Fred Goldsmith

Fred Goldsmith

Fredrick Ernest Goldsmith (New Haven, Connecticut, 15.5. 1852, - Berkley, Michigan, 28.3. 1939.) bio je američki bejzbol pitcher iz 19. vijeka.

Goldsmith je na vrhuncu svoje karijere bio visok 183 cm i težak 80 kg. Profesionalnu karijeru je započeo u New Haven Havensima u National Associationu. Potom je 1876. otišao u Kanadu gdje se pridružio legendarnom klubu London Tecumsehs koji je osvojio prvenstvo lige International Association.

Godine 1879. se priključio klubu Troy Trojans u National Leagueu. Potom je pet sezona proveo u Chicago White Stockingsima pod Capom Ansonom. Karijeru je 1884. završio u klubu [Baltimore Orioles] u okviru lige American Association.

Krajem 1930-ih, nedugo prije Goldsmithove smrti, pojavila se kontroverza oko toga da li je Goldsmith ili Candy Cummings pronalazač tehnike bacanja zvane curveball. Goldsmith je umro nedugo nakon što je MLB odlučila u prilog Cummingsa, davši mu mjesto u bejzbolskoj Hali slavnih.

Vanjske veze

Fred Goldsmith na Wikimedijinoj ostavi
  • Twenty-Wins-Plus Club, National League pitchers, 1876-1889
  • Goldsmith Dies Insisting He Invented Curveball[mrtav link]
  • Cummings lands in the Hall of Fame for "his" invention the year Goldsmith dies (1939)
  • The International Association and Fred Goldsmith Arhivirano 2007-03-12 na Wayback Machine-u
  • The 1877 Rochesters of the International Association


  • Bill Stern's Favorite Baseball Stories by Bill Stern, (Blue Ribbon Books, Garden City, New York, 1949).
  • Fred Goldsmith Invented The Curve Ball by Howard Broughton, Assistant Sports Editor, The London Free Press, June 21, 1939.
  • Nick Altrock Is Here For Today by Howard Broughton, The London Free Press, August 2, 1938.
  • Cheering for the Home Team: The Story of Baseball in Canada by William Humber, (The Boston Mills Press, 1983).
  • Old Time Baseball and the London Tecumsehs of the late 1870s by Les Bronson, a recorded (and later transcribed) talk given to the London & Middlesex Historical Society on February 15, 1972. Available in the London Room of the London Public Library, Main Branch.
  • Some Baseball History, Both Amateur and Professional, in the City of London, Synopsis of Tecumsehs, the Renowned Champions of Early Days by Frank Adams, for 58 years a member of The London Advertiser staff, pages 214-217 of The Canadian Science Digest, March, 1938, published monthly in London, Ontario, Canada, by Walter Venner.