Sanford Wallace

Sanford "Spamford" Wallace (nascido em 1968)[1] é um internauta dos Estados Unidos famoso por ser um criador de spam em massa, de onde ganhou o apelido rei do spam.



Ligações externas


  • Sanford Wallace mini-bio and interviews from, originally at AnnOnline
  • CNET: Return of the Spam King November 20, 1997
  • CNET: Spam site killed under threats January 19, 1998
  • Wired: Sanford Wallace: Back to the Fax? January 23, 1998
  • FTC files case against spyware companies October 7, 2004
  • U.S. files first suit against Internet 'spy ware' October 8, 2004
  • Notorious Net marketer to halt spyware ads January 4, 2005
  • FTC Orders Former Spam King To Pay $4 Million For Spyware Scam May 4, 2006
  • MySpace files phishing and spam suit against Sanford Wallace March 27, 2007
  • Spamford Wallace's MySpace riches come under attack January 26, 2008
  • MySpace Wins Record $230m in Case Against 'Spam King' May 14, 2008

Casos jurídicos

  • Cyber Promotions v AOL
  • Cyber Promotions v CompuServe
  • Cyber Promotions v Earthlink Wallace case archives
  • Wallace v. Welch (1999)
  • Spamford Wallace banished from MySpace
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