Serenity (filme)

Serenity - A Luta Pelo Amanhã (BRA)
Serenity (filme)
 Estados Unidos
2005 •  cor •  119 min 
Direção Joss Whedon
Produção Barry Mendel
Roteiro Joss Whedon
Baseado em Firefly, de Joss Whedon
Elenco Nathan Fillion
Alan Tudyk
Adam Baldwin
Summer Glau
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Música David Newman
Cinematografia Jack Green
Edição Lisa Lassek
Distribuição Universal Pictures
Lançamento Estados Unidos 30 de setembro de 2005
Idioma inglês

Serenity (no Brasil: Serenity - A Luta Pelo Amanhã) é um filme de ficção científica de 2005, também classificado como western espacial ou filme épico, escrito e realizado por Joss Whedon.


Retoma a série televisiva Firefly, da Fox, que havia sido cancelada. A sua ação ocorre cerca de dois meses após os acontecimentos do último episódio da série.


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The Incredible Shrinking Man (1958) · The Twilight Zone (1960) · The Twilight Zone (1961) · The Twilight Zone (1962) · Dr. Strangelove (1965) · "The Menagerie" (Star Trek) (1967) · "The City on the Edge of Forever" (Star Trek) (1968) · 2001: A Space Odyssey (1969) · Cobertura jornalística da Apollo 11 (1970) · A Clockwork Orange (1972) · Slaughterhouse-Five (1973) · Sleeper (1974) · Young Frankenstein (1975) · A Boy and His Dog (1976) · Star Wars (1978) · Superman (1979) · Alien (1980)


The Empire Strikes-Back (1981) · Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982) · Blade Runner (1983) · Return of the Jedi (1984) · 2010 (1985) · Back to the Future (1986) · Aliens (1987) · The Princess Bride (1988) · Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1989) · Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1990) · Edward Scissorhands (1991) · Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1992) · "The Inner Light" (Star Trek: The Next Generation) (1993) · Jurassic Park (1994) · "All Good Things..." (Star Trek: The Next Generation) (1995) · "The Coming of Shadows" (Babylon 5) (1996) · "Severed Dreams" (Babylon 5) (1997) · Contact (1998) · The Truman Show (1999) · Galaxy Quest (2000) · Wòhǔ Cánglóng (2001) · The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2002)

(Forma Longa)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2003) · The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2004) · The Incredibles (2005) · Serenity (2006) · El Laberinto del Fauno (2007) · Stardust (2008) · WALL·E (2009) · Moon (2010) · Inception (2011) · Game of Thrones (Primeira Temporada) (2012) · The Avengers (2013) · Gravity (2014) · Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) · The Martian (2016) · Arrival (2017) · Wonder Woman (2018) · Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2019) · Good Omens (2020) · The Old Guard (2021) · Dune (2022) · Everything Everywhere All at Once (2023)

(Forma Curta)

"Conversations with Dead People" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (2003) · Discurso de agradecimento de Gollum no MTV Movie Awards de 2003 (2004) · "33" (Battlestar Galactica) (2005) · "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" (Doctor Who) (2006) · "The Girl in the Fireplace" (Doctor Who) (2007) · "Blink" (Doctor Who) (2008) · Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2009) · "The Waters of Mars" (Doctor Who) (2010) · "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" (Doctor Who) (2011) · "The Doctor's Wife" (Doctor Who) (2012) · "Blackwater" (Game of Thrones) (2013) · "The Rains of Castamere" (Game of Thrones) (2014) · "By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried" (Orphan Black) (2015) · "AKA Smile" (Marvel's Jessica Jones) (2016) · "Leviathan Wakes" (The Expanse) (2017) · "The Trolley Problem" (The Good Place) (2018) · "Janet(s)" (The Good Place) (2019) · "The Answer" (The Good Place) (2020) · "Whenever You're Ready" (The Good Place) (2021) · "Nemesis Games" (The Expanse) (2022) · "Babylon's Ashes" (The Expanse) (2023)

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