



  • John Alleyn (1621-1663)
  • James Annesley英语James Annesley, 2nd Earl of Anglesey (1645-1690)
  • John Aubrey英语John Aubrey (1626-1697)
  • Sir Thomas Baines英语Thomas Baines (physician) (1622-1680)
  • Peter Ball英语Peter Ball (physician) (1638-1675)
  • Ralph Bathurst英语Ralph Bathurst (1620-1704)
  • John Beale英语John Beale (writer) (1613-1683)
  • George Berkeley英语George Berkeley, 1st Earl of Berkeley (1628-1698)
  • 约翰·勃肯赫德爵士 (1616-1679)
  • Richard Boyle英语Richard Boyle (MP) (?-1665)
  • William Brereton英语William Brereton, 3rd Baron Brereton (1632-1680)
  • Robert Bruce英语Robert Bruce, 1st Earl of Ailesbury (1626-1685)
  • David Bruce英语David Bruce (physician) (1657-1690)
  • Sir Edward Bysshe英语Sir Edward Bysshe (1615-1679)
  • 第九代阿蓋爾伯爵阿奇博爾德·坎貝爾 (1629-1685)
  • William Cavendish英语William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of Devonshire (1617-1684)
  • 威廉·卡文迪许,第一代德文郡公爵 (1641-1707)
  • Walter Charlton英语Walter Charlton (1620-1707)
  • Timothy Clarke英语Timothy Clarke (?-1672)
  • Sir John Clayton (?-1710)
  • John Clotworthy英语John Clotworthy (?-1665)
  • Daniel Colwall英语Daniel Colwall (?-1690)
  • James Compton英语James Compton, 3rd Earl of Northampton (1622-1681)
  • 第一代沙夫茨伯里伯爵安東尼·阿什利-柯柏 (1621-1683)
  • Edward Cotton (1616-1675)
  • Thomas Coxe英语Thomas Coxe (1615-1685)
  • Thomas Coxe (1640-?)
  • John Crawford-Lindsay (1596-1678)
  • John Creed (?-1701)
  • William Croone英语William Croone (1633-1684)
  • Sir John Denham英语Sir John Denham (1615-1669)
  • Sir Kenelm Digby英语Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665)
  • 约翰·德莱顿 (1631-1700)
  • Andrew Ellis (?-1673)
  • Sir George Ent英语Sir George Ent (1604-1689)
  • William Erskine英语William Erskine (master of Charterhouse) (?-1685)
  • 约翰·伊夫林 (1620-1706)
  • Sir Francis Fane英语Francis Fane (royalist) (1612-1681)
  • Nicasius le Febure英语Nicasius le Febure (1610-1669)
  • Sir John Finch英语John Finch (ambassador) (1626-1682)
  • Sir Henry Ford英语Henry Ford (secretary of state) (1617-1684)
  • Sir Alexander Fraizer英语Alexander Fraizer (1610-1681)
  • William Gomildon (?-1691)
  • Theodore Haak英语Theodore Haak (1605-1690)
  • William Hammond英语William Hammond (FRS) (約1635–約1685)
  • Sir Edward Harley英语Sir Edward Harley (1624-1700)
  • Christopher Hatton英语Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton (1605-1670)
  • Sir James Hayes英语James Hayes (Prince Rupert's secretary) (?-1693)
  • Thomas Henshaw英语Thomas Henshaw (alchemist) (1618-1700)
  • Nathaniel Henshaw英语Nathaniel Henshaw (1628-1673)
  • William Hoare (?-1666)
  • William Holder英语William Holder (1616-1698)
  • 罗伯特·胡克 (1635-1703)
  • Sir John Hoskins英语Sir John Hoskins (1634-1705)
  • Charles Howard (1630-1713)
  • 克里斯蒂安·惠更斯 (1629-1695)
  • Sir Justinian Isham英语Sir Justinian Isham, 2nd Baronet (1611-1675)
  • Richard Jones英语Richard Jones, 1st Earl of Ranelagh (1641-1712)
  • Sir Andrew King (?-1678)
  • Sir Ellis Leighton英语Sir Ellis Leighton (?-1685)
  • Sir James Long英语Sir James Long, 2nd Baronet (1617-1692)
  • Anthony Lowther英语Anthony Lowther (died 1693) (1641-1693)
  • John Lucas (1606-1671)
  • Christopher Merrett英语Christopher Merrett (1614-1695)
  • Edward Montagu英语Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich (1625-1672)
  • Henry Mordaunt英语Henry Mordaunt, 2nd Earl of Peterborough (1624-1697)
  • Sir Anthony Morgan英语Anthony Morgan (politician) (1621-1668)
  • Caspar Needham (1622-1679)
  • William Neile英语William Neile (1637-1670)
  • Sir Thomas Nott英语Sir Thomas Nott (1606-1681)
  • Henry Oldenburg英语Henry Oldenburg (1617-1677)
  • Philip Packer英语Philip Packer (1618-1686)
  • Dudley Palmer (1617-1666)
  • Robert Paston英语Robert Paston (1631-1683)
  • John Pell英语John Pell (1611-1685)
  • Sir William Persall (1601-?)
  • Peter Pett英语Peter Pett (1610-1672)
  • Sir Peter Pett (1630-1699)
  • Sir John Pettus英语Sir John Pettus (1613-1685)
  • Henry Pierrepont英语Henry Pierrepont, 1st Marquess of Dorchester (1607-1680)
  • Walter Pope英语Walter Pope (1627-1714)
  • Francis Potter英语Francis Potter (1594-1678)
  • Thomas Povey英语Thomas Povey (1615-1702)
  • Henry Power英语Henry Power (1623-1668)
  • Sir Richard Powle英语Sir Richard Powle (1628-1678)
  • Henry Powle英语Henry Powle (1630-1692)
  • Henry Proby (1646-1664)
  • William Quatremain英语William Quatremaine (1618-1667)
  • Sir Charles Scarburgh英语Sir Charles Scarburgh (1615-1694)
  • Sir James Shaen (?-1695)
  • Henry Slingsby英语Henry Slingsby (Master of the Mint) (1621-1688)
  • George Smyth (1629-1702)
  • Samuel Sorbiere英语Samuel de Sorbiere (1615-1670)
  • Sir Robert Southwell英语Sir Robert Southwell (1635-1702)
  • Thomas Sprat英语Thomas Sprat (1635-1713)
  • Alexander Stanhope英语Alexander Stanhope (1638-1707)
  • Thomas Stanley英语Thomas Stanley (author) (1625-1678)
  • Sir John Talbot英语John Talbot (1630-1714) (1630-1714)
  • Sir Gilbert Talbot英语Gilbert Talbot (courtier) (1607-1695)
  • Christopher Terne英语Christopher Terne (1620-1673)
  • Sir Samuel Tuke英语Sir Samuel Tuke, 1st Baronet (?-1674)
  • Victor Beaufort Vabres de Fresars (1663-1674)
  • Cornelius Vermuyden (1627-1693)
  • Edmund Waller英语Edmund Waller (1606-1687)
  • 約翰·沃利斯 (1616-1703)
  • Seth Ward英语Seth Ward (bishop of Salisbury) (1617-1689)
  • Edward Waterhouse英语Edward Waterhouse (FRS) (1619-1670)
  • Daniel Whistler英语Daniel Whistler (1619-1684)
  • Sir Joseph Williamson英语Sir Joseph Williamson (1633-1701)
  • 托马斯·威利斯 (1621-1675)
  • Francis Willughby英语Francis Willughby (1635-1672)
  • John Winthrop英语John Winthrop the Younger (1606-1676)
  • Thomas Wren (1633-1679)
  • Matthew Wren (1629-1672)
  • Sir Peter Wyche英语Peter Wyche (diplomat) (1628-1699)
  • Sir Cyril Wyche英语Cyril Wyche (1632-1707)
  • Edmund Wylde英语Edmund Wylde (1618-1695)
  • William Wynde英语William Wynde (1647-1722)


  1. ^ "Fellows of the Royal Society (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", Royal Society. "Fellowship from 1660 onwards (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" (xlsx file on Google Docs via the Royal Society)
皇家学会院士列表英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society
  • 1660
  • 61
  • 62
  • 63
  • 64
  • 65
  • 66英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1666
  • 67英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1667
  • 68英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1668
  • 69英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1669
  • 70英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1670
  • 71英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1671
  • 72英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1672
  • 73英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1673
  • 74英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1674
  • 75英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1675
  • 76英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1676
  • 77英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1677
  • 78英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1678
  • 79英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1679
  • 80英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1680
  • 81英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1681
  • 82英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1682
  • 83英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1683
  • 84英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1684
  • 85英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1685
  • 86英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1686
  • 87英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1687
  • 88英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1688
  • 89英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1689
  • 90英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1690
  • 91英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1691
  • 92英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1692
  • 93英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1693
  • 94英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1694
  • 95英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1695
  • 96英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1696
  • 97英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1697
  • 98英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1698
  • 99英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1699
  • 1700英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1700
  • 1701英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1701
  • 02英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1702
  • 03英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1703
  • 04英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1704
  • 05英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1705
  • 06英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1706
  • 07英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1707
  • 08英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1708
  • 09英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1709
  • 10英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1710
  • 11英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1711
  • 12英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1712
  • 13英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1713
  • 14英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1714
  • 15英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1715
  • 16
  • 17英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1717
  • 18英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1718
  • 19英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1719
  • 20英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1720
  • 21英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1721
  • 22英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1722
  • 23英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1723
  • 24英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1724
  • 25英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1725
  • 26英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1726
  • 27英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1727
  • 31英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1731
  • 32英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1732
  • 71英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1771
  • 73英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1773
  • 78英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1778
  • 79英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1779
  • 84英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1784
  • 87英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1787
  • 88英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1788
  • 89英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1789
  • 92英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1792
  • 93英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1793
  • 94英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1794
  • 95英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1795
  • 96英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1796
  • 98英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1798
  • 99英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1799
  • 1800英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1800
  • 1801英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1801
  • 02英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1802
  • 05英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1805
  • 09英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1809
  • 11英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1811
  • 15英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1815
  • 17英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1817
  • 19英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1819
  • 20英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1820
  • 29英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1829
  • 39英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1839
  • 49英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1849
  • 57英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1857
  • 59英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1859
  • 69英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1869
  • 79英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1879
  • 80英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1880
  • 81英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1881
  • 89英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1889
  • 90英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1890
  • 91英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1891
  • 92英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1892
  • 93英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1893
  • 94英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1894
  • 95英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1895
  • 96英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1896
  • 97英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1897
  • 98英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1898
  • 99英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1899
  • 1900英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1900
  • 1901英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1901
  • 02英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1902
  • 03英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1903
  • 04英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1904
  • 05英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1905
  • 06英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1906
  • 07英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1907
  • 08英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1908
  • 09英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1909
  • 10英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1910
  • 11英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1911
  • 12英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1912
  • 13英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1913
  • 14英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1914
  • 15英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1915
  • 16英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1916
  • 17英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1917
  • 18英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1918
  • 19英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1919
  • 20英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1920
  • 21英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1921
  • 22英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1922
  • 23英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1923
  • 24英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1924
  • 25英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1925
  • 26英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1926
  • 27英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1927
  • 28英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1928
  • 29英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1929
  • 30英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1930
  • 31英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1931
  • 32英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1932
  • 33英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1933
  • 34英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1934
  • 35英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1935
  • 36英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1936
  • 37英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1937
  • 38英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1938
  • 39英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1939
  • 40英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1940
  • 41
  • 42英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1942
  • 43英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1943
  • 44英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1944
  • 45英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1945
  • 46英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1946
  • 47英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1947
  • 48英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1948
  • 49英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1949
  • 50英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1950
  • 51英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1951
  • 52英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1952
  • 53英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1953
  • 54英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1954
  • 55英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1955
  • 56英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1956
  • 57英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1957
  • 58英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1958
  • 59英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1959
  • 60英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1960
  • 61英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1961
  • 62英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1962
  • 63英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1963
  • 64英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1964
  • 65英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1965
  • 66英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1966
  • 67英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1967
  • 68英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1968
  • 69英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1969
  • 70英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1970
  • 71英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1971
  • 72英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1972
  • 73英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1973
  • 74英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1974
  • 75英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1975
  • 76英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1976
  • 77英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1977
  • 78英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1978
  • 79英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1979
  • 80英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1980
  • 81英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1981
  • 82英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1982
  • 83英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1983
  • 84英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1984
  • 85英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1985
  • 86英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1986
  • 87英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1987
  • 88英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1988
  • 89英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1989
  • 90英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1990
  • 91英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1991
  • 92英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1992
  • 93英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1993
  • 94英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1994
  • 95英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1995
  • 96英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1996
  • 97英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1997
  • 98英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1998
  • 99英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1999
  • 2000
  • DEF英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society D,E,F
  • GHI英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society G,H,I
  • JKL英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society J,K,L
  • MNO英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society M,N,O
  • PQR英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society P,Q,R
  • STUV英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society S,T,U,V
  • WXYZ英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society W,X,Y,Z
  • 皇家学会女会士列表
  • Founder英语List of Founder Fellows of the Royal Society
  • Original英语List of Original Fellows of the Royal Society
  • Health and Human Sciences英语List of Fellows of the Royal Society (Health and Human Sciences)