lt Kurt Grimm

12th Half-Flotilla (12. Halbflottille): Lt Rudolf Lahs

  • SMS V69 (lead boat, half-flotilla): Lt Robert Stecher
  • SMS V45: Lt Martin Laßmann
  • SMS V46: Lt Bruno Krumhaar
  • SMS S50: Lt Philipp Recke
  • SMS G37: Lt Wolf von Trotha

9th Torpedo-Boat Flotilla (IX. Torpedoboots-Flottille): Lt Cdr Herbert Goehle

  • SMS V28 (lead boat, flotilla): Lt Otto Lenssen

17th Half-Flotilla (17. Halbflottille): Lt Hermann Ehrhardt

  • SMS V27* (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Hartmut Buddecke
  • SMS V26: Lt Hans Köhler
  • SMS S36: Lt Franz Fischer
  • SMS S51: Lt Werner Dette
  • SMS S52: Lt Wilhelm Ehrentraut

18th Half-Flotilla (17. Halbflottille): Lt Cdr Werner Tillessen (GE)

  • SMS V30 (lead boat, half-flotilla): SLt Ernst Wolf
  • SMS S34: Lt Otto Andersen
  • SMS S33: Lt Waldemar von Münch
  • SMS V29* : Lt Erich Steinbrinck 
  • SMS S35* : Lt Friedrich Ihn 
Ketua Kapal Selam (Führer der Unterseeboote) : Capt Hermann Bauer di SMS Hamburg

Kapal selam yang berikut telah diaturgerak menyerang Armada Besar di Laut Utara semasa tempoh Pertempuran Jutland
Off Terschelling:

  • SMU U-46: Lt Leo Hillebrand
  • SM U-67: Lt Hans Nieland

Off the Humber Estuary:

  • SMU UB-21: Lt Ernst Hashagen

Off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire:

  • SMU UB-22: SLt Bernhard Putzier

Off the Firth of Forth, Scotland:

  • SMU U-52: Lt Hans Walter
  • SMU U-24: Lt Rudolf Schneider
  • SMU U-70: Lt Otto Wünsche
  • SMU U-32: Lt Fahr Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim
  • SMU U-51: Lt Walter Rumpfel
  • SMU U-63: Lt Otto Schultze
  • SMU U-66: Lt Thorwald von Bothmer

Off Peterhead, Scotland:

  • SMU U-47: Lt Heinrich Metzger

Off the Pentland Firth (between the Orkneys and the Scottish mainland):

  • SMU U-44: Lt Paul Wagenführ
  • SMU U-43: Lt Helmuth Jürst

During the battle the Germans used the Zeppelin airships of the Naval Airship Section (Marine Luftschiff Abteilung) for scouting, although in the prevailing overcast conditions they were not particularly successful. The commander of the Naval Airship Section was Lt Cdr Peter Strasser, and they flew from bases at Nordholz and Hage in north-west Germany and Tondern (then part of Schleswig; the town became part of Denmark in 1920).

Sortied on 31 May

  • L.9: Capt August Stelling (Army Officer, on the inactive list)
  • L.14: Lt Alois Böcker
  • L.16: Lt Erich Sommerfeldt
  • L.21: Lt Max Dietrich
  • L.23: Lt Otto von Schubert

Sortied on 1 June

  • L.11: Lt Victor Schultze
  • L.17: Lt Herbert Ehrlich
  • L.22: Lt Martin Dietrich
  • L.24: Lt Robert Koch

Did not sortie during the Battle of Jutland

  • L.13: Lt Eduard Prölß
  • L.30: SLt Horst Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels


Singkatan bagi Pegawai (Pangkat Jerman di alih bahasa mengikut amalan NATO terkini)[R]:

Adm: Laksamana
VAdm: Laksamana Madya/Vizeadmiral (VAdm)
RAdm: Laksamana Muda/Konteradmiral (KAdm)
Cdre: Komodor/Kommodore (Kom)
Capt: Kepten/Kapitän zur See (KptzS)
Cdr: Komander/Fregattenkapitän (FKpt)
Lt Cdr: Leftenan Komander/Korvettenkapitän (KKpt)
Lt: Leftenan/Kapitänleutnant (KptLt)
SLt: Leftenan Madya/Oberleutnant zur See (OLtzS)

Singkatan lain

AdC.: Juruiring kepada Raja
C.B.: Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath
C.M.G.: Companion of The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
C.V.O.: Commander of The Royal Victorian Order
D.F: Destroyer Flotilla
D.S.C.:Distinguished Service Cross
D.S.O.:Distinguished Service Order
Frhr:Freiherr (gelaran dalam golongan bangsawan Prusia yang setaraf Baron)
HMS: His Majesty's Ship
K.C.B.: Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath
K.C.M.G.:Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
K.C.V.O.: Knight Commander of The Royal Victorian Order
M.V.O.: Member of The Royal Victorian Order
SMS: Seiner Majestät Schiff (Bahasa Jerman; terjemahan: Kapal Diraja)
the Hon.: The Honourable

Nota penjelasan

Ships sunk during the action are indicated thus: * ; officers killed in action thus:   .

  1. ^ The German Navy's torpedo boats were of similar size and function to the destroyers in the Royal Navy, and are often referred as such.

British Section

  1. ^ 2nd Battle Squadron, 1st Cruiser Squadron and most of the 11th Destroyer Flotilla were at Invergordon, the remainder at Scapa Flow.
  2. ^ Grand Fleet battleships were permanently assigned to Battle Squadrons of eight ships, divided into two divisions of four ships each. In addition a light cruiser accompanied the squadron to repeat visual signals (made by Morse lamp, flags or semaphore), to ensure that the commanding Admiral could stay in touch with all vessels without the use of wireless transmissions (which could betray the presence of the squadron to an enemy). The flagship of the Commander-in-Chief was separate from the squadron organization, but joined one of the divisions for tactical purposes. In addition, there was the 3rd Battle Squadron of older kelas-King Edward VII pre-Dreadnought battleships, plus HMS Dreadnought herself, which was operating in the Thames Estuary at the time of Jutland. A 6th Battle Squadron of American battleships joined the Grand Fleet in December 1917.
  3. ^ Based at Cromarty Firth.
  4. ^ did not sail: HMS Emperor of India: Capt Charles William Rawson Royds, the usual flagship of RADM A. L. Duff, which was in dock.
  5. ^ did not sail: HMS Royal Sovereign: Capt. A. T. Hunt, which was still working up.
  6. ^ In addition, the 10th Cruiser Squadron: RAdm Dudley de Chair, with 17 armed merchant cruisers, formed the Northern Patrol Force of the Grand Fleet, carrying out blockade duties (these vessels were not engaged at the Battle of Jutland).
  7. ^ Based at Cromarty Firth
  8. ^ The 2nd Cruiser Squadron had just absorbed Minotaur, Hampshire and Donegal from the disbanded 7th Cruiser Squadron on 30 May 1916. Did not sail: HMS Achilles: Capt. F. M. Leake, which was in dock, and HMS Donegal: Capt. W. H. D'Oyly, which was on detached service
  9. ^ There is confusion about the exact name of this officer: the Navy List throughout the period 1914-1923, and the London Gazette in 1916 (announcing his CB) give his name as listed here. However in both earlier and later editions of the Navy List, in his service record, as well as in some (but not all) earlier editions of the London Gazette list him as Arthur Cloudesly Shovel Hughes D'Aeth; the probate records for England and Wales (reporting his death on 23 August 1956) list him as Arthur Cloudesley Shovell Hughes D'Aeth; his obituary in The Times (Saturday, Aug 25, 1956, pg. 11; Issue 53619) gives his name as Arthur Cloudesley Shovel Hughes-D'Aeth. There was similar confusion about the spelling of the name of his namesake, the 18th Century Admiral; in his case Cloudesley Shovell seems to be the accepted spelling nowadays.
  10. ^ These did not form part of the line of battle;Abdiel was attached for tactical minelaying and Oak as a tender to the flagship. In addition the seaplane carrier HMS Campania: Capt Oliver Schwann sailed from Scapa Flow 0130 hrs, 31 May, but was too slow to catch the fleet and was ordered to return 0430 hrs 31 May; and the kite balloon tender HMS Menelaus: Cdr C. W. N. McCulloch, did not sail
  11. ^ A typical Destroyer Flotilla (D.F.) consisted of 18 vessels: 16 destroyers (4 divisions of 4 vessels each, forming two half flotillas) plus two leaders (either a Light Cruiser or Flotilla leader) for the half-flotilla commanders. Unlike the German Navy, this organization was very flexible, being organized by the flotilla commander by signal when sailing, and subject to change during battle. The order of battle of British destroyers is based on the tactical organization at the start of the battle given in,[5] plus other sources as noted. It differs from that given in most published secondary sources, which reflect only the administrative order of battle. The destroyers in each flotilla were usually of a uniform design: the 1st Flotilla was made up of I-class vessels built in 1911, 4th Flotilla K-class, the 9th Flotilla (which had formerly been designated the 3rd Flotilla) L-class; the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th Flotillas were kelas-Admiralty M. The sole exception at the time of Jutland was the Admiralty M-class destroyer HMS Ophelia, temporarily assigned to the 4th Flotilla (she was due to join the new 14th Flotilla later in 1916).
  12. ^ did not sail: HMS Cockatrice (refit), HMS Paragon (refit) and HMS Victor.
  13. ^ Four destroyers detached from the 4th and 12th Destroyer Flotillas as escorts for the 2nd Cruiser Squadron.[6]
  14. ^ Based at Cromarty Firth except for HMS Marne, HMS Manners, HMS Michael and HMS Mons at Scapa Flow. Did not sail: HMS Musketeer (refit) and HMS Marmion (refit).
  15. ^ did not sail: HMS Mameluke (refit, Glasgow) and HMS Napier (refit, Glasgow); also HMS Mischief assigned to Group 8/4th D.F.
  16. ^ Attached from 5th Light Cruiser Squadron of the Harwich Force.
  17. ^ Attached from 3rd Light Cruiser Squadron.
  18. ^ I-class destroyers (except Ophelia) attached from 4th Destroyer Flotilla.
  19. ^ Also known at different times during the war as Cruiser Force A, and the Battle Cruiser Force. At the time of Jutland, British battle cruisers were organized in three squadrons of three ships each, plus a fleet flagship. One of these Squadrons, the 3rd, was temporarily detached to the main body of the Grand Fleet. In addition there were three light cruiser squadrons and the 13th Destroyer Flotilla assigned (augmented at Jutland by additional attached destroyers). The Battle Cruiser Fleet was based at Rosyth on the Firth of Forth, Scotland.
  20. ^ Did not sail: HMAS Australia: Capt S. H. Radcliffe, usual flagship of RADM Pakenham, which was in dock at Devonport.
  21. ^ Did not sail: HMS Negro, HMS Nepean, HMS Nereus, HMS Paladin, HMS Penn and HMS Pigeon.
  22. ^ The 9th Destroyer Flotilla was part of the Harwich Force; this group of six destroyers were attached to the Battle Cruiser Fleet at the time of Jutland, and sailed under this designation with the organization given below.[10]
  23. ^ Did not sail: HMS Queen Elizabeth: Capt. G. P. W. Hope.
  24. ^ Attached from Grand Fleet, in company with 5th Battle Squadron. Did not sail: HMS Botha (flotilla leader), HMS Archer, HMS Jackal, HMS Phoenix and HMS Tigress (all refitting); HMS Beaver, HMS Druid, HMS Ferret, HMS Hind, HMS Hornet and HMS Sandfly (all detached to the Nore, as escort to the 3rd Battle Squadron, which was guarding the Thames Estuary against a Battle Cruiser raid).

German Section
The German designations of ship types, fleets, squadrons and flotillas are given in brackets after the English designation.

  1. ^ Did not sail: SMS König Albert: Capt Thorbecke (condenser breakdown), SMS Bayern: Capt Max Hahn (new construction, working up at Kiel), tender SMS T.39.
  2. ^ Did not sail: attached Fleet tenders SMS D4, SMS T96, SMS T98 and SMS T16.
  3. ^ Did not sail: attached tenders SMS Blitz and SMS T20
  4. ^ Did not sail: SMS Preussen: Capt Frey, detached to Baltic as guard-ship at The Sound, and tenders SMS Pfeil and SMS T49.
  5. ^ Did not sail: SMS Berlin: Cdr Hildebrand, at Wilhelmshaven; and SMS Brummer: Capt Wilhelm Schulz, at Kiel.
  6. ^ Flagship of the Leader of U-Boats: Capt Hermann Bauer, attached to the 4th Scouting Group for tactical purposes.
  7. ^ German torpedo boat flotillas typically comprised two half-flotillas of five vessels each, plus an additional vessel for the flotilla commander. The boats were given numbers sequentially based on the order in which they were built. In addition, each boat had an initial letter denoting its builder: V for the Vulcan works at Stettin, S for the Schichau Works at Elbing in East Prussia, B for the Blohm und Voss Works at Hamburg, and G for Krupp's Germania Works at Kiel. All but one of the boats that fought at Jutland belonged to the number series than began with SMS V1 in 1911 (only SMS V189 belonged to the earlier series). Boats numbered 1-24 were of the 1911 Type [15] and served in the 5th and 7th Flotillas; boats numbered in the range 25-95 were of the 1913 Type[16] and served in the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th Flotillas. The vessels in the 2nd Flotilla were of a special large type built in 1914-15 and designated Torpedobootzerstörer (Torpedo Boat Destroyers) .[17]
  8. ^ Attached to the 4th Scouting Group for tactical purposes.
  9. ^ Did not sail: 2nd Half-Flotilla (2. halbsflottille), consisting of SMS G192: SLt Mewis, SMS G195: Lt Mickel, SMS G196: Lt Frhr von Seld, SMS G193: Lt Oswald Paul and SMS S165: SLt Johannes-Henning Schneider, all under the command of Cdr Hans Kolbe.
  10. ^ Did not sail: SMS V190: Lt(Reserve) Bon-Ed, and SMS G197: Lt Crelinger.
  11. ^ Did not sail: SMS V74: Lt Günther Ehrlich, and SMS G85: Lt Hans Herbert Stobwasser.
  12. ^ Did not sail: SMS V70: Lt Lemelsen, SMS S55: Lt Holscher.
  13. ^ Groos, op. cit., Anlage 6./7. states Lt Otto Karlowa in SMS S54 was the leader of the 6th Half-Flotilla on 30 May 1916; however from the narrative (Groos, op. cit., p.304) it is clear that Riedel in V48 led the half-flotilla during the battle until the vessel was sunk in action and he was killed; the Second World War destroyer Z6 was named in Riedel's honor.[18]
  14. ^ Did not sail: SMS G172, refitting; sailed, but returned to port prior to action: SMS V186: Lt Wedigo von Keyserling.
  15. ^ Did not sail: SMS Graudenz: Lt Beucer, under repair at Wilhelmshaven, and SMS Stralsund: Capt Weniger, in dock at Kiel.
  16. ^ Attached to the 2nd Scouting Group for tactical purposes.
  17. ^ Did not sail: SMS S49: Lt Bauftaedt and SMS V43: Lt Carl.
  18. ^ In the First World War, German officers ranks were slightly higher in status: both Kapitän zur See and Fregattenkapitän were considered equivalent to a Captain in the Royal Navy; Korvettenkapitän was equivalent to a RN Commander; and Kapitänleutnant and Oberleutnant zur See to an RN Lieutenant (there was no German equivalent of a RN Lieutenant-Commander).[19] To avoid ambiguities (e.g. "Capt" could mean Kapitän zur See or Fregattenkapitän), the NATO system is employed.


  1. ^ "Edinburgh's War, University of Edinburgh" (PDF). Diarkibkan daripada yang asal (PDF) pada 2014-09-03. Dicapai pada 2018-10-23.
  2. ^ The Admiralty. Jutland Despatches. m/s. 33–47.
  3. ^ Corbett, Naval Operations Vol. III Appendix A
  4. ^ Of the remainder, Dreadnought, Emperor of India and Queen Elizabeth were in dry dock for refitting and maintenance, while Royal Sovereign had only commissioned three weeks previously and was left behind due to the inexperience of her crew
  5. ^ The Admiralty, Op. Cit., Enclosure No. III - Battle Plan.
  6. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 402.
  7. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 338–340.
  8. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 344–352.
  9. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 229–230.
  10. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 405.
  11. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 242–252.
  12. ^ The Admiralty. Op. Cit. m/s. 400.
  13. ^ Groos, Nordsee vol.5. Anlage 6., pp 466-470 and Anlage 7., pp.471-472 (in German).
  14. ^ Frost, Jutland, Appendix 1, pp. 533-538.
  15. ^ Emmerich, German Naval History, Type 1911 Torpedo boats (accessed 2 May 2013).
  16. ^ Emmerich, Op. Cit., Type 1913 Torpedo boats (accessed 2 May 2013).
  17. ^ Emmerich, Op. Cit., Torpedobootzerstörer (accessed 2 May 2013).
  18. ^ Emmerich, Op. Cit., German Destroyer Z.6 (accessed 2 May 2013).
  19. ^ Jane's Fighting Ships 1914. m/s. 155.


  • The Admiralty (1920). Battle of Jutland, 30th May to 1st June 1916: Official Despatches with Appendices. London: H.M. Stationery Office.
  • Corbett, Sir Julian (1923).Naval Operations, Volume III. London: Longmans, Green and Company.
  • Groos, Korvettenkapitän Otto (1925). Der Krieg zur See, 1914-18. Der Krieg in der Nordsee vol.5. Berlin: Verlag von E. S. Mittler & Sohn.
  • Frost, Commander Holloway H. (1936). The Battle of Jutland. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. ISBN 0-87021-098-X.
  • Jane, Fred T. (1914). All the World's Fighting Ships. London: Sampson Low Marston.
  • Emmerich, Michael. "German Naval History". Dicapai pada 2 May 2013.