Urgleptes querci

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Urgleptes querci
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtUrgleptes querci
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Urgleptes querci
Auktor(Fitch, 1859)
Lepturges querei Senchina, 2005[1]
Lepturges querci Furth, 1985[2]
Lepturges querci Peck, 1963[3]
Lepturges querci Chagnon & Robert, 1962[4]
Lepturges querci Steyskal, 1951[5]
Lepturges querci Fattig, 1947[6]
Lepturges querci Knull, 1946[7]
Lepturges querci Löding, 1945[8]
Lepturges quercus Hoffmann, 1942[9]
Lepturges querci Hoffmann, 1940[10]
Lepturges querci Chagnon, 1938[11]
Lepturges querci Brimley, 1938[12]
Lepturges querci Löding, 1933[13]
Lepturges querci Beaulne, 1932[14]
Lepturges querci Barrett, 1932[15]
Lepturges querci Knull, 1930[16]
Lepturges querci Leonard, 1928[17]
Lepturges querci Brues, 1927[18]
Lepturges querci Kirk & Knull, 1926[19]
Lepturges querci Champlain, Kirk & Knull, 1925[20]
Lepturges querci Blackman & Stage, 1924[21]
Lepturges tristis Aurivillius, 1923[22]
Lepturges quercus Aurivillius, 1923[22]
Lepturges querci Craighead, 1923[23]
Lepturges querci Morris, 1920[24]
Lepturges querci Frost, 1920[25]
Lepturges querci Britton, 1920[26]
Lepturges querci Nicolay, 1919[27]
Lepturges querci Chagnon, 1917[28]
Lepturges querci Stoner, 1915[29]
Lepturges tristis Casey, 1913[30]
Lepturges querci Casey, 1913[30]
Lepturges querci Fisher & Kirk, 1912[31]
Lepturges querci Smith, 1910[32]
Lepturges querci Leng, 1910[33]
Lepturges querci Blatchley, 1910[34]
Lepturges querci Wickham, 1909[35]
Lepturges querci Felt, 1906[36]
Lepturges querci Chagnon, 1905[37]
Lepturges quercus Ulke, 1903[38]
Lepturges querci Dury, 1902[39]
Lepturgus querci Smith, 1900[40]
Lepturges querci Wickham, 1898[41]
Lepturges querci Leng & Hamilton, 1896[42]
Lepturges querci Beutenmüller, 1896[43]
Lepturges querci Hamilton, 1895[44]
Lepturges querci Chittenden, 1894[45]
Lepturges querci Townsend, 1893[46]
Lepturges querci Packard, 1890[47]
Leiopus querci Packard, 1890[47]
Lepturges querci 1884
Leiopus querci Packard, 1881[48]
Liopus quercus Riley, 1880[49]
Lepturges querci Horn, 1880[50]
Leiopus querci Popenoe, 1877[51]
Leiopus querci Fitch, 1859[52]
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Urgleptes querci[53] är en skalbaggsart som först beskrevs av Fitch 1859. Urgleptes querci ingår i släktet Urgleptes och familjen långhorningar.[53][54] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[53]


  1. ^ SENCHINA David S. (2005) Beetle Interaction with Poison Ivy and Poison Oak (Toxicodendron P. Mill. Sect. Toxicodendron, Anacardiaceae), The Coleopterists' Bulletin 59 (3): 330-332, 5 figs.
  2. ^ FURTH D. G. (1985) The natural history of a sumac tree, with an emphasis on the entomofauna, Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 46: 137-234.
  3. ^ PECK O. (1963) A catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta, Hymenoptera), The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario supplement 30: 1-1092.
  4. ^ CHAGNON G. & ROBERT A. (1962) Principaux Coléoptères de la province de Québec, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal 440 pp, 29 pls.
  5. ^ STEYSKAL George (1951) Insects feeding on plants of the Toxicodendron-section of the genus Rhus (poison oak, ivy, or sumac), The Coleopterists' Bulletin 5 (5-6): 75-77.
  6. ^ FATTIG P. W. (1947) The Cerambycidae or long-horned beetles of Georgia, Emory University Museum Bulletin 5: 1-48.
  7. ^ KNULL Josef Nissley (1946) The long-horned beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus 7 (4) 39: 133-354, 29 pls. (Ohio State University Studies 7, n° 4).
  8. ^ LÖDING Henry Peter (1945) Catalogue of the beetles of Alabama, Geological Survey of Alabama Monograph 11: 1-172.
  9. ^ HOFFMANN C. H. (1942) Annotated list of elm insects in the United States, USDA Miscellaneous Publications, Washington D.C. 466: 1-20.
  10. ^ HOFFMANN C. H. (1940) Additions to annotated lists of insects reared from elm bark and wood, Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 35 (2): 54-63.
  11. ^ CHAGNON G. (1938) Contribution à l'étude des Coléoptères de la Province de Québec, Le Naturaliste Canadien, Québec 65 (5): 257-320. Montréal.
  12. ^ BRIMLEY C. S. (1938) The insects of North Carolina, Being a List of the Insects of North Carolina and Their Close Relatives, Raleigh. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Division Entomology 560 pp.
  13. ^ LÖDING Henry Peter (1933) Alabama Coleoptera not generally listed from the gulf coast States of the Mississippi River, Fla., Ga., Ala., and Miss., Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 28 (4): 139-151.
  14. ^ BEAULNE J. T. (1932) Longicornes nuisibles aux végétaux ligneux du Canada, Le Naturaliste Canadien, Québec 59 (11): 219-222.
  15. ^ BARRETT R. E. (1932) An annotated list of the insects and arachnids affecting the various species of walnuts or members of the genus Juglans Linn., University of California. Publications in Entomology, Berkeley 5: 275-310.
  16. ^ KNULL Josef Nissley (1930) Notes on Coleoptera No. 2, Entomological News, Philadelphia 41 (4): 101-102.
  17. ^ LEONARD Mortimer Demarest (1928) A list of the insects of New York with a list of the spiders and certain other allied groups, Memoir of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca 101: 1-1121, 1 map.
  18. ^ BRUES Charles Thomas (1927) Observations on wood-boring insects, their parasitic and other associated insects, Psyche. Cambridge, Massachusetts 34 (2): 73-90.
  19. ^ KIRK H. B. & KNULL H. N. (1926) Annotated list of the Cerambycidae of Pennsylvania, The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 58 (2): 39-46.
  20. ^ CHAMPLAIN A. B., KIRK H. B. & KNULL J. N. (1925) Notes on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), Entomological News, Philadelphia 36 (5): 139-142.
  21. ^ BLACKMAN M. W. & STAGE Harry H. (1924) On the succession of insects living in the bark and wood of dying, dead, and decaying hickory, Technical Publications of the New York State College of Forestry 17: 3-269.
  22. ^ [a b] AURIVILLIUS Christopher (1923) Cerambycidae : Lamiinae. II., Coleopterorum Catalogus pars 74 [Vol. 23] II: 323-704. W. Junk & S. Schenkling, Berlin.
  23. ^ CRAIGHEAD F. C. (1923) North American cerambycid-larvae, Bulletin of the Canada Department of Agriculture (n.s.) 27: 1-239, figs 1-8, pls 1-44.
  24. ^ MORRIS Francis J. A. (1920) Popular and Practical Entomology. Familiar Haunts., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 52 (4): 73-76.
  25. ^ FROST Charles Albert (1920) Popular and Practical Entomology. A Day's Beating., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 52 (2): 25-29.
  26. ^ BRITTON Wilton Everett (1920) Check-list of the insects of Connecticut, Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 31: 1-397.
  27. ^ NICOLAY Alan Sloan (1919) A list of the Buprestidae and Cerambycidae taken on Long Island, Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, New York 14 (2): 63-72.
  28. ^ CHAGNON G. (1917) A preliminary List of the Insects of the Province of Quebec. Part III. Coleoptera, 9th Annual Report of the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants, supplément 1917: 161-277.
  29. ^ STONER Dayton (1915) Notes on two beetles reared from dead wistaria sticks, Entomological News, Philadelphia 26 (3): 126-127.
  30. ^ [a b] CASEY Thomas Lincoln (1913) II - Further Studies among the American Longicornia, Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Lancaster 4: 193-388.
  31. ^ FISHER W. S. & KIRK H. B. (1912) Cerambycidae from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and vicinity, with notes (Coleop.)., Entomological News, Philadelphia 23 (7): 308-316.
  32. ^ SMITH John Bernhardt (1910) A report of the insects of New Jersey (Order Coleoptera), Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum, Trenton 1910: 1-880, 340 figs.
  33. ^ LENG Charles William (1910) Notes on Coleoptera collected on northern Georgia., Journal of the New York Entomological Society 18 (2): 71-82.
  34. ^ BLATCHLEY Willis Stanley (1910) An Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of the Coleoptera or Beetles (exclusive of the Rhynchophora) Known to Occur in Indiana - With Bibliography and Descriptions of New Species, Bulletin of the Indiana Department of Geological and Natural Resources, Indianapolis 1: 1-1386, 595 figs.
  35. ^ WICKHAM Henry Frederick (1909) A list of the Coleoptera of Iowa, Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa 6 (2): 1-40.
  36. ^ FELT Ephraim Porter (1906) Insects affecting park and woodland trees, Memoirs of the New York State Museum 8 (142): 333-877, figs 64-223 + pls 49-70.
  37. ^ CHAGNON G. (1905) Canadian Cerambycidae. The species of the past season, Entomological News, Philadelphia 16 (2): 35-36.
  38. ^ ULKE Henry (1903) A list of the Beetles of the District of Columbia., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 25 (1275): 1-57.
  39. ^ DURY Charles (1902) A revised list of the Coleoptera observed near Cincinnati, Ohio, with notes on localities, bibliographical references and descriptions of six new species, Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 20: 107-196.
  40. ^ SMITH John Bernhardt (1900) Insects of New Jersey. A list of the species occuring in New Jersey, with notes on those of economic importance (Order Coleoptera), Supplement of the 27th Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Trenton [1899]: 1-755, 328 figs, 2 maps.
  41. ^ WICKHAM Henry Frederick (1898) The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec, The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 30 (2): 37-44, 3 figs.
  42. ^ LENG C. W. & HAMILTON J. (1896) Synopsis of the Cerambycidæ of North America. Part III, The Lamiinæ, Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 23: 101-178.
  43. ^ BEUTENMÜLLER William (1896) Food habits of North America Cerambycidae, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 4: 73-81.
  44. ^ HAMILTON John (1895) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of southwestern Pennsylvania, with notes and descriptions, Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 22: 317-381.
  45. ^ CHITTENDEN Frank Hurlburt (1894) On the habits of some longicorns, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 3 (2): 95-102.
  46. ^ TOWNSEND Charles Henry Tyler (1893) Some notes on Michigan insects, principally Coleoptera, affecting forest trees., The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 25 (8): 201-204.
  47. ^ [a b] PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1890) Insects injurious to forest and shade trees, 5th Report of the United States Entomological Commission, Washington 7: i-viii + 1-957, 40 pls. (Bull. 7 ed.)
  48. ^ PACKARD Alpheus Spring (1881) Insects injurious to forest and shade trees, Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission 7: 1-275, 100 figs.
  49. ^ RILEY Charles Valentine (1880) Food habits of the longicorn beetles or wood borers, The American Entomologist 3 (11): 270-271.
  50. ^ HORN George Henry (1880) Notes on some genera of Cerambycidæ, with descriptions of new species., Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 8: 115-139, 1 pl.
  51. ^ POPENOE Edwin Alonzo (1877) A list of Kansas Coleoptera, Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Topeka 5: 21-40.
  52. ^ FITCH Asa (1859) Fifth report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the State of New York. Insects infesting deciduous forest trees, Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society [1858] 18: 781-854.
  53. ^ [a b c] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (19 september 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/urgleptes+querci/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  54. ^ TITAN: Cerambycidae database. Tavakilian G., 2009-05-25