Urgleptes guadeloupensis

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Urgleptes guadeloupensis
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtUrgleptes guadeloupensis
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Urgleptes guadeloupensis
Auktor(Fleutiaux & Sallé, 1889)
Lepturges guadeloupensis Woodruff & al., 1998[1]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Zayas, 1975[2]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Chemsak, 1972[3]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Miskimen & Bond, 1970[4]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Duffy, 1960[5]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Tucker, 1952[6]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Cazier & Lacey, 1952[7]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Wolcott, 1951[8]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Ramos, 1946[9]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Blackwelder, 1946[10]
Lepturges guadeloupensis 1945
Lepturges guadeloupensis Beatty, 1944[11]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Wolcott, 1936[12]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Russo, 1930[13]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Wolcott, 1924[14]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Aurivillius, 1923[15]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Leng & Mutchler, 1917[16]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Leng & Mutchler, 1914[17]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Gahan, 1895[18]
Lepturges guadeloupensis Fleutiaux & Sallé, 1889[19]
Hitta fler artiklar om djur med

Urgleptes guadeloupensis[20] är en skalbaggsart som först beskrevs av Edmond Jean-Baptiste Fleutiaux och Sallé 1889. Urgleptes guadeloupensis ingår i släktet Urgleptes och familjen långhorningar.[20][21]

Artens utbredningsområde är[20]:

Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[20]


  1. ^ WOODRUFF R. E., BECK B. M., SKELLEY P. E., SCHOTMAN C. Y. L. & THOMAS M. C. (1998) Checklist and Bibliography of The Insects of Grenada and The Grenadines, Memoir Series of the Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville : 1-286. The Sandhill Crane Press, Inc. ISBN 1877743283.
  2. ^ ZAYAS Fernando (1975) Revisión de la família Cerambycidae (Coleoptera, Phytophagoidea), Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Instituto de Zoología, La Habana: 1-433, 140 figs (38 pls).
  3. ^ CHEMSAK John A. (1972) A new seed inhabiting cerambycid from Costa Rica, The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, San Francisco 48 (2): 150-152, 1 fig.
  4. ^ MISKIMEN G. W. & BOND R. M. (1970) The insect fauna of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands» 13 (1): 1-114. New York Academy of Sciences.
  5. ^ DUFFY Evelyn A. J. (1960) A monograph of the immature stages of Neotropical timber beetles (Cerambycidae), British Museum (Natural History), London : vii + 327, 176 figs & 13 pls, frontispice.
  6. ^ TUCKER R. W. E. (1952) The insects of Barbados, The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 36 (4): 330-363.
  7. ^ CAZIER M. A. & LACEY L. (1952) The Cerambycidae of the Bahama Islands, British West Indies (Coleoptera), American Museum Novitates, New York 1588: 1-55, 13 figs.
  8. ^ WOLCOTT George Norton (1951) The insects of Puerto Rico. Coleoptera, The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 32 (2)[1948]: 225-416, 56 figs.
  9. ^ RAMOS J. A. (1946) The insects of Mona Island (West Indies), The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 30 (1): 1-74, 2 pls.
  10. ^ BLACKWELDER Richard Eliott (1946) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part 4., Bulletin of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 185 (4): 551-763.
  11. ^ BEATTY H. A. (1944) The insects of St. Croix, The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras 28 (3-4): 114-172.
  12. ^ WOLCOTT George Norton (1936) «Insectae Borinquensis». A revised annotated checklist of the insects of Porto Rico, with descriptions of some new species., The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 20: 1-627.
  13. ^ RUSSO Giuseppe (1930) Contributo alla conoscenza dei Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) della Rep. Dominicana (Antille) con descrizione di una nuova specie, Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria del R. Istituto Superiore Agrario di Portici 24 (14): 140-147, 2 figs.
  14. ^ WOLCOTT George Norton (1924) «Insectae Portoricensis». A preliminary annotated checklist of the insects of Porto Rico, with descriptions of some new species, Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico 7 (1): 5-313.
  15. ^ AURIVILLIUS Christopher (1923) Cerambycidae : Lamiinae. II., Coleopterorum Catalogus pars 74 [Vol. 23] II: 323-704. W. Junk & S. Schenkling, Berlin.
  16. ^ LENG C. W. & MUTCHLER A. J. (1917) Supplement to Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of the West Indies, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 37 (5): 191-220.
  17. ^ LENG C. W. & MUTCHLER A. J. (1914) A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of the West Indies as Recorded to January 1, 1914., Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 33 (30): 391-493.
  18. ^ GAHAN Charles Joseph (1895) On the Longicorn Coleoptera of the West Indian Islands, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1895: 79-140, 1 pl.
  19. ^ FLEUTIAUX E. & SALLÉ A. (1889) Liste des Coléoptères de la Guadeloupe et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris (6) 9: 351-484, pls 7-8.
  20. ^ [a b c d] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (17 september 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/urgleptes+guadeloupensis/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  21. ^ TITAN: Cerambycidae database. Tavakilian G., 2009-05-25