
Leptotarsus viridis
Guérin-Ménéville, 1831
storstankelbein, stankelbein
Antall arter: ca. 300
Utbredelse: varme områder, ikke i Europa
Inndelt i

Leptotarsus er en artsrik slekt av stankelbein, er storvoksne mygg som hører til familien storstankelbein (Tipulidae).


Store, langbeinte, vanligvis lyst fargede (gulaktige, rødlige, grønnlige eller lysbrune) stankelbein. Antennene er trådformede. Mange har fargetegninger på vingene.


Larvene lever i jorden eller mellom råtnende plantemateriale.

En gammel slekt

Fossiler av denne slekten er kjent tilbake til nedre kritt [1], slekten er dermed en av de eldste kjente i Tipulidae.


De fleste av artene lever i tropiske områder på den sørlige halvkulen (rundt halvparten i Australia og en tredjedel i Sør-Amerika), men slekten forekommer så langt nord som Nord-Amerika. Den finnes ikke i Europa. Slekten erstatter på mange måter slekten Tipula på den sørlige halvkulen.

Systematisk inndeling

Listen følger [2].

  • Orden tovinger (Diptera)
    • Underorden mygg (Nematocera)
      • Overfamilien stankelbein (Tipuloidea)
        • Familien storstankelbein (Tipulidae)
          • Slekten Leptotarsus Guérin-Ménéville, 1831
            • Underslekten Aeshnasoma Johnson, 1909
              • Leptotarsus rivertonensis (Johnson, 1909)
            • Underslekten Araucomyia Alexander, 1929
              • Leptotarsus brevihirsutus (Alexander, 1934)
              • Leptotarsus chilensis (Philippi, 1866)
              • Leptotarsus paulseni (Philippi, 1866)
              • Leptotarsus penitus (Alexander, 1944)
            • Underslekten Aurotipula Alexander, 1924
              • Leptotarsus apertus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus atroflavus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus auroatrus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus bivittatus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus brevitarsis (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus clarus (Kirby, 1884)
              • Leptotarsus dux (Kirby, 1884)
              • Leptotarsus ferruginosus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus flavoscapus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus neali Oosterbroek, 1989
              • Leptotarsus occlusus (Edwards, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus orion (Hudson, 1895)
              • Leptotarsus ruapehuensis (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus subtener (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus tener (Hutton, 1900)
            • Underslekten Brevicera Miller, 1945
              • Leptotarsus aenigmaticus (Alexander, 1926)
              • Leptotarsus heterogamus (Hudson, 1913)
              • Leptotarsus waitakerensis (Alexander, 1952)
            • Underslekten Ceoneura Alexander, 1924
              • Leptotarsus idioneura (Alexander, 1924)
            • Underslekten Chlorotipula Alexander, 1924
              • Leptotarsus albistigma (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus angustior (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus elongatus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus holochlorus (Nowicki, 1875)
              • Leptotarsus virescens (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus viridis (Walker, 1856)
            • Underslekten Habromastix Skuse, 1890
              • Leptotarsus bulburinensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus cinerascens (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus cunninghamensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus heroni (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus hilli (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus luciae (Alexander, 1948)
              • Leptotarsus novellus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus ornatipes (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus parallelus (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus pergrandis (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus platyxanthus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus remotus (Walker, 1848)
              • Leptotarsus robinsoni (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus similior (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus sublateralis (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus terrareginae (Alexander, 1920)
            • Underslekten Kocia Kocak & Kemal, 2009
              • Leptotarsus gesneri (Enderlein, 1912)
            • Underslekten Leptotarsus (i snever forstand)
              • Leptotarsus annulipes (Philippi, 1866)
              • Leptotarsus ardrossanensis Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus bancrofti (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus caesareus Alexander, 1929
              • Leptotarsus cinereipleura Alexander, 1929
              • Leptotarsus clavatus (Maquart, 1850)
              • Leptotarsus coolgardiensis Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus ducalis (Westwood, 1876)
              • Leptotarsus esperanceiensis Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus flavolateralis Alexander, 1944
              • Leptotarsus fletcherensis Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus fraucai Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus gloria (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus imperatorius (Westwood, 1876)
              • Leptotarsus kalamundaensis Dobrotworsky, 1972
              • Leptotarsus macquarti Guérin-Ménéville, 1831
              • Leptotarsus nigrithorax (Macquart, 1850)
              • Leptotarsus regificus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus rufosternatus Alexander, 1944
              • Leptotarsus scutellaris Skuse, 1890
              • Leptotarsus subapterus Alexander, 1978
              • Leptotarsus tricinctus (Walker, 1848)
              • Leptotarsus trivittatus Skuse, 1890
            • Underslekten Leptotipula Alexander, 1917
              • Leptotarsus edwardsianus (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus limnophiloides (Alexander, 1917)
            • Underslekten Limoniodes Alexander, 1938
              • Leptotarsus sulphurellus (Alexander, 1938)
            • Underslekten Longurio Loew, 1869
              • Leptotarsus africanus (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus albicubitalis (Alexander, 1964)
              • Leptotarsus anoplostylus (Alexander, 1964)
              • Leptotarsus aspropodus (Alexander, 1957)
              • Leptotarsus atrirostris (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus basuticanus (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus belloides (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus bertii Alexander, 1979
              • Leptotarsus bonaespaei (Bergroth, 1888)
              • Leptotarsus borgmeieranus Alexander, 1969
              • Leptotarsus brasiliae (Alexander, 1935)
              • Leptotarsus browni (Alexander, 1940)
              • Leptotarsus bullocki (Alexander, 1931)
              • Leptotarsus byersi Young & Gelhaus, 1992
              • Leptotarsus caffer (Alexander, 1917)
              • Leptotarsus caparaonus (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus capicola (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus carreranus (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus chaoianus (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus chionoides (Alexander, 1917)
              • Leptotarsus chrysostigma (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus cinereilinea (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus cnephosus (Alexander, 1960)
              • Leptotarsus congestus (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus coronatus (Alexander, 1917)
              • Leptotarsus dolichoros (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus drakensbergensis (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus eshowensis (Alexander, 1960)
              • Leptotarsus espinozai (Alexander, 1939)
              • Leptotarsus eucryptus (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus exemptus (Alexander, 1936)
              • Leptotarsus flagellatus (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus fulvus (Edwards, 1916)
              • Leptotarsus ganocephalus (Alexander, 1960)
              • Leptotarsus goyazanus (Alexander, 1940)
              • Leptotarsus giumaraesi (Alexander, 1942)
              • Leptotarsus gurneyi Alexander, 1975
              • Leptotarsus gymnocerus (Alexander, 1938)
              • Leptotarsus hainanensis (Alexander, 1936)
              • Leptotarsus helotus Alexander, 1969
              • Leptotarsus hirsutistylus (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus huanucensis (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus inaequipes (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus insidiosus (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus ixion (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus jonesi (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus lemniscatus (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus lustralis (Alexander, 1936)
              • Leptotarsus luteiniger (Alexander, 1963)
              • Leptotarsus luteistigma (Alexander, 1940)
              • Leptotarsus macarius (Alexander, 1963)
              • Leptotarsus melanopterus (Alexander, 1930)
              • Leptotarsus micropteryx (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus millotianus (Alexander, 1958)
              • Leptotarsus minimus (Alexander, 1914)
              • Leptotarsus minusculoides (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus minusculus (Alexander, 1917)
              • Leptotarsus mitiformis (Alexander, 1960)
              • Leptotarsus mossambicensis (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus mosselensis (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus nahuelbutae (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus neorinus (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus niphopodus (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus nocivus (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus paraguayanus (Riedel, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus paraguayensis (Alexander, 1935)
              • Leptotarsus perglabratus (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus phaedrus (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus piger (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus pruinosus (Johnson, 1913)
              • Leptotarsus pulverosus (Matsumura, 1916)
              • Leptotarsus pygmaeus (Alexander, 1914)
              • Leptotarsus quadriniger (Alexander, 1949)
              • Leptotarsus rabelloi (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus rhodesiae (Alexander, 1937)
              • Leptotarsus riedelianus (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus rubriceps (Edwards, 1916)
              • Leptotarsus rubroniger (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus serotinellus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus sessoris (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus silvester (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus spinosus (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus stenodiastema (Alexander, 1961)
              • Leptotarsus stenostylus (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus stuckenbergi (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus styx (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus syndactylus (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus testaceus (Loew, 1869) - forekommer i Nord-Amerika
              • Leptotarsus tijucanus (Alexander, 1943)
              • Leptotarsus tinctorius (Alexander, 1960)
              • Leptotarsus travassosanus (Alexander, 1942)
              • Leptotarsus variceps (Alexander, 1935)
              • Leptotarsus versfeldi (Wood, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus vulsurus (Alexander, 1955)
              • Leptotarsus yanoi (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus zeylanicus (Alexander, 1958)
              • Leptotarsus zikanellus (Alexander, 1954)
            • Underslekten Macromastix Osten Sacken, 1887
              • Leptotarsus albicollis (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus albipedis Hynes, 1993
              • Leptotarsus albiplagius (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus alexanderi (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus alfie Theischinger, 1996
              • Leptotarsus amissionis (Alexander, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus angusticosta (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus arenarius (Alexander, 1950)
              • Leptotarsus atridorsum (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus aurantioceps (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus barringtoniensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus binnaburrae (Alexander, 1951)
              • Leptotarsus binotatus (Hutton, 1900)
              • Leptotarsus brachycerus Alexander, 1978
              • Leptotarsus brevipetiolatus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus brisbaneiensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus caledonianus (Alexander, 1934)
              • Leptotarsus campbelli (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus cinereus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus clarkianus (Alexander, 1930)
              • Leptotarsus clitellarius (Alexander, 1930)
              • Leptotarsus cockerellae (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus collessi Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus constrictus (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus cubitalis (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus decoratus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus dichroithorax (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus dimidiatus (Westwood, 1835)
              • Leptotarsus dispar (Walker, 1835)
              • Leptotarsus dorrigensis (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus errans (Edwards, 1927)
              • Leptotarsus fergusoni (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus flavidipennis (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus fucatus (Hutton, 1900)
              • Leptotarsus fulvithorax Alexander, 1978
              • Leptotarsus fumibasis (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus fuscolateratus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus gargettensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus glabristylus Hynes, 1993
              • Leptotarsus glaucocapillus (Alexander, 1952)
              • Leptotarsus greyanus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus hackeri (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus halteratus (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus harrisi (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus helmsi (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus hudsonianus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus humilis (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus huttoni (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus igniceps (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus incertus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus intermedius (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus limbipennis (Macquart, 1838)
              • Leptotarsus longioricornis (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus lunatus (Hutton, 1900)
              • Leptotarsus luteicosta (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus luteisubcostatus (Alexander, 1934)
              • Leptotarsus macquartianus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus mastersi (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus mathewsi (Alexander, 1930)
              • Leptotarsus mesocerus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus minor (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus minutissimus (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus mixtus Hynes, 1993
              • Leptotarsus monstratus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus montanus (Hutton, 1900)
              • Leptotarsus mouicola (Alexander, 1951)
              • Leptotarsus mutabilis (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus nigropolitus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus noelianus Alexander, 1978
              • Leptotarsus novocaledonicus (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus obliquus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus obliteratus (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus obscuripennis (Kirby, 1884)
              • Leptotarsus obscurirostris (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus ohakunensis (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus opifex (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus ornatus (Jaennicke, 1867)
              • Leptotarsus pacificus (Erichson, 1842)
              • Leptotarsus pallidistigma (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus pallidus (Hutton, 1900)
              • Leptotarsus pedestris (Alexander, 1939)
              • Leptotarsus productifrons (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus pseudoaurantioceps Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus pseudotortilis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus repletus (Alexander, 1948)
              • Leptotarsus risbeci (Alexander, 1934)
              • Leptotarsus rufibasis (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus rufiventris (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus sessilis (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus setivena (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus simillimus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus sinclairi (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus spinastylus Hynes, 1993
              • Leptotarsus submancus (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus submontanus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus subnitidus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus subobsoletus (Alexander, 1926)
              • Leptotarsus subvittatus (Alexander, 1939)
              • Leptotarsus tamborineiensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
              • Leptotarsus tapleyi (Alexander, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus tenuifrons (Alexander, 1926)
              • Leptotarsus tortilis (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus variegatus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus verreauxi (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus vittatus (Edwards, 1923)
              • Leptotarsus vulpinus (Hutton, 1881)
              • Leptotarsus zeylandiae (Alexander, 1920)
            • Underslekten Maoritipula Alexander, 1924
              • Leptotarsus hudsonellus (Alexander, 1964)
              • Leptotarsus hudsoni (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus maori (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus nebulosus (Hudson, 1920)
            • Underslekten Pehlkea Enderlein, 1912
              • Leptotarsus columbianus (Enderlein, 1912)
              • Leptotarsus pallitarsis (Alexander, 1937)
              • Leptotarsus regina (Alexander, 1914)
              • Leptotarsus regulus (Alexander, 1943)
            • Underslekten Phymatopsis Skuse, 1890
              • Leptotarsus albidipes (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus brevipalpis (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus brevirostratus (Alexander, 1922)
              • Leptotarsus flavopygialis (Alexander, 1920)
              • Leptotarsus intricatus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus nigrirostris (Skuse, 1890)
              • Leptotarsus nigrolimbatus (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus nigrosubcostatus (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus periplocus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus tenuirostris (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus tonnoiranus (Alexander, 1928)
              • Leptotarsus walpoleiensis Dobrotworsky, 1974
            • Underslekten Pseudoleptotarsus Alexander, 1920
              • Leptotarsus liponeurus Alexander, 1920
              • Leptotarsus nigrinus Dobrotworsky, 1974
            • Underslekten Tanypremna Osten Sacken, 1886
              • Leptotarsus albobasalis Alexander, 1969
              • Leptotarsus aurantiothorax (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus bezzianus (Alexander, 1921)
              • Leptotarsus borgmeieri (Alexander, 1942)
              • Leptotarsus brasiliensis Oosterbroek, 2009
              • Leptotarsus calliope (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus carbonipes (Alexander, 1938)
              • Leptotarsus cerritus (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus clotho (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus elegantior (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus fieldianus (Alexander, 1956)
              • Leptotarsus fuscitarsis (Alexander, 1919)
              • Leptotarsus gouadeloupensis Young, 2001
              • Leptotarsus hodgei (Alexander, 1939)
              • Leptotarsus horridus (Alexander, 1941)
              • Leptotarsus incompletus (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus invaripes (Alexander, 1936)
              • Leptotarsus kadeni (Alexander, 1941)
              • Leptotarsus limai (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus longipes (Fabricius, 1805)
              • Leptotarsus longissimus (Enderlein, 1912)
              • Leptotarsus manicatus (Osten Sacken, 1886)
              • Leptotarsus mirandus (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus opilio (Osten Sacken, 1886)
              • Leptotarsus ornatipes (Alexander, 1941)
              • Leptotarsus perornatus (Alexander, 1929)
              • Leptotarsus phylax (Alexander, 1954)
              • Leptotarsus picturellus (Alexander, 1941)
              • Leptotarsus porterianus (Alexander, 1937)
              • Leptotarsus proavitus (Alexander, 1940)
              • Leptotarsus salome (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus saltatrix (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus sanctaecatharinae (Alexander, 1945)
              • Leptotarsus uniguttatus (Alexander, 1954)
            • Underslekten Tanypremnella Alexander, 1938
              • Leptotarsus abitaguensis Oosterbroek, 2009
              • Leptotarsus antennifer (Alexander, 1942)
              • Leptotarsus crystallinus (Alexander, 1938)
              • Leptotarsus elongatus Alexander, 1978
              • Leptotarsus gentilis (Alexander, 1943)
              • Leptotarsus maldonadoi (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus mediocornis (Alexander, 1944)
              • Leptotarsus megacerus (Alexander, 1943)
              • Leptotarsus microcerus (Alexander, 1943)
              • Leptotarsus perdistinctus (Alexander, 1942)
              • Leptotarsus segnipes (Alexander, 1953)
              • Leptotarsus transfasciatus (Alexander, 1938)
            • Underslekten Tanypremnodes Alexander, 1924
              • Leptotarsus leucoplaca (Alexander, 1924)
              • Leptotarsus subapicalis (Alexander, 1941)
            • Underslekten Xenotipula Alexander, 1921
              • Leptotarsus cisatlanticus (Alexander, 1937)
              • Leptotarsus munroi (Alexander, 1921)


  1. ^ G.C. Ribeiro, D. Santos og R.C. Ramos Nicolau (2015) A new species of Leptotarsus (Diptera: Tipulidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil. Cretaceous Research 56: 244-249. [1]
  2. ^ Oosterbroek, Pjotr (2017): Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World


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