Northern yellow bat

Species of bat

Northern yellow bat
Conservation status

Least Concern  (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Chiroptera
Family: Vespertilionidae
Genus: Lasiurus
L. intermedius
Binomial name
Lasiurus intermedius
(H. Allen, 1862)
Distribution of the Northern Yellow bat (2009)

The northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) is a non-migratory bat in the family Vespertilionidae, typically active year-round except during abnormally frigid winter weather, during which they will induce torpor.


The northern yellow bat is larger than the southern yellow bat, and has an average body length of 14 cm, weight of 14-31 g, and a wing span of 35–41 cm. Its body fur ranges in color from yellow-orange to gray-brown, and is dark tipped. Wing membranes are generally darker than the body, and forearms are light. Unusually for lasiurine bats, only the front half of the tail membrane is furred, and this species also lacks white markings on the shoulders and wrists.[2]

Distribution and habitat

Primarily found along the coastal regions of the southeastern United States and eastern Texas, Cuba, coastal Mexico, and Central American countries of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. This is the most abundant bat species in some regions of Florida. This species has a few occurrence records from Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.[2]

This species typically inhabits wooded areas near permanent water sources or coastal habitats with Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) or palm trees.[2] In the southeastern United States, D. intermedius distribution almost always coincides with Spanish moss, which they use for both roost and maternity sites.[3] Bats roost within the Spanish moss itself or beneath the dead hanging fronds of fan palm trees.[2] A single palm tree or live oak tree draped in Spanish moss may be home to several individuals year-round, and multiple pregnant and lactating females may form a maternity colony, despite the solitary nature of most lasiurine bats. One study found bats favored Sand live oaks (Quercus geminata) with an average roost height of 2.23 m above the ground and 1.57 m above the nearest vegetation. The average length of a roost was 0.98 m and the average width was 0.44 m. Clumps of Spanish moss used for roosting sites were 2-3 times larger than clumps of unused Spanish moss in the area. All roosts were within 1 m of the sandy road and less than 11 m from a lake. These bats frequently changed their roost site. In August 2003, a male northern yellow bat was found roosting on the underside of a partially dead frond of cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) along the edge of Lake August on a residential lawn in Florida. The cryptic coloration of this species makes it difficult to spot on the brown frond of a palm.[4]


Mating occurs during flight in the fall (and occasionally winter), and although females may have three or four embryos in the spring, typically only twins are born in late May or early June. If their maternity roost is disturbed, mother yellow bats will pick up their pups and carry them to a safer roost. Baby bats become volant (able to fly) between June and August, and will form evening feeding aggregations with adult females while adult males remain solitary.[3]

Diet and foraging behavior

This species is most commonly seen at dusk, foraging around street lamps or over golf courses. Lasiurus intermedius prefers foraging in open areas, typically 5–7 meters (17–23 feet) above the ground usually in areas with minimal shrubs and scattered clumps of trees, above grassy regions (such as airports, pastures, golf courses, lake edges), and along forest edge. The majority of their diet is composed of true bugs, flies, mosquitoes, beetles,[3] leafhoppers, flying ants, and on rare occasions, damselflies and dragonflies.[2]


Removal of Spanish moss and old palm fronds, which are necessary for this species to roost and reproduce in, has reduced their reproductive rate. This species is also threatened by residential mosquito spraying.[2]

This species is not affected by white-nose syndrome, although the causative fungal agent, Pseudogymnoascus destructans has recently been found within their range.


  1. ^ Miller, B. & Rodriguez, B. (2008). "Lasiurus intermedius". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 7 February 2010.{{cite iucn}}: old-form url (help)
  2. ^ a b c d e f "Lasiurus intermedius". Bat Conservation International.
  3. ^ a b c Harvey, M.J.; Altenbach, J.S.; Best, T.L. (1999). Bats of the United States. ISBN 1421401916.
  4. ^ Hutchinson, J.T. (2006). "Bats of Archbold Biological Station and Notes on Some Roost Sites". Florida Field Naturalist. 34 (2): 48–51.

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  • v
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  • e
Species of subfamily Vespertilioninae
  • Hoary bat (A. cinereus)
  • Big red bat (A. egregius)
  • Hawaiian hoary bat (A. semotus)
  • A. villosissimus
Heller's serotine (A. helios)
  • Banana serotine(A. nanus)
  • Pallid bat (A. pallidus)
  • Arielulus
    • Collared pipistrelle (A. aureocollaris)
    • Black-gilded pipistrelle (A. circumdatus)
    • Coppery pipistrelle (A. cuprosus)
    • Social pipistrelle (A. societatis)
    • Necklace pipistrelle (A. torquatus)
    • Western barbastelle (B. barbastellus)
    • Beijing barbastelle (B. beijingensis)
    • Eastern barbastelle (B. darjelingensis)
    • Asian barbastelle (B. leucomelas)
    • Van Gelder's bat (B. dubiaquercus)
    • Large-eared pied bat (C. dwyeri)
    • Gould's wattled bat (C. gouldii)
    • Chocolate wattled bat (C. morio)
    • New Caledonia wattled bat (C. neocaledonicus)
    • Hoary wattled bat (C. nigrogriseus)
    • Little pied bat (C. picatus)
    • New Zealand long-tailed bat (C. tuberculatus)
    • Mexican big-eared bat (C. mexicanus)
    • Rafinesque's big-eared bat (C. rafinesquii)
    • Townsend's big-eared bat (C. townsendii)
    • Southern yellow bat (D. ega)
    • Cuban yellow bat (D. insularis)
    • Northern yellow bat (D. intermedius)
    • Western yellow bat (D. xanthinus)
    • E. anatolicus
    • Little black serotine (E. andinus)
    • Bobrinski's serotine (E. bobrinskoi)
    • Botta's serotine (E. bottae)
    • Brazilian brown bat (E. brasiliensis)
    • E. chiriquinus
    • Diminutive serotine (E. diminutus)
    • Surat serotine (E. dimissus)
    • Horn-skinned bat (E. floweri)
    • Argentine brown bat (E. furinalis)
    • Big brown bat (E. fuscus)
    • Gobi big brown bat (E. gobiensis)
    • Guadeloupe big brown bat (E. guadeloupensis)
    • Long-tailed house bat (E. hottentotus)
    • Harmless serotine (E. innoxius)
    • E. isabellinus
    • E. japonensis
    • Kobayashi's bat (E. kobayashii)
    • E. lobatus
    • Sind bat (E. nasutus)
    • Northern bat (E. nilssonii)
    • E. ognevi
    • E. pachyomus
    • Thick-eared bat (E. pachyotis)
    • Lagos serotine (E. platyops)
    • Serotine bat (E. serotinus)
    • E. taddeii
    • Sombre bat (E. tatei)
    • Spotted bat (E. maculatum)
    • Disk-footed bat (E. denticulus)
    • Chocolate pipistrelle (F. affinis)
    • Western false pipistrelle (F. mackenziei)
    • Pungent pipistrelle (F. mordax)
    • Peters's pipistrelle (F. petersi)
    • Eastern false pipistrelle (F. tasmaniensis)
    • Allen's striped bat (G. alboguttata)
    • Silvered bat (G. argentata)
    • Beatrix's bat (G. beatrix)
    • Curry's bat (G. curryae)
    • Bibundi bat (G. egeria)
    • Glen's wattled bat (G. gleni)
    • Allen's spotted bat (G. humeralis)
    • Kenyan wattled bat (G. kenyacola)
    • Machado's butterfly bat (G. machadoi)
    • Abo bat (G. poensis)
    • Variegated butterfly bat (G. variegata)
    • G. aquilus
    • G. bucephalus
    • Javan thick-thumbed bat (G. javanus)
    • Common thick-thumbed bat (G. tylopus)
    • Blanford's bat (H. blanfordi)
    • False serotine bat (H. doriae)
    • Gaskell's false serotine (H. gaskelli)
    • Tickell's bat (H. tickelli)
    • Large false serotine (H. tomesi)
    • Strange big-eared brown bat (H. alienus)
    • H. diaphanopterus
    • Humboldt big-eared brown bat (H. humboldti)
    • Thomas's big-eared brown bat (H. laephotis)
    • Big-eared brown bat (H. macrotus)
    • Southern big-eared brown bat (H. magellanicus)
    • Small big-eared brown bat (H. montanus)
    • Tropical big-eared brown bat (H. velatus)
    • H. alaschanicus
    • H. anthonyi
    • Arabian pipistrelle (H. arabicus)
    • Desert pipistrelle (H. ariel)
    • H. bemainty
    • Cadorna's pipistrelle (H. cadornae)
    • Broad-headed pipistrelle (H. crassulus)
    • Long-toothed pipistrelle (H. dolichodon)
    • Eisentraut's pipistrelle (H. eisentrauti)
    • Brown pipistrelle (H. imbricatus)
    • Joffre's pipistrelle (H. joffrei)
    • Red-brown pipistrelle (H. kitcheneri)
    • Lanza's pipistrelle (H. lanzai)
    • Burma pipistrelle (H. lophurus)
    • Big-eared pipistrelle (H. macrotis)
    • Mouselike pipistrelle (H. musciculus)
    • Chinese pipistrelle (H. pulveratus)
    • Savi's pipistrelle (H. savii)
    • Vordermann's pipistrelle (H. vordermanni)
    • Great evening bat (I. io)
    • Allen's big-eared bat (I. phyllotis)
    • Angolan long-eared bat (L. angolensis)
    • Botswanan long-eared bat (L. botswanae)
    • Namib long-eared bat (L. namibensis)
    • De Winton's long-eared bat (L. wintoni)
    • Silver-haired bat (L. noctivagans)
    • L. arequipae
    • L. atratus
    • Desert red bat (L. blossevillii)
    • Eastern red bat (L. borealis)
    • Tacarcuna bat (L. castaneus)
    • Jamaican red bat (L. degelidus)
    • Hairy-tailed bat (L. ebenus)
    • Western red bat (L. frantzii))
    • Minor red bat (L. minor)
    • Pfeiffer's red bat (L. pfeifferi)
    • Saline red bat (L. salinae)
    • Seminole bat (L. seminolus)
    • Cinnamon red bat (L. varius)
    • Moloney's mimic bat (M. moloneyi)
    • Dark-brown serotine (N. brunnea)
    • Cape serotine (N. capensis)
    • Yellow serotine (N. flavescens)
    • N. grandidieri
    • Tiny serotine (N. guineensis)
    • N. isabella
    • Isalo serotine (N. malagasyensis)
    • Malagasy serotine (N. matroka)
    • Melck's house bat (N. melckorum)
    • Rendall's serotine (N. rendalli)
    • N. robertsi
    • Rosevear's serotine (N. roseveari)
    • Somali serotine (N. somalica)
    • N. stanleyi
    • White-winged serotine (N. tenuipinnis)
    • Zulu serotine (N. zuluensis)
    • Pied bat (N. superba)
    • Birdlike noctule (N. aviator)
    • Azores noctule (N. azoreum)
    • Nyctalus furvus (N. furvus)
    • Greater noctule bat (N. lasiopterus)
    • Lesser noctule (N. leisleri)
    • Mountain noctule (N. montanus)
    • Common noctule (N. noctula)
    • Chinese noctule (N. plancyi)
    • Schlieffen's bat (N. schlieffeni)
    • Temminck's mysterious bat (N. aenobarbus)
    • Cuban evening bat (N. cubanus)
    • Evening bat (N. humeralis)
    • Northern long-eared bat (N. arnhemensis)
    • Eastern long-eared bat (N. bifax)
    • N. corbeni
    • N. daedalus
    • Lesser long-eared bat (N. geoffroyi)
    • Gould's long-eared bat (N. gouldi)
    • Sunda long-eared bat (N. heran)
    • Lord Howe long-eared bat (N. howensis)
    • N. major
    • Small-toothed long-eared bat (N. microdon)
    • New Guinea long-eared bat (N. microtis)
    • New Caledonian long-eared bat (N. nebulosus)
    • Tasmanian long-eared bat (N. sherrini)
    • Mount Missim long-eared bat (N. shirleyae)
    • Greater long-eared bat (N. timoriensis)
    • Pygmy long-eared bat (N. walkeri)
    • Desert long-eared bat (O. hemprichii)
    • Otonycteris leucophaea (O. leucophaea)
    • Western pipistrelle (P. hesperus)
    • Eastern pipistrelle (P. subflavus)
    • New Guinea big-eared bat (P. imogene)
    • Rohu's bat (P. brachypterus)
    • Japanese house bat (P. abramus)
    • Forest pipistrelle (P. adamsi)
    • Mount Gargues pipistrelle (P. aero)
    • Anchieta's pipistrelle (P. anchietae)
    • Angulate pipistrelle (P. angulatus)
    • Kelaart's pipistrelle (P. ceylonicus)
    • Greater Papuan pipistrelle (P. collinus)
    • Indian pipistrelle (P. coromandra)
    • P. dhofarensis
    • Egyptian pipistrelle (P. deserti)
    • Endo's pipistrelle (P. endoi)
    • P. hanaki
    • Dusky pipistrelle (P. hesperidus)
    • Aellen's pipistrelle (P. inexspectatus)
    • Java pipistrelle (P. javanicus)
    • Kuhl's pipistrelle (P. kuhlii)
    • Madeira pipistrelle (P. maderensis)
    • Minahassa pipistrelle (P. minahassae)
    • Christmas Island pipistrelle (P. murrayi)
    • Tiny pipistrelle (P. nanulus)
    • Nathusius's pipistrelle (P. nathusii)
    • Lesser Papuan pipistrelle (P. papuanus)
    • Mount Popa pipistrelle (P. paterculus)
    • Dar es Salaam pipistrelle (P. permixtus)
    • Common pipistrelle (P. pipistrellus)
    • Soprano pipistrelle (P. pygmaeus)
    • P. raceyi
    • Rüppell's pipistrelle (P. rueppellii)
    • Rusty pipistrelle (P. rusticus)
    • Narrow-winged pipistrelle (P. stenopterus)
    • Sturdee's pipistrelle (P. sturdeei)
    • Least pipistrelle (P. tenuis)
    • Watts's pipistrelle (P. wattsi)
    • Northern pipistrelle (P. westralis)
    • P. ariel
    • Brown long-eared bat (P. auritus)
    • Grey long-eared bat (P. austriacus)
    • Ethiopian big-eared bat (P. balensis)
    • P. begognae
    • Christie's big-eared bat (P. christiei)
    • P. gaisleri
    • P. homochrous
    • Kolombatovic's long-eared bat (P. kolombatovici)
    • P. kozlovi
    • Alpine long-eared bat (P. macrobullaris)
    • Ognev's long-eared bat (P. ognevi
    • Japanese long-eared bat (P. sacrimontis)
    • Sardinian long-eared bat (P. sardus)
    • P. strelkovi
    • Taiwan big-eared bat (P. taivanus)
    • Canary big-eared bat (P. teneriffae)
    • P. turkmenicus
    • P. wardi
    • Yucatan yellow bat (R. aeneus)
    • Allen's yellow bat (R. alleni)
    • Bickham's little yellow bat (R. bickhami)
    • Genoways's yellow bat (R. genowaysi)
    • Slender yellow bat (R. gracilis)
    • Husson's yellow bat (R. hussoni)
    • Thomas's yellow bat (R. io
    • Menchu's little yellow bat (R. menchuae)
    • Tiny yellow bat (R. minutilla)
    • Least yellow bat (R. mira)
    • Little yellow bat (R. parvula)
    • Black-winged little yellow bat (R. tumida)
    • R. velilla
    • Rüppell's broad-nosed bat (S. rueppellii)
    • White-bellied lesser house bat (S. albigula)
    • Light-winged lesser house bat (S. albofuscus)
    • Hinde's lesser house bat (S. hindei)
    • Dark-winged lesser house bat (S. hirundo)
    • Desert yellow bat (S. pallidus)
    • Harlequin bat (S. ornatus)
    • S. alvenslebeni
    • Andrew Rebori's house bat (S. andrewreborii)
    • Lesser yellow bat (S. borbonicus)
    • Sulawesi yellow bat (S. celebensis)
    • Sody's yellow house bat (S. collinus)
    • African yellow bat (S. dinganii)
    • Ejeta's house bat (S. ejetai)
    • Greater Asiatic yellow bat (S. heathii)
    • Lesser Asiatic yellow bat (S. kuhlii)
    • White-bellied yellow bat (S. leucogaster)
    • Livingstone's house bat (S. livingstonii)
    • Marovaza house bat (S. marovaza)
    • Schreber's yellow bat (S. nigrita)
    • S. nigritellus
    • Robbins's yellow bat (S. nucella)
    • Nut-colored yellow bat (S. nux)
    • Robust yellow bat (S. robustus)
    • S. tandrefana
    • Trujillo’s house bat (S. trujilloi)
    • Greenish yellow bat (S. viridis)
    • Inland broad-nosed bat (S. balstoni)
    • Little broad-nosed bat (S. greyii)
    • Eastern broad-nosed bat (S. orion)
    • Northern broad-nosed bat (S. sanborni)
    • Dormer's bat (S. dormeri)
    • T. fulvida
    • T. malayana
    • Lesser bamboo bat (T. pachypus)
    • Pygmy bamboo bat (T. pygmaeus)
    • Greater bamboo bat (T. robustula)
    • T. tonkinensis
    • Inland forest bat (V. baverstocki)
    • Northern cave bat (V. caurinus)
    • Large forest bat (V. darlingtoni)
    • Yellow-lipped bat (V. douglasorum)
    • Finlayson's cave bat (V. finlaysoni)
    • Eastern forest bat (V. pumilus)
    • Southern forest bat (V. regulus)
    • Eastern cave bat (V. troughtoni)
    • Little forest bat (V. vulturnus)
    • Parti-coloured bat (V. murinus)
    • Asian particolored bat (V. sinensis)
    Taxon identifiers
    Lasiurus intermedius
