Acanthocinus pusillus

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Acanthocinus pusillus
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtAcanthocinus pusillus
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Acanthocinus pusillus
Auktor(Kirby, 1837)
Neacanthocinus pusillus Monné, 1995[1]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Monné & Giesbert, 1994[2]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Chemsak, Linsley & Noguera, 1992[3]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Gosling, 1986[4]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Drooz, 1985[5]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Gosling & Gosling, 1976[6]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Gardiner, 1969[7]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Bayer & Shenefelt, 1969[8]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Gilmour, 1965[9]
Neacanthocinus pusillus Dillon, 1956[10]
Graphisurus pusillus Procter, 1946[11]
Graphisurus pusillus Brimley, 1938[12]
Graphisurus pusillus Beaulne, 1932[13]
Graphisurus pusillus Criddle, 1928[14]
Graphisurus pusillus Mundinger, 1924[15]
Acanthocinus (acanthocinus) pusillus Aurivillius, 1923[16]
Graphisurus (graphisurus) pusillus Casey, 1913[17]
Ceratographis pusilla Hopkins, 1904[18]
Ceratographis pusilla Ulke, 1903[19]
Graphisurus pusillus Klages, 1901[20]
Graphisurus pusillus Smith, 1900[21]
Graphisurus pusillus Hopkins, 1893[22]
Acanthocinus (graphisurus) pusillus Horn, 1880[23]
Graphisurus pusillus Horn, 1876[24]
Graphisurus pusillus Planchard, 1875[25]
Graphisurus pusillus Austin, 1874[26]
Graphidurus pusillus Gemminger & Harold, 1873[27]
Graphisurus pusillus Lacordaire, 1872[28]
Acanthocinus (graphisurus) pusillus Bethune, 1872[29]
Graphisurus pusillus Bates, 1864[30]
Graphisurus pusillus Bland, 1861[31]
Graphisurus pusillus Melsheimer, 1853[32]
Acanthocinus (graphisurus) pusillus Kirby, 1837[33]
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Acanthocinus pusillus[34] är en skalbaggsart som först beskrevs av Kirby 1837. Acanthocinus pusillus ingår i släktet Acanthocinus och familjen långhorningar.[34][35]

Artens utbredningsområde är Alaska.[34] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[34]


  1. ^ MONNÉ Miguel Ángel (1995) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the western hemisphere. Part XVIII. Subfamily Lamiinae: Tribe Acanthocinini, Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, São Paulo 1995 XVIII: 1-196.
  2. ^ MONNÉ M. A. & GIESBERT E. F. (1994) Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere, Wolfsgarden Books. Burbank, California : i-xiv + 1-410. ISBN 1-885850-00-X
  3. ^ CHEMSAK J. A., LINSLEY E. G. & NOGUERA F. A. (1992) II. Los Cerambycidae y Disteniidae de Norteamérica, Centroamérica y las Indias Occidentales (Coleoptera), Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Listados Faunísticos de México 1992: 1-204.
  4. ^ GOSLING David C. L. (1986) Ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Huron Mountains in Northern Michigan, The Great Lakes Entomologist, Detroit 19 (3): 153-162.
  5. ^ DROOZ A. T. (1985) Insects of eastern forests, USDA Forest Service Miscellaneous Publications, Washington D. C. 1426: 1-608.
  6. ^ GOSLING D. C. L. & GOSLING N. M. (1976) An annotated list of the Cerambycidae of Michigan (Coleoptera) Part II, the subfamilies Lepturinae and Lamiinae, The Great Lakes Entomologist, Detroit 10 (1): 1-37, figs 62-183.
  7. ^ GARDINER L. M. (1969) Immature stages and biology of Eastern Canadian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in the Sault Ste. Marie collection, Forest Research Laboratory, Ontario Region, Sault Ste. Marie, Internal Report 0-14.
  8. ^ BAYER L. J. & SHENEFELT R. D. (1969) Wisconsin Cerambycidae in the University of Wisconsin Insectarium, Research Bulletin of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (275): 1-48.
  9. ^ GILMOUR E. Forrest (1965) Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde (Col. Céramb.), Verlag des Museums G. Frey Tutzing bei München 8: 559-655.
  10. ^ DILLON Lawrence S. (1956) The Nearctic components of the tribe Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part II, Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio 49 (3): 207-235, 9 figs.
  11. ^ PROCTER W. (1946) Biological survey of the Mountain Desert Region incorporated. Part VII , being a revision of parts I and IV with the addition of 1100 species. The insect fauna with references to method of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features, Philadelphia Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 566 pp, 1 map.
  12. ^ BRIMLEY C. S. (1938) The insects of North Carolina, Being a List of the Insects of North Carolina and Their Close Relatives, Raleigh. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Division Entomology 560 pp.
  13. ^ BEAULNE J. T. (1932) Longicornes nuisibles aux végétaux ligneux du Canada, Le Naturaliste Canadien, Québec 59 (11): 219-222.
  14. ^ CRIDDLE N. (1928) The entomological record, 1927, 58th Annual Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario 1927: 92-103.
  15. ^ MUNDINGER F. G. (1924) A preliminary list of Buprestidae and Cerambycidae of the Cranberry Lake region, New York, Technical Publications of the New York State College of Forestry 17: 313-320.
  16. ^ AURIVILLIUS Christopher (1923) Cerambycidae : Lamiinae. II., Coleopterorum Catalogus pars 74 [Vol. 23] II: 323-704. W. Junk & S. Schenkling, Berlin.
  17. ^ CASEY Thomas Lincoln (1913) II - Further Studies among the American Longicornia, Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Lancaster 4: 193-388.
  18. ^ HOPKINS Andrew Delmar (1904) Catalogue of exhibits of insect enemies of forest and forest products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition St. Louis, Mo. 1904, USDA Division of Entomology Bulletin (n. s.) 48: 1-56, 22 pls.
  19. ^ ULKE Henry (1903) A list of the Beetles of the District of Columbia., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 25 (1275): 1-57.
  20. ^ KLAGES Edward Alfred (1901) Supplement to Dr. John Hamilton's list of the Coleoptera of southwestern Pennsylvania, Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh 1: 265-294.
  21. ^ SMITH John Bernhardt (1900) Insects of New Jersey. A list of the species occuring in New Jersey, with notes on those of economic importance (Order Coleoptera), Supplement of the 27th Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Trenton [1899]: 1-755, 328 figs, 2 maps.
  22. ^ HOPKINS Andrew Delmar (1893) Catalogue of West Virginia forest and shade tree insects collected in 1890-1893, including injurious, beneficial and other insects taken on or in some part of the tree examined, Bulletin of the West Virginia University Agricultural Experiment Station 32 (8): 171-251.
  23. ^ HORN George Henry (1880) Notes on some genera of Cerambycidæ, with descriptions of new species., Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 8: 115-139, 1 pl.
  24. ^ HORN George Henry (1876) Synonymy of the Coleoptera of the Fauna Boreali-Americana, Kirby., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 8 (9): 166-170.
  25. ^ PLANCHARD Frederick (1875) Correspondence. Rhagium lineatum., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 7: 96-97.
  26. ^ AUSTIN E. P. & LECONTE J. L. (1874) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Mt. Washington, N. H., by E. P. Austin ; with Descriptions of New Species by J. L. LeConte, M.D., Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 16: 265-276.
  27. ^ GEMMINGER Max & von HAROLD Edgar (1873) Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus, Munich 10: 2989-3232 & index
  28. ^ LACORDAIRE Jean Théodore (1872) Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléoptères ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous les genres proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. Famille LXVIII. Longicornes. (suite). Sous-famille III. LAMIIDES., Paris. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret. 9 (2): 411-930.
  29. ^ BETHUNE Charles James Stewart (1872) Insects of the northern parts of British America. From Kirby's Fauna Boreali-Americana: Insecta., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 4 (3): 52-57.
  30. ^ BATES Henry Walter (1864) II. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes., The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (3) 14: 11-24.
  31. ^ BLAND James H. B. (1861) Catalogue of the longicorn Coleoptera taken at the vicinity of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 1: 93-101.
  32. ^ MELSHEIMER Friedrich Ernst (1853) Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution xvi + 174 pp.
  33. ^ KIRBY William (1837) Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America. The Insects, In Richardson, Swainson & Kirby. Norwich, Josiah Fletcher 4: xxxx + 326 pp, 8 pls.
  34. ^ [a b c d] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (16 september 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  35. ^ TITAN: Cerambycidae database. Tavakilian G., 2009-05-25