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eight hundred and eighty-eighth識別種類整數性質質因數分解 {\displaystyle } 2 3 × 3 × 37 {\displaystyle 2^{3}\times 3\times 37} 表示方式值888算筹希腊数字ΩΠΗ´ 羅馬數字DCCCLXXXVIII 泰文数字๘๘๘在维基数据编辑孟加拉数字৮৮৮在维基数据编辑印度數字८८८在维基数据编辑摩尔斯电码− − − · · − − − · · − − − · ·在维基数据编辑高棉數字៨៨៨在维基数据编辑 二进制1101111000(2)三进制1012220(3)四进制31320(4)五进制12023(5)八进制1570(8)十二进制620(12)十六进制378(16)



888是一个纯位数(由相同位元重复而组成的自然数)[1] 888 3 = 700227072 {\displaystyle 888^{3}=700227072} 是所有的每一个数字各出现3次的数中最小的立方数[2],同时也是唯一一个3个不同的数恰好分别出现3次的立方数[3]。另外,888是所有能被24整除而且数字和是24的数中最小的数[4],同时也是其中一个同时能被其数字和以及其各个位上的数字整除的一个数[5]

888也是一个实际数practical numbers),意味着其本身可以用他的所有不同的因子(包括它本身)的和来表示[6]



基督数秘术中,888代指耶稣,有时又特别代指“救世主基督”(Christ the Redeemer)。这种表示方法一说来源于将耶稣的名字的原文所对应的数字相加而得出[7],另一说称这个数字与兽名数目666的意义正好相反[8]




  1. ^ Sloane, N.J.A. (编). Sequence A010785 (Repdigit numbers, or numbers with repeated digits). The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. 
  2. ^ Sloane, N.J.A. (编). Sequence A052071 (a(n)^3 is the smallest cube whose digits occur with the same frequency n). The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. 
  3. ^ Khovanova, Tanya, Number Gossip (PDF), Gathering for Gardner, 2008 [2015-12-08], arXiv:0804.2277可免费查阅, (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-12-09) 
  4. ^ Sloane, N.J.A. (编). Sequence A002998 (Smallest multiple of n whose digits sum to n). The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. 
  5. ^ Sloane, N.J.A. (编). Sequence A051004 (Numbers divisible both by their individual digits and by the sum of their digits). The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. 
  6. ^ Nombres pratiques. Jean-Paul Davalan. Jeux et Mathématiques. [2013-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-13) (法语). 
  7. ^ Dudley, Underwood, Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, MAA Spectrum, Cambridge University Press: 105, 1997 [2015-12-08], ISBN 9780883855249, (原始内容存档于2014-06-30) 
  8. ^ Cheiro, Book Of Fate And Fortune: Numerology And Astrology, Orient Paperbacks: 60, 2005 [2015-12-08], ISBN 9788122200461, (原始内容存档于2014-06-30) 
  9. ^ Ratzan, Lee, Understanding Information Systems: What They Do and Why We Need Them, American Library Association: 202, 2004 [2015-12-08], ISBN 9780838908686, (原始内容存档于2013-05-11) 
  10. ^ Hooker, John, Working Across Cultures, Stanford University Press: 191, 2003 [2015-12-08], ISBN 9780804748070, (原始内容存档于2013-05-11)