Hartmut Esslinger

Hartmut Esslinger (5 de junho de 1944) é um projetista de produtos alemão. É conhecido por ter fundado a Frog Design Inc..

Leitura adicional

  • Hartmut Esslinger und frogdesign. von Hartmut Esslinger und Uta Brandes, 1992 Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN 3-88243-215-2
  • Frog: Form Follows Emotion (Cutting Edge S.) von Fay Sweet, 1999 Thames and Hudson Ltd., ISBN 0-500-01917-7
  • Frogdesign von Hartmut Esslinger und Volker Fischer, 2000 Edition Axel Menges, ISBN 3-930698-05-6
  • A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business von Hartmut Esslinger, 2009 Jossey-Bass, ISBN 0-470-45102-5


Ligações externas

  • Apple IIc image
  • A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business by Hartmut Esslinger
  • Hartmut Esslinger's Amazing Apple Mac Prototypes via Fast Company
  • Presenter at Cusp Conference 2009
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