
Roeslerstammia erxlebella
Taxonomische indeling
Rijk:Animalia (Dieren)
Stam:Arthropoda (Geleedpotigen)
Klasse:Insecta (Insecten)
Orde:Lepidoptera (Vlinders)
Bruand, 1850
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De Roeslerstammiidae zijn een familie van vlinders in de superfamilie Gracillarioidea. Deze familie telt 53 soorten in 13 geslachten.[1]

Geslachten en soorten

  • Agriothera Meyrick, 1907
    • Agriothera aeruginosa Meyrick, 1913
    • Agriothera cristata Diakonoff, 1951
    • Agriothera elaeocarpophaga Moriuti, 1978
    • Agriothera issikii Moriuti, 1978
    • Agriothera melanacma Meyrick, 1907
    • Agriothera meyricki Moriuti, 1978
  • Amphithera Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • = Zonops Turner, 1900
    • Amphithera aurea Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera choanogena Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera crimnodes Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera eulampra Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera euniphadopa Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera hemerina Turner, 1923
    • Amphithera heteroleuca (Turner, 1900)
      • = Zonops heteroleuca Turner, 1900
      • = Amphithera monstruosa Turner, 1913
    • Amphithera heteromorpha Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Amphithera nivilita Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera personata Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera poliochlamys Diakonoff, 1955
    • Amphithera smaragdopa Meyrick, 1921
    • Amphithera tyriochalca Meyrick, 1930
  • Chalcoteuches Turner, 1927
    • Chalcoteuches chlorantha Diakonoff, 1955
    • Chalcoteuches phlogera Turner, 1926
  • Cuphomorpha Turner, 1939
    • Cuphomorpha tanyceros Turner, 1939
  • Dasycarea Zeller, 1877
    • Dasycarea viridisquamata Zeller, 1877
  • Dinocrana Turner, 1933
    • Dinocrana chrysomitra Turner, 1933
  • Enchoptila Turner, 1914
    • Enchoptila idiopis Turner, 1914
  • Harpedonistis Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Harpedonistis gonometra Meyrick, 1893[2]
  • Hestiaula Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Hestiaula rhodacris Meyrick, 1893[2]
  • Macarangela Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Macarangela leucochrysa Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Macarangela pyracma Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Macarangela uranarcha Meyrick, 1893[2]
  • Sphenograptis Meyrick, 1913
    • Sphenograptis celetica Meyrick, 1913
  • Telethera Meyrick, 1913
    • Telethera blepharacma Meyrick, 1913]
    • Telethera formosa Moriuti, 1978
    • Telethera inthawichayanoni Moriuti, 1987
    • Telethera karsholti Moriuti, 1987
  • Thalassonympha Meyrick, 1931
    • Thalassonympha mysteriodes Meyrick, 1931
  • Thereutis Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Thereutis arcana Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Thereutis chionozyga Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Thereutis conscia Meyrick, 1922
    • Thereutis insidiosa Meyrick, 1893[2]
    • Thereutis noxia Meyrick, 1921
    • Thereutis schismatica Meyrick, 1893[2]
  • Roeslerstammia Zeller, 1839
    • Roeslerstammia bella Moriuti, 1972
    • Roeslerstammia erxlebella (Fabricius, 1787)
      • = Alucita erxlebella Fabricius, 1787
      • = Tinea chrysitella Treitschke, 1833
      • = Tinea fuscocuprella Haworth, 1828
      • = Roeslerstammia erxlebeniella Zeller, 1839
    • Roeslerstammia hemiadelpha Treitschke, 1922
    • Roeslerstammia metaplastica Meyrick, 1922
    • Roeslerstammia nitidella Moriuti, 1972
    • Roeslerstammia pronubella (Denis & Schiffermueller, 1775)
    • Roeslerstammia transcaucasica Toll, 1958
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Nieukerken, Erik J. van et al. (2011). Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness Zootaxa, 3148: 212-221
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Meyrick, E. (1893) Descriptions of Australian Micro-Lepidoptera. XVI. Tineidae. [[ISSN 0370-047X|Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales]] (2), 7(4): 477-612. BHL
  • Nieukerken, E.J. & O. Karsholt (2006) "The validity of the family name Roeslerstammiidae Bruand (Lepidoptera)". Nota lepidopterologica 29 (1-2): 113-120. Link